THe Spirituall Temple of the New Testament, the New Jerusalem which came downe from heaven, the Bride prepared for the Lambe, the Lord Jesus the Christ, Revel. 21. 2. may not be unfitly compared to the materiall Temple of Jerusalem, in the letter, whose foundation stone was of earth; whose materials were hewen stones, compacted into one edifice or Tem [...]le: the furniture thereof was an Altar, a Sacrifice, and a Priesthood; [Page 2] who were made after the law of a carnall Commandement, Heb. 7. 16. which was typicall, and was not to continue for ever; but onely to the time of Reformation, and then the glory of it should vanish away. In which materiall Temple, none must come thither to worship, but the circumcised Jewes and Proselytes; for the uncircumcised and unclean were an abomination, and must not enter in at the gates thereof; Ezek. 44. 6, 7. And for the defects the people of Israel and Judah committed in their worship, so long as they continued in their integrity, the high Priest went once every yeare into the Holy of Holiest, and that not without bloud, to offer up for himselfe, and for the errours of the people, Heb. 9. 7. Yea, and great were the priviledges that belonged to the Jewish Church: To them (saith Paul) pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of God, and [Page 3] the promises: Who are the fathers, and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever, Amen. Rom. 9▪ 4 5. But Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, by a greater and a more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not made of this building, Heb. 9. 11. reareth up a spirituall structure, or house.
1. Whose Foundation was the living stone, who hath life in himselfe, Jesus the Christ, 1 Cor. 3. 11. Seeing other foundation no man can lay, save that is laid, Jesus the Christ, 1 Pet. 2. 4. For there is salvation in none other, Acts 4. 12.
2. The spirituall Materialls are such as are borne of water and of the Spirit, Joh. 3. 5.
Quest. Who are they which are born of the Spirit?
Answ.Such men and women as through a Gospel Ministry are brought to beleeve, and manifest by their confession, that Jesus who was crucified, [Page 4] dead, and risen, is the Christ, is borne of God, 1 Joh. 5. 1. For no man can say (that is, confesse) that Jesus is the Lord, but by the holy Spirit: and being born of water, they are manifested to be lively stones, that have received life from Jesus the Christ, the living stone, 1 Pet. 2. 4. and fit spirituall materialls, to be set into the spirituall house, 1 Pet. 2. 5.
Quest. 3. What is the Forme of this spirituall house?
Answ. Union: They which gladly received the word were baptized, and were added unto the Church (and so were compacted into one spirituall house, whereof Jesus the Christ is Lord: Heb. 3. 6. But Christ as a Sonne over his owne house, whose house are we, if wee hold fast the confidence, and the rejoycing of the hope firme unto the end:) And these continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, in breaking of bread, and prayers, &c.Act 2. 41, 42.
The Furniture of this spirituall [Page 5] [...]ouse of the new Testament, where [...]f Jesus the Christ is the King, Priest [...]nd Prophet, is a Priesthood, Sa [...]rifice, and an Altar; but all spiri [...]all.
1 First, The Priests, whether they [...]e Male or Female, they are all [...]ne in Christ, Gal. 3. 28. Yea, every [...]ember of this spirituall house are [...]ade Kings and Priests to God the Fa [...]her,Revel. 1. 6. Yea, and the whole Church united into a body, is a cho [...]n Generation, a royall Priesthood, an [...]oly Nation, a peculiar People; that they [...]ould shew forth the vertues of him that hath called them out of darknesse into [...]is marvellous light: Which in times [...]ast were not a [...]eople, but are now the people of God, 1 Pet. 2. 9, 10.
2 Secondly, The Sacrifices that [...]ese Priests offer, are all spiri [...]uall.
1. Psal. 141. 3.The first is Prayer, which the [...]pirit of Christ formeth in the heart [...]f a beleever, whereby hee layeth [...]pen all his spirituall and temporall [Page 6] wants unto God his Father, in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ, through whom hee hath received a promise to bee heard, and to have his request granted; Joh. 16. 23, 24.
2. Secondly, Praise is a spirituall sacrifice, offered up unto God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name, Heb. 13. 15. Which is done by praising God in Psalmes, and Hymnes, and spirituall Songs, which the Spirit o [...] Christ formeth in us, to sing, and make melody in our hearts to th [...] Lord, Ephes. 5. 19. Col. 3. 16.
Quest. What is a Psalme?
Answ. It is a rehearsall of those special [...] mercies and particular experience [...] that the Lord hath done for a beleever, when his soule was brough [...] into great adversity; and when the Lord delivered him, the Spirit o [...] God in the dayes of his mirth bringeth into his mind, and causeth him with heart and lips to blesse th [...] [Page 7] Lord in the Congregation, for his mercies received.
Thus Hannah, that was barren, [...]he Lord made to keep house, and [...]o be the joyfull mother of a sonne, [...]ingeth her song of praise, 1 Sam. 2. [...]. My heart rejoyceth in the Lord, my [...]orne is exalted in the Lord, my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because [...] rejoyce in thy salvation.
Mary the mother of Jesus singeth her Magnificat; My soule doth magnifie the Lord, and my spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour,Luk. 1. 46, 47.
So when the Lord had made good unto old Zacharias what hee had foretold him concerning his sonne John, Luk. 1. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. being filled with the Spirit, breaketh forth into his Eucharistia of praise, Luk. 1. 68. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for hee hath visited and redeemed his people.
Yea, and old aged Simeon singeth his Nunc dimittis, Lord, let thy servant depart in peace; for mine [Page 8] eyes have seene thy salvation.
Nay, King David upon his har [...] warbles out the speciall mercies and favours, and deliverances Go [...] had done for his soule, Psal. 103 Blesse the Lord, O my soule, and [...] within mee blesse his holy Name. Bles [...] the Lord, O my soule, and forget [...] all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thi [...] iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with lovin [...] kindnesses, and tender mercies, & [...] Nay, the Psalmist exhorteth th [...] Traveller, the sicke man, and th [...] Mariner, to praise God for thei [...] speciall mercies received; Psal. 107.
Hence (holy Paul saith) I will pra [...] with the spirit, and I will pray wit [...] understanding also: I will sing wit [...] the spirit, and I will sing with under [...]standing also. Else, when thou shal [...] blesse with the spirit, how shall he whic [...] occupieth the roome of the unlearned▪ say, Amen, at thy giving of thanks? [...] Cor. 14. 15, 16. So that to sing [Page 9] blesse, and give thanks, in the language of holy Scripture, is all one.
Hence, as spirituall Prayer is a Sacrifice, Psal. 141. 2. offered up unto God our Father in the name of Christ, to comfort, solace, and cure a sad and grieved spirit; so spirituall praise is a Sacrifice, tendered to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Christ, Heb. 13. 16. by a merry and rejoycing Spirit, for the speciall mercies and blessings spirituall, and temporall, that the Lord hath bountifully bestowed on him. According to that of the Apostle Iames, Is any afflicted amongst yo [...], let him pray? Is any merry amongst you, let him sing? James 5. 13.
3 3. Thirdly, Sacrifice, is a bro [...]en and a contrite heart for his sins, and his dayly failings he hath committed against a crucified Jesus: when God powreth upon his people the Spirit of grace and supplication, Zech. 12. 10. The more the Spirit of Christ openeth the eyes [Page 10] of their spirituall understanding, to looke up by faith upon a Jesus, who for their sinnes was peirced, the more will their hearts bee pierced with godly sorrow for their sinnes, which bringeth repentance to salvation, never to be repented of, 2 Cor. 7. 10, 11. and to loath themselves in their owne eyes, for all their spirituall and corporall abominations, Ezek. 36.
Hence beleeving David the King, that sorrowed after a godly manner, for all his iniquities, said, The sacrifices of God are a troubled spirit: A broken and contrite heart for sinne, o [...] God, thou wilt not despise, Psalm 51. 17.
4. Sacrifice; is a free, ready, and cheerefull contribution to the poor [...] and needy members of Christ Hebr. 13. 16. To doe good and distribute forget not, for with such a sacrifice God is well pleased, Phil. 4. 18.
5. Sacrifice; is an holy life, which the Spirit of Christ formeth [Page 11] in us. Rom. 12. 1. I beseech you brethren upon the mercifulnesse of God, that yee present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 1 Cor. 6. 20. Yee are bought with a price; glorifie God therefore in body and spirits which are Gods.
3 Thirdly, The Altar, that sanctifieth the person and the Sacrifice, and maketh them both acceptable unto God, Is Jesus the Christ. 1 Pet. 2. 5. Yee also as lively stones (that have received life from Jesus the living stone) are built up a spirituall house, and holy Priest-hood to offer up spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.
To this Spirituall House, or Church of the New Testament, gathered according to the royall Commission of King Jesus, Matth. 28. 18, 19, 20. as the Churches in Judea, in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, &c. were constituted. The Promises were made:
[Page 12] 1 First, that God would bee a Father to all those that did obey his voice, and come out from among the Jewes, Heathens, and Gentiles, and separate from their false waies, and superstitious worship, and touch not the uncleane thing, and he will receive you; And yee shall be his Sonnes and Daughters, saith the Lord, the Almighty, 2 Corinth 6. 17, 18.
2 Secondly, for all the defects that these commit against his Spirituall worship, they have this promise; The bloud of Iesus Christ, his Sonne, clenseth them from all their sinnes, 1 Iohn 1. 7. 1 Iohn 2. 1, 2.
Thirdly, So many as have been b [...]ptized into the name of the Lord Jesus; (that is, into the profession of Faith that the Apostles taught, to wit, that men should beleeve in a Crucified, dead, and risen Jesus, whom God hath exalted to be Lord and Christ) had the promise of receiving the gifts of the holy Spirit.
[Page 13] Quest.How prove you that to this Faith and Baptisme, the gift of the holy Spirit was granted.
Answ. Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus, for the remission of sinnes, and yee shall receive the g [...]fts of the holy Spirit.For the promise (of giving the holy Spirit) is to you, and to your children, (as Joel the Prophet foretold;) I will powre out my spirit upon all flesh; and your Sonnes and Daughters shall prophesie; and your old men shall dreame Dreames; and your young men shall see V [...]sions, and also upon the servants, and upon the handmaides, in those daies I will powre out my spirit,Joel 2. [...]8, [...]9. And all that are a farre off, even so many as the Lord our God shall call,verse 29. and to the twelve in Asia [...]he promise was made good, Acts 19. 5, 6, 7. And when this Spirit is come, he will guid thee into all truth; for he shall not speake of himselfe: but whatsoever he shall heare, that shall [...]ee speake, and he will shew them things to [Page 14] come,John 16. 13. Yea to be to the whole Church, as a River that shall make glad the City of God, Psal. 46. 4. compared with John 7. 37. If any man thirst, let him come to me and drinke; vers. 38. Hee that beleeveth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters. Vers. 39. (But this he spake of the Spirit, that they that beleeve on him shall receive: For the holy Spirit was not yet given, because that Jesus wa [...] not yet glorified.)But when Jesus was by the right hand of his Father exalted, he received of the Father th [...] promise of the holy Spirit; He [...] hath shed forth this, which you now se [...] and heare,Acts 22. 33.
A Fourthly, All things that ar [...] lost and accursed to mankinde by the fall of the first Adam: are restored and sanctified to the use o [...] the beleevers, in and by the second Adam, Jesus the Christ. All thing [...] are yours: Whether Paul, or Apollo▪ or Cephas, or the world, or life, or [Page 15] death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and yee are Christs, and Christ is Gods, 1 Cor 3. 21, 22, 23. Hence the unbeleeving wife is sanctified to the use of the beleever: And shee being an unbeleever dwelling with the beleeving husband is sanctified, to bring forth an holy Seed to the use of the beleever: though the childe be borne in sinne, and by nature the child of wrath, as the most prophanest Pagans are, Psal. 51. 5. Ephes. 2. 3. Void of understanding, not able to distinguish betwixt good and evill: Yet, Titus 1. 15 Unto the pure, all things are pure: Nay, the meat and drinke and the Creature which God hath created, are sanctified to his use; 1 Tim, 4. 3, 4, 5. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused; If it bee received with thankesgiving: For it is sanctified by the Word and Prayer.
Quest.What Priviledge hath the unbeleeving party, by dwelling and abiding [Page 16] with the beleever?
Answ. Great is the Priviledge, if he, or shee, will abide; for living under them, where the holy Spirit breatheth, and his lips drop as the honey combe; the sweet precious treasure of the Gospell of grace; What knowst thou, oh thou beleeving husband, whether God will not make thee instrumentall to save thy wife? though an unbeleever: Or what knowest thou, oh thou beleeving wife? whether God will not make thee instrumentall to save thy husband? 1 Cor. 7. 16. And when hee is converted, hee will blesse God for you, (as David did for Abigail, in another case) Blessed be the Lord for you, and blessed be your good counsell, for you have been an instrument to convert a soule from the errour of his way, and save a soule from death, and hide a multitude of transgressions.
Quest.Is it not a greater Priviledge for an Infant to be borne of a beleever, [Page 17] then to be borne of a Jew, a Turke, or an Heathen?
Answ. yea; For the Children borne of beleevers are brought up in holy instruction, 1▪ Tim. 3. 15. and education from their childe-hood (as young Timothy was taught in the Scriptures from his youth, by his mother Eunice) seeing it is the charge, the holy Spirit hath laid upon beleeving Parents: Ephes. 6. 4. Fathers provoke not your children to wrath; But bring them up in the nurture and feare of the Lord. Whereas if their Parents were Jewes, and Turkes, and Heathens, the Parents being without Christ, being Aliants from the Common-wealth of Israel; and strangers from the covenant of Promise, having no hope, and without God in the world, Ephes. 2 12. Their children brought up with them, follow after Superstitious vanities; and ferve dumbe Idolls, as their Teachers, and Fathers led them, [...] Cor. 12. 1.
[Page 18] Fiftly, They are people live under precious promises: And hee hath promised, that the eye of his providence shall bee over them, all their dayes for good: He biddeth them not distract themselves with immoderate carking care: Mat. 6. 25. For what they shall eate, or what they shall drinke, or yet for their bodies, what they shall put on.
Reasons Christ giveth are two.
Reas. 1. First, Your heavenly Father knoweth yee have need of all these things.
2 Secondly, But seeke yee first the Kingdome of God, and his righteousnesse; and all these things shall be added unto you, Matth. 6. 33.Now the members of the Church of Christ, gathered according to Christs Institution, Matth. 28. 18, 19, 20. are the Children of the Kingdome; and under the Promise, that God, as a Father, will provide for them; Therefore they are exhorted to bee carefull for nothing: But in every thing, by Prayer, and Supplications, [Page 19] with thankesgiving, let their request be made knowne unto God, Philip. 4. 6.Hence the Apostle exhorteth the Church of [...]he Hebrewes; Let your conversation bee without covetousnesse; and bee content with such things as yee have: For he hath said, I will never faile thee, nor forsake thee: So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper. And I will not feare what man shall doe unto me, Hebr. 13. 5, 6.
Sixtly, They are under the promise of Audience, whensoever they come to petition in the name of his Sonne Jesus the Christ, for what they want, be they few or many: Matth. 18. 19. I say to you, that if two of you (beleevers baptized) agree in earth, as touching any thing that they shall aske, It shall bee done for them of my Father in Heaven. Vers. 20. For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, (that is, by his Power, Authority, and Royall Commission, he hath promised his presence) there am I in the midst of [Page 20] them; to heare and returne them an answer to their request; yea, and to protect and preserve his Church, gathered in every Age, to the ends of the world. Thus at the Prayer of the Church, that was reproched, for holding forth the Faith of Jesus; the gift of the holy Spirit was given, to speake the Word of God with boldnes, Acts 4. 31. At the earnest suit and intercession the Church made unto God, Peter the Apostle was released out of his Imprisonment, and brought to the house where they were praying, Acts 12.
7 Seventhly, Lastly, there is no Society hath such Priviledges, as this Spirituall Ho [...]se, which is constituted according to the Magna Charta of the Gospel, Matth. 28. 18, 19, 20. Marc. 16. 15, 16. though while they are in the Wo [...]ld, they are for the Faith of Jesus the Christ killed all the day long (either in their good names, by r [...]proch, and [...]lander; or in their estates, by the [Page 21] [...]ighty Nimrods of these oppres [...]ng daies, they are exposed to plun [...]er and spoiling, which they are to [...]ake patiently, Hebr. 10. 32. or in [...]heir Liberties to be imprisoned, for [...]ontending for the Faith of Jesus [...]he Christ, 1 John 5. 1. Once given [...]nto the Saints, or forbid to preach [...]ny more in his name, as the Apo [...]tle Peter was, Acts 4 18. or to have [...]heir lives taken violently f [...]om [...]hem, as James the Apostle was by [...]he Tyrant Herod, Acts 12. 2. 3. And accounted, But as sheepe for the slaughter, (regarded no more by the Wolves in sheepes clothing, then the bloudy Butcher regardeth the life of his sheepe;) yet the poorest member amongst them is rich in faith, and heire of the Kingdome which God hath promised to them that love him, James 2. 5. Yea, and the whole body of beleevers, walking in that faith and order, Christ hath prescribed, with perseverance in the faith unto the ende, shall be more then conquerours, [Page 22] through him that loved them, Rom. 8. 36.
Yea, next to the Paradise of glorie; there is no Society like to this Spirituall Corporation of Saints, where the Lord will dwell in the middest of them, and give them light: Hence was the beloved Apostles Utinam, Oh that you had fellowship with us, 1 John 1. 3.
Object. Why was it such a Priviledge?
Answ. Truly, our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Sonne Jesus Christ: So that the Father, Sonne, and holy Spirit, and Saints, make up but one Society, or Family, where God will dwell, to comfort and solace them: the good Angels their guard, to protect and save them (as they did once the Prophet Elisha from the troop of the Aramites, 2 King. 6. 17.) seeing they pitch their tents round about them that feare him, Psal. 34. 7. And are sent forth to be ministring Spirits, to minister unto them that are heires of salvation, Heb. 1. 14. [Page 23] And when they die, they resigne their spirits to God that gave them, as the Proto-Martyr Stephen did, Lord Jesus receive my spirit, Acts 7. 59. to remaine in the mansion prepared for the spirits of just men departed. So that happy are the people that are in such a case; yea, blessed are those Churches that have the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for their God.
Quest. What is the Antichristian faith?
Answ.It is to deny that Jesus (whom they confesse dyed to take away the sinnes of the world) is the Christ.
Quest. How prove you that?
Answ. 1 Joh. 2. 22. Who is a liar, ( viz. borne of the evill one, who is a liar, and the father of lies, and abode not in the truth, Joh. 8. 44.) but hee that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ? (viz. the eternall King, Prophet, Priest of his Church, bought with his owne bloud) hee is Antichrist (an enemy and an adversary to Jesus the Christ) that denyeth the Father and [Page 24] the Sonne. For he that denyeth the Sonnes authority, to be the eternall King and Prophet of the Church of the New Testament, to the end of the world, according to the royall Commission hee received from the Father of glory, when hee raised him from the dead, Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. compared with Mar. 16. 15, 16. aswell as his eternall Priest, that ever liveth to make intercession to God for him, Heb. 7. 25. hee denyeth the Father that sanctified the Sonne, and sent him into the world, Joh. 10. 36. and raised him from the dead, and exalted him to be Lord and Christ, Act. 2. 36. Ephes. 1. 20, 21, 22, 23.
Quest. What Congregations deny that Jesus is the Christ?
Answ.Even all such as build their house upon the hay and stubble of mans inventions, and not upon the precious stone, Jesus the Christ, in whom onely salvation is found, Act. 4. 12.
Of which sort of builders are these:
[Page 25] The first sort are those that build their house upon the person of Peter, and so successively upon the P [...]pe. These the Spirit of God discovereth to be foolish builders▪ because there is no salvation in Peter, nor Pope: the Apostle Peter himselfe being the Judge to decide the controversie, Acts 4. 11. Peter speaking of Jesus the Christ, saith, This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders▪ which is become the head of the corner. Ver. 12. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given amongst men, whereby wee must be saved.
The second sort are those that build their house upon the Office of Peter, and so successively on the Officers: So that if the Officers united into a body in Councell erre, the whole Church that receiveth their faith, from their Edicts and Decrees, erre also. Now, that Councells may erre, and have erred, in things appertaining to God, [Page 26] appeareth in the 21. Article of the Church of England, by Law established; as appeareth. Adoration of Images was established in the second Generall Councell of Nice. The Popish Clergy were advanced above all earthly Princes, by the Councell of Lateran. And Priests prohibited to marry, which is honourable amongst all men, Heb. 13. 4. by the said Councell. The late Trident Councell erred in many things grosly; as in exalting the traditions of men to be of equall authority with the word of God; Trident. Sess. 4. Decret. Together with the invocation of creatu [...]es. Or any other Councell, that should decree, that grace cometh by generation; or, Beleevers should beget beleevers: or, Christians beget Christians: then the whole Church that build their faith upon such corrupt Councells may erre also.
The third sort are all those that build their house upon another mans [Page 27] faith, and not basing or laying the foundation aright, on the Gospel faith; to wit, to beleeve in a crucified, dead, and risen Jesus, whom God hath exalted to be the Christ: If they erre in the object of their faith, Jesus the Christ, though they owne him to be Jesus their eternall Priest, to make intercession to God for them; yet if they deny him their eternall King and Prophet, in all his outward institutions, in admitting of members into his spirituall Kingdome, they build but on a sandy foundation, and not on the sure rock Jesus the Christ.
These Congregations, when the storme of Gods ind [...]gnation bloweth upon them, it will faile them▪ because they were so foolish as to build upon the sand, Mat. 7. 26. and not upon the immoveable rock Jesus the Christ; seeing other foundations no man can lay, save that is laid, Jesus the Christ, 1 Cor. 3. 11. Paul calleth him, The corner stone, Ephes. 2. 20. [Page 28] Peter, The living stone, 1 Pet. 2. 4. Yea, The chiefe corner stone, elect and precious: hee that beleeveth on him shall not be confounded, 1 Pet. 2 6. Vnto you that beleeve (in Jesus the Christ, hee i [...] precious, 1 Pet. 2. 7.
Now, the true Spouse of Christ can have no communion with such as deny Jesus the Christ their onely Rock, in whom salvation onely i [...] found, Act. 4. 12.
First, Because shee is a loyal [...] Spouse, that hath no head, no husband, no Lord, no Law-giver, in things appe [...]taining to the conscience, but royall King Jesus: no [...] will admit any other pretende [...] Spouse to have fellowship with h [...]r▪ that is partly governed by the wor [...] of Christ, and pa [...]tly with the chaff [...] and straw of their owne traditions, in Gods spirituall worship, or in admitting of m [...]mbers into his spirituall house: Knowing, that in so doing shee should be found to be a Monster, that hath two heads; o [...] [Page 29] else like to that proud harlot R [...]me, that hath a divided heart, that goeth a whoring after two husb [...]nds; Christ, and Antichrist.
Secondly, This loyall Spouse her love toward her husband the Lord Jesus the Christ, is tender and compassionate love; shee cannot endure to heare her husband should bee spoyled of any of his royall dignities, either his Kingly or Propheticall, as well as Priestly Offices: Shee cannot with harlot Rome bee content with a divided Christ; but with the true mother shee must joyn onely with them that will have a whole Christ, or no Christ. Christ her King, and his Commission to bee eternall, Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. Christ her Prophet, whose voyce shee must onely heare; as the Father of glory hath given her in charge to doe, Mat. 17. 5. Yea, and the extent how farre, in all things, whatsoever hee shall say; Act. 3. 22. Knowing, the danger followeth, [Page 30] her soule shall be cut off from his people, Act. 3. 23. reckoned no sheep of his fold, Joh. 10. no Spouse of her royall husband, Ephes. 5. 24. as well as her eternall Priest, to make intercession for her, Heb 7. 25. because shee knoweth, Christ divided, becometh no Christ to the divider: And this, according to the Vulgar Latine, is solvere Jesum, to dissolve Jesus, to receive him onely in part, and not in the whole; which is the spirit of Antichrist, &c.
Lastly, The Christian Church, Christs loyall Spouse, knoweth that her royall husband is jealous of his glory, and will not endure his Worship should be corrupted with the inventions of man; therefore shee deserteth the communion of all such as have forsaken Christ, the fountaine of living waters, and dig to themselves cisternes, broken cisternes, that will hold no water. Hence it is as possible for light and darknesse to agree in one subject, and the [Page 31] Temple of God, and I [...]ols: as the Church that hath Christ for her head, and the Word to bee the rule of her Doctrine, and Government. And those Congregations that are governed, partly by the Word of Christ, and partly by their owne T. aditions, should have communion together.
Quest.But have Gods Elect in Babylon any power of themselves to returne out of the Land of their spirituall Captivity under Antichrist.
Answ. Nay: Untill God enlighten them, that are darke; and quicken them that are dead, and cause them to returne, by being obedient to a Gospel Ministery: as formerly he brought in our fore-fathers, which were Gentiles aswell as wee, and strangers from the common-wealth of Israel, and Aliants from the covenant of Promise, having no hope, and without God in the world, by opening their blind eyes: and turning them from darkenesse to light; and [Page 32] from the power of Satan, unto God; that they might receive the remission of their sinnes, and an inheritance amongst them which are sanctified by Faith in Christ Jesus, Acts 26. 18. Now as many as shall bee obedient to the voice of the Lord, will be unequally yoaked no more with unbeleevers, but wil become obedient unto the voice of the holy Spirit, and come out from amongst them, and be separate; and touch no more any of the uncleane thing; and then the Lord will make good his promise: To be a Father unto you, and yee shall be his Sonnes and Daughters. Having therefore these Promises (dearely beloved) Let us clense our selves (even so many poore Iaphets, as God shall perswade to dwell in the Tents of Shem;) from all filthynesse, both of the flesh, and of the spirit, perfecting holynesse in the feare of the Lord, 2 Cor. 6. 14, 17, 18. Chap. 7, Object. 1.
If all Churches come out of Babylon [Page 33] by degrees; then you condemn all Churches that are not of your judgement?
Answ. 1. We condemne no Churches that are built upon the tryed stone: the precious Corner Stone; the sure Foundation, Esay 28. 16. Jesus the Christ. Seeing other foundation can no man lay, save that is layd Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 3. 11. Whom Paul calleth the corner stone, Ephes. 2. 20. Peter, the living stone, 1 Pet. 2. 4. Yea, the chiefe corner stone, elect and precious, 1 Pet. 2. 6. For there is salvation in none other, Acts 4. 12.
2 And that holdeth the Gospell Faith: namely, that they beleeve in a crucified, dead, and risen Jesus (through whom they obtaine remission of sinnes) whom God hath exalted to be Lord, and Christ, viz. eternall King▪ Priest▪ and Prophet, and head of the body of his Church, Ephe. 1. 22, 23. which must be preached among all Nations; beginning at Jerusalem, Luke 24. 46, 47, 48. And [Page 34] constituted according to the Commission given to the Apostles, Math. 28. 19, 20. which is left as a rule for the g [...]thering of all Churches, to the ends of the World; seeing the Word of Christ is eternall. The word of the Lord endureth for ever; and this is the Word, which by the Gospell is preache [...] unto you, 1 Pet. 1. 25. Yea, and after their apostasie, under the spirituall Babylonish captivity, to reforme any errour crept into the Churches of the old and new Testament: It was their holy custome, to reduce all things to their first Institution: Quod primum verum, th [...]t which was first is true, according to ertullians j [...]dgement. For instance, so [...] David in the miscarriage of the Arke of God, 1 Chro. 15. 2. 12. 13. And it was zealous Iosiahs rule (whom the Spirit of God so comme [...]deth in Scripture, that none was like before him for his Reformation) 2 Chr [...] 34 31. The like example tooke Nehemiah after [Page 35] his returne from the Babylonish Captivity, Neh. 10. 29. To observe all the Commandements of the Lord, and the Statutes which Moses the servant of the Lord gave them to keepe. So in reforming of the particular Churches of the New Testament, whereof Jesus the Christ is head, King, and Prophet (if ever they be rightly brought out of their Spirituall Babylonish captivity under Antichrist) we must reforme all the Innovations, as the Lord Jesus himselfe reformed the long-spread errour of Bygamie and Polygamy. Non fuit sic ab initio, From the beginning it was not so, Matth. 19. 7, 8. Yea, and we must so follow Paul (as he followed Christ, 1 Cor. 11. 1.) in reforming the abuses crept into the Church of Corinth, reducing all things to the first Institution: With a what I r [...]ceived from the Lord, that I delivered unto you, 1 Cor. 11. 23.
2 We condemne none that are comming out of Babylon, that make enquiry [Page 36] after truth (as the daughters of Ierusalem did of the Spouse, Cant. 5. 9. What is thy beloved more then another beloved; oh thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more then others beloveds, that thou dost so charge us? And tru [...]h being r [...]vealed to them, joyne with us in the practise of truth, (as the Daughters of Ierusalem did with the Spouse, Cant. 6. 1. Whither is thy beloved gone, oh thou fairest among women? Whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seeke him with thee?) The Spouse giveth them a gentle, and a loving direction, Cant. 6. 2. My beloved is gone into his garden, to gather Spic [...]s: to feed in the garden, and to gather Lillies.
3 But wee onely condem [...]e those that deny Jesus the Christ (though they owne him their eternall Priest, that ever liveth, to make intercession to God for them Hebr. 7. 25.) yet they deny him their King and P [...]ophet in all his outward administrations, in admitting of members into his [Page 37] Spirituall Kingdome; stablished [...]ccording to Christs eternall Commission, Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. and are [...]uil [...] upon wood, hay, and stubble, 1 Cor. 3. 12. Now though these pre [...]end to come out of Babylon, yet they persecute, scof [...]e▪ and deride all poore weake enq [...]i [...]ing soules, for seeking after the pure wayes of that spirituall Worship, that Jesus the Christ hath appointed, and established in all the Churches of the Saints, gathe [...]ed according to the P [...]imitive▪ pattern Act. 2. 41 42, 43. as the watchman [...]id the Spouse, Cant. 5. 7.
4 Wee condemne onely those that sinne through a wilfull contempt; because the ev [...]ll of their halfe-way Reformation is discovered by them, whom God hath raised up to declare his truth in an evill day. Now, when these sorts of men shall bee so farre from repenting of all the evill that they have done to the servants of the Lord Jesus, in this kind, that they still persevere in persecuting [Page 38] them for the truth they deliver, (as the Jewes did of old the Lord Jesus, and their own Prophets, as it is written, 1 Thes. 2. 14. For yee, brethren, became followers of the Churches of God, which in Judea are in Christ Jesus; for yee have also suffered like things of your owne countrymen, even as they of the Jewes: Verse 15. Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their owne Prophets, and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men; Ver. 16. Forbidding us to preach to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, that they may fill up the measure of their owne iniquity, that the wrath of God may come upon them unto the uttermost.) Upon these sorts of men, not we, but the Lord Jesus hath set this dreadfull doome, This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darknesse rather then light, because their deeds are evill. For every one that doth evill, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, least his deeds should bee dis [...]overed, [Page 39] John 3. 19, 20.
5 Not wee, but the good Spirit of [...]ur God condemneth all those that [...]inger after false and Antichristian wayes: When Babylons down-fall [...]s pronounced, R [...]vel. 14. 8. Babylon [...]s fallen, it is fall [...]n, that great City; because shee made all nations drunk with [...]he wine of her fornications. V 9. Af [...]er that followed a third Angel, that cryed with a loud voyce saying, if any man (be hee high or low, rich or poore, noble or ignoble, bond or free, male or female) worship the Beast (that Antichrist of Rome, that exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or worshipped) or his Image, (that is, his Government, that receive their power and ju [...]isdiction from, in, or under him) or his mark, (viz. his Canons, Constitutions, Edicts▪ or Decrees) into their hands, (viz. to fight, or write in the defence of them) or into their foreheads, (to plead or preach for them) mark their doome, The same (not [Page 40] that doe it ignorantly through un [...]belie [...]e, that are mislead by thei [...] Teachers; but they which sinn against knowledge, obstinately to defend their Antichristian practices [...] shall drink of the wine of the wrath o [...] God, which is poured out without mix [...]ture into the cup of his indignation, an [...] they shall be tormented with fire an [...] brimstone in the presence of the hol [...] Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb [...] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they hav [...] no rest day nor night, who worship th [...] Beast and his image, and receive th [...] mark of his name, Revel. 14. 10, 11 [...] The good Lord of his great mercy grant to all those that belong to his election (that linger after false and Antichristian wayes and practices) repenting hearts, to forsake their sinnes, that none of that evill threatned fall upon them. Amongst which marks of the Beast, Is not the decree of Pope Innocentius the third? Decret. Gregor. lib. 3. [Page 41] [...]it. 42. cap 3. as Doctor Willet in his Synopsis Papismi de baptismo infanti [...]m, citeth: That whereas Circum [...]ision (by the commandement of God) was conferred upon the in [...]ants as well as the elder sort; so Baptisme also, which succeedeth in [...]he roome thereof, and is more generall to men and women, must [...]e conferred to both. By which Decree, the Nations in name and title have been christianized, (though [...]n the power they have denyed it) and have killed many a precious Saint, under the brand of Hereticks, for opposing it: whereby, the inhabitants of the earth have beene made drunk with the wine of her fornication, Revel. 17. 2.
But the Spirit of God describeth the true Church, after Babylons down-fall, Revel. 14. 12. Here is the patience of Saints: here are they which keep the commandements of God, and the faith of Jesus. And is it not a commandement of God, that all [Page 42] Churches should be gathered according to the Commission of King Jesus? Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. Mar. 16 [...] 15, 16.
6 Wee onely condemne those Churches (that persecute Christ in his members, from city to city, (as Saul did, Act. 26. 9, 10.) fo [...] keeping the commandements o [...] God, and the faith of Jesus, Mat [...] 16. 16. 1 Joh. 5. 1.) as no true Churches of Christ; but rather Synagogues of Satan: for, no hurtful thing shall be in the holy mountaine [...] Esay 65. 25. The wolfe and the lam [...] shal [...] fold together; and the lion shall eat straw like an oxe; and the dust shall the serpent eat: They shall not destroy in all my holy mountaine, saith the Lord [...] As likewise, Esay 11. 6, 7, 8, 9.
7 If the Churches that men now contend for (coming out of Babylon by degrees) should crucifie Christ in his members, for contending for the faith of Jesus the Christ, once given to the Saints, Mat. [...]6. [Page 43] 16, 17, 18. yea, reproach, whip, crop, and persecute them, for holding the Commission of their royall Master Jesus the Christ, Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. that Antichrist by his Decretals, and Popish Councels, hath defaced, (as of late the Arch-Prelate of England did some Worthies, that stood for a Reformation according to the light God discovered unto them) then they in such an estate were no true Churches of Christ; but Congregations that are hardened, and speake evill of the way before the multitude, and are to be separated from, Act. 19. 9.
But if they be meek, and gentle, peaceable, and willing to bee instructed, inquiring after truth, it being discovered by the true Spouse (whom God hath enlightened to direct them,) wee contemne not those daughters; but rejoyce in their fellowship, tender them as lambes of Christ, that have a longing [Page 44] desire to be added to that sheepfold, whereof▪ Jesus is the true shepherd; though as yet ignorant of the way of truth in many things▪ But as for the neutrall party, tha [...] are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarme, God will spue them out o [...] his mouth, Revel. 3. 15, 16.
Quest.Whether the Church of Chris [...] is not now to be recovered out o [...] an Antichristian estate, that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ, 1 Joh [...] 2, 22. and crucifieth Christ in hi [...] members; as the Church of the New Testament in the Apostolicall times, was gathered out of th [...] Nationall Church of the Jewes (that was of old once a true state untill they crucified Jesus the Christ in his humane nature; whom God raised from the dead, and exalted him to be Lord and Christ, Act. 2. 36.) i [...] God shall by his Gospel-Ministery wound and prick their hearts for their sinne of crucifying Christ in his members, that confesse the faith [Page 45] [...]f Jesus the Christ, 1 Joh. 5. 1. (as [...]ee did once the Jewes that crucifi [...]d the Christ, their Messias, in his [...]wne person, Acts 2. 37.) so that [...]ey trembling cry out, Men and [...]ethren, what shall we doe?
Answ.Must not the Reply bee that [...]oyce that the holy Spirit spake by [...]e mouth of Peter, Repent, and be [...]aptized every one [...] you in the name of Jesus for the remission of sinnes: [...]nd yee shall receive the gift of the ho [...] Spirit. For the promise is to you, and [...] your children, and to them that are [...]farre off, even so many as the Lord [...] God shall call. And with many other words hee said, (and must not [...]ee doe so likewise? seeing what [...]oever things [...]ere written afore-time, were written for our learning, Rom. 15. [...].) Save your selves from this unto [...]ard generation. Seeing the same wrath is fallen on them (as was on [...]he Jewes, for killing the Lord Jesus [...]nd their owne Prophets, 1 Thes. 2. 14, 15, 16.) seeing they crucifie [Page 46] Christ in his members, that contend for the faith of Jesus the Chris [...] (as Paul did, Act. 9.) Now so many as shall gladly receive this word and be baptized, shall be saved from wrath; as Noah and his family were saved in the Ark, from perishing by water; seeing it is written, by th [...] like figure Baptisme saveth, 1 Pet. 3 [...] 20, 21.
Reas. 1. The Reason is, first, Because th [...] time of our ignorance God hath winke [...] at; but now(seeing light is come and truth is revealed) the Lord Jesus commandeth us every where to re [...]pent, &c.Acts 2. 38. Else our con [...]demnation will be heavie, Joh. 3▪ 19, 20. This is t [...]e condemnation, ligh [...] is come, and men love darknesse mor [...] then light, because their deeds are evill, &c.
2 Secondly, Because we have with Paul and the Jaylor, in the time o [...] our ignorance, beaten and perse [...]cuted Jesus the Christ in his mem [...]bers, that contend for the faith [Page 47] 1 Joh. 5. 1. and wee though within our selves we ought to doe something contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth (as Paul did in the time of his ignorance, Act. 26. 9.) If God shall by his good Spirit convince us of the evills that wee have done, so as that we trembling cry, Men and brethren, what shall we doe? Must not the reply be, Repent? &c. Act. 2. 38. Else, shall they not be disobedient to the voyce of the Spirit that speaketh? seeing Paul and the Jaylor arose and were baptized, Acts 9. 18. & 16. 33.
Reas. 3. Thirdly, Because there is no promises of salvation to be found in the Antichristian states, that deny Jesus the Christ, 1 Joh. 2. 22. The Reasons are,
1 First, Because all the promise of God are made over to them onely that beleeve in Jesus the Christ, 2 Cor▪ 1. 20. Hee that beleeveth in the Sonne of God hath life, and he that beleeveth not in the Sonne of God, hath not life; [Page 48] but the wrath of God abideth on him,John 3. 36.
2 Secondly, Till we did beleeve in Jesus Christ, we were (in respect of any visible calling) without Christ; being Aliants from the Common-wealth of Israel, and strangers from the Covenant of Promise; having no hope, and without God in the world.But once beleevers in Christ, Yee who were sometime afarre off, are made nigh by his bloud, and through him have accesse by one Spirit unto the Father. And are no more strangers and forraigners: but fellow-citizens with the Saints, and of Gods houshold, &c. Ephes. 2. 12, 13. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
3 Thirdly, Because they in denying the Sonnes authority to bee the King and Prophet of his Church in all his outward administrations, in admitting members into his spirituall kingdome, Math. 28. 19. 20. though they own him their Priest, that ever liveth to make reconciliation to God for them, Hebr. 7. 25. They [Page 49] deny the Father, that sanctified the Sonne, and sent him into the world, and raised him from the dead, and exalted him to be the Lord and Christ, Act. 2. 36. Ephes. 1. 20, 21, 22.
4 Fourthly, Because the Antichristian state deny the Sonne, 1 Iohn 2. 22, 23. Whom the Father of glory commandeth us to heare, Math. 17. 5. Yea, and the Apostle Peterciting the Testimony of Moses, saith, Truely Moses said to the Fathers, The Lord your God will raise up a Prophet from the midst of your bretheren, like unto me; him shall yee heare in all things whatsoever he shall say: and the danger followeth. It shall come to passe, that every soule which refuseth to heare the voice of that Prophet, that soule shall be cut off from his people, Acts 3, 22, 23.
The Reasons are these.
First, If Jesus the Christ bee not our Prophet to teach us, hee will not be our King to protect us: Math. 28. 10. Teach them, saith Christ, to [Page 50] observe, all things that I command you: And loe, I am alwaies with you to the end of the world.
2 Secondly, If Christ be no Prophet to teach us his heavenly Fathers revealed will, he wil be no Priest to intercede for us, Ioh. 17. 20. I pray not for these alone, but for all them that shall beleeve in me through their word. Now it is not their word that they speake, but what they have received from Christ to speake. Seeing it is written 2 Iohn 9. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God: but he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, hath both the Father and the Sonne. Verse 10. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrin, receive him not to house, neither bid him God speed. Verse 11. For hee that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evill deeds.
3 Thirdly, If Christ bee no Prophet to teach us: Hee will bee no Judge to acquit us. Iohn 12. 48. Hee which rejecteth mee, and rece iveth [Page 51] not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the words that I have spoken, the same shall judge us in the last day. And then like the wise Merchant, let us cast up our accouut, what it will profit us? If by denying to heare the voice of our Prophet Jesus, we gaine the world, and in the meane season loose our precious soules. Knowing the Sonne of man shortly will come to judge the world: And then they which be ashamed of him, and his words, in this sinnefull and adulterous generation, of them will the Sonne of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father▪ with all his holy Angels, Marke 8. 38.
4 Fourthly, If we joyne with them that deny Jesus the Christ, I Iohn 2. 22. and will be partakers of their sinnes, wee shall bee partakers of their plagues, Revel. 18. 4. And for our unbeliefe, in persisting to persecute them, that contend for the faith of Jesus the Christ, Math. 16▪ 16, 17, [Page 52] 18. The wrath of God abideth on them, 1 Thess. 2. 14, 15, 16.
5 Fiftly, There is no promise to any people, that deny the Faith and Baptisme of Jesus the Christ, that they waiting shall receive the gifts of the Spirit. But rather that they shall be given up of God to strong delusions, to beleeve a lye, 2 Thess. 2. 10. Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might bee saved.Verse 11. For this cause, God shall give them up to strong delusions to beleeve a lye.Verse 12. That all might bee damned that beleeve not the truth, but have pleasure to continue in unrighteous practises. 2Thess. 2 10, 11, 12.
Object. But there is a promise to all poore enquiring soules, that in the time of their ignorance and unbeliefe, have denyed Jesus the Christ, their eternall King and Prophet, aswell as Priest, and now by the Spirit of God being convicted, that they are lyars and Antichristian, [Page 53] that deny the Father and the Son, 1 Iohn 2. 22. And being pricked at the heart, now trembling, cry out, Men and brethren what shall we doe?
Answ. The Spirit of Christ in the inspired Scripture, saith: Repent, and be baptized▪ every one of you in the name of Iesus for the remission of sins, and yee shall receive the gifts of the holy Spirit,Acts 2. 38.
2 We have an instance of twelve Disciples found at Ephesus, baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and and Paul laid his hands on them, and they spake with new tongues, and Prophesied, as Ioel the Prophet foretold, Ioel 2. 28. I will powre out of my Spirit upon all flesh, &c.
Object.But were those Disciples Paul found at Ephesus (that had beene baptized by Iohn the Paptist) rebaptized by Paul?
Answ. In answering this objection, I conceive: First, there was a vast difference betweene Faith and Baptisme; Iohn preached before the [Page 54] suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ: And the Faith and Baptisine Christ commanded his Disciples to preach after his Resurrection, Luke 24. 46, 47.
Secondly, Iohn the Baptist preached the Baptisme of repentance▪ saying, that they should beleeve on him that was to come after him, Acts 19. 3, 4. Whom Christ himselfe declareth to his Apostles, being come in the flesh that he must goe up to Ierusalem, fall into the hands of sinners, bee killed, and the third day rise againe, but th [...] Disciples understood it not, though it were declared to them, and they were afraid to aske him, Mark. 9. 31, 32. Much more John understood not, that Christ should dye, and rise againe from the dead.
1 First, because it was not revealed to him, though John sent two of his Disciples to demand of him, Whether it were he that should come, or shall we looke for another? Christ answereth, Goe tell John, the blind see [Page 55] he deafe heare, the dead are raised, and the poore the Gospell is preached, and lessed is he that is not offended in me,Math. 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
2 Secondly, Christ saith of John: This was that Elias that was to come, [...]hat should prepare the way before him,Mal. 3. 1.
3 Thirdly, Hee was the greatest Prophet borne amongst women: for he saw him come in the flesh, and said to two Disciples, Behold that Lamb [...]f God which taketh away the sinnes of he world,John 1. 29. Yet hee that is he least member in the kingdom of heaven is greater then John: because after the death and resurrection of Christ, they could preach and declare that great myst [...]ry of godtinesse, 1Tim. 3. 16. that Iohn the Baptistnever knew.
But the Apostles after the resurrection of Christ, he having opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures, said unto them, That it behoveth, Christ to [Page 56] suffer, and rise againe the third day, that repentance and remission of sinnes should bee preached in his name, amongst all Nations, beginning at Ierusalem: and yee are witnesses of these things,Luke 24. 46, 47, 48.
Again, Iohn the Baptists baptisme, was the Baptisme of water onely but had no promise of the holy Spirit annexed, as himselfe confesseth, Math. 3. 11. I indeed baptize you with water to repentance: But he that commeth after mee is mightier then I▪ he shall Baptize you with the holy Spirit and with fire.
2 Secondly, The holy Spirit wa [...] not to bee given in his full measure untill Christ was glorified. Iohn 7. 39 compared with Acts 2. 33.
But to the Faith and Baptisme the Apostles preached after the death, and resurrection, and ascention of Christ into glory, there was a promise of giving the gifts of the holy Spirit, Acts 2. 38. Repent, and b [...] Baptized, every one of you in the nam [...] [Page 57] of Iesus for the remission of sinnes: and yee shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit: as the Prophet Ioel foretold, Ioel 2. 28. and the twelve at Ephesus received, Acts 19. 6.
Answ. 2. I affirme, that the twelve at E [...]hesus, that had beene Baptized by Iohn, or his Disciples Ministry, were re-baptized by Paul, or them that were with him in the time of his Ministery; for these ensuing Reasons.
Reas. 1. First, In respect of the different dispensations. The Faith and Baptisme that these twelve had received from Iohn, or his Disciples Ministerie, though it was a saving Faith all the dayes of Iohn and his Disciples Ministry, yet it was not a saving Faith after the death, and resurrection, and ascention of Christ into glory, in the time of Pauls Ministery: For Iohn and his Disciples preached the Baptisme of Repentance; saying, that they should beleeve on [Page 58] him that was to come after him▪ that was in Jesus Christ, that was to bee crucified. But Paul and Timetheus preached, that Jesus indeed is come, and crucified, dead, and risen, through whom all that beleeve shall have remission of sinnes, Acts 13. 38, 39. 1 Cor. 15. 3, 4.
Reas. 2. Secondly, Because this Faith that they had received from Iohn, or his Disciples, in the time of Pauls Ministery would not save them: Because they denyed the Resurrection of Christ from the dead: Looking onely for him to come, and to be crucified; and were ignorant that he was crucified, dead, and risen: And then according to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of Paul, 1 Cor. 15. 14. If Christ be not risen, our Faith is vaine, and our Preaching is vaine.
Reas. 3. Thirdly, If the Faith and Bap [...]isme of Iohn, that declared that there was a Jesus to come to [Page 59] bee Crucified; and the Faith and Baptimse of Paul that declareth that Christ dyed for our sins, according to the Scriptures, and rose againe the third day according to the Scripture, 1 Cor. 15. 3, 4. Be all one for substance (as some of the Learned amongst us affirme) then are wee found false witnesses of God, because wee have testified of God; that he hath raised up his Sonne Iesus Christ, whom he [...]aised not up if the Faith and Bap [...]isme of Iohn be in force at his day, [...] Cor. 15. 15.
Reas. 4, Fourthly, If the Faith and Bap [...]isme of Iohn be in force under the time of Pauls Ministery, Acts 9. 3, [...]. Then was the preaching of Paul vaine, and the faith of all that received his Gospell, (to wit, That Christ dyed for our sinnes, according to the Scriptures, and rose againe the third day, 1 Cor. 15. 3, 4.) vaine, and [...]hat they were yet in their sinnes, 1 Cor. [Page 60] 15. 16. 17. Neither were the gifts o [...] the Spirit then given: For they wer [...] not to be shed forth until Christ wa [...] risen and ascended up into glor [...] Acts 2. 33. which is blaspemous to imagine, or to divulge and declare abroad.
For these Reasons, I conceiv [...] there was a nullity of the Faith an [...] Baptisme of John, which was to continue but till the death and resur rection of Christ: And the twelve in Asia were re-baptized into th [...] Faith of a crucified, dead, and risen Jesus, whom God exalted to b [...] the Christ. And Paul layd his hand on them, and they received the hol [...] Spirit, Acts 19. 5. 6.
[...] May it not rather bee, that with Apollos, they were more fully instructed what it was to bee Baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
[...] Nay; Because there was as vast a difference, according to the distin [...]ion I formerly layd downe, be [...]weene [Page 61] the Faith and Baptisme of [...]ohn and his Disciples before the eath of Christ, and the Faith and [...]aptisme of Paul; and [...]he residue of the Apostles after the death and resurrection of Christ: As now is [...]etwixt the Jewes at this day: and [...]s that truely beleeve in Jesus the Christ, 1 Joh. 5. 1. Whosoever beleeveth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. For the Jewes at this day be [...]eeve (as John and his Disciples then taught, That they should beleeve on him that should come, Acts 19. 4.) even in that Messiiah whom they wait [...]or. And we beleeve (as Peter and Paul then taught) That Christ indeed is come, and crucified, dead, and risen, and exalted to bee the Christ, Acts 2. 36 Ephes. 1. 20, 21, 22, 23.
So that, if the Jewish Faith be not a saving Faith at this day; Seeing they looke for a Messiah to come: when indeed hee is already come, and crucified, dead, risen and ascended [Page 62] to glory; So that we wait now for a Saviour from heaven, Jesus that shall deliver us from the wrath t [...] come, 1 Thess. 1. 10. Neither coul [...] the Faith of those twelve Disciples Paul found at Ephesus bee a saving Faith in the time of his Ministery because Christ was come (though they were ignorant of it, being a that time in Asia) and had finished all those things that were written of him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalmes, Luke 24. 44. But as neither the twelve Disciples of Christ could not understand that all things were fulfilled of him: untill hee had opened their understandings, that they might understand the Scriptures: And then they rightly understood the end of his suffering, death, and resurrection: namely, That repentance, and remission of sinnes, should bee preached in his name among all Nations, beginning at Ierusalem, Luke 24. 45, 46, 47, &c. [Page 63] So neither could these twelve Paul found at Ephesus know it; because, they had not heard, whether there were any holy Spirit, yea, or nay; and so were ignorant of the death, and resurrection of Christ, untill the Lord was pleased by his good Spirit to open their understanding, by the ministery of Paul; therefore it is written, When they heard it, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, Act. 19. 5.
Object. 2. Was there any necessity that they should be Re-baptized; would not a more perfect instruction have served?
Answ. Nay: Because those twelve were departed into Asia, after they had received the Faith and Baptisme of John, and were ignorant whether there were any holy Spirit yea or nay, Acts 19. 2. Because Johns Faith and Baptisme (as I have formerly shewed) had no promise of giving the gifts of the holy Spirit, Mat. 3. [Page 64] 11. If they therefore should continue in the Faith and Baptisme they had received from John, they had no promise that waiting they should receive the gift of the holy Spirit. But to the Faith and Baptisme that Peter and the residue of the Apostles preached, there was a promise of giving the gifts of the holy Spirit, Acts 2. 38. And when these twelve which had been baptized by John, or his Disciples, heard it, they submitted them selves, and were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus; (viz. into that profession of Faith Paul preached, 1 Cor. 15. 3, 4.) And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the holy Spirit came upon them, and they spake with new tongues, and prophesied; and the men were about twelve, Acts 19. 5, 6. Such an instance likewise wee have in Samaria; Philip preaching the things concerning the Kingdome of God, and the name of Jesus [Page 65] Christ, and they were baptized both men and women, Act. 8. 12. When the Apostles which were at Hierusalem heard it, they sent Peter and John unto them: And when they were come down, they prayed, that they might receive the holy Spirit: (For as yet hee was fallen upon none of them, onely they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus) Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the holy Spirit, Acts 8. 14, 15, 16, 17. So that by the examination of these texts of holy Scripture, it appeareth to me, that these twelve that were formerly baptized by Iohn, and then afterwards by Paul were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus; and then the Lord according to his owne free promise, Acts 2. 38. gave them the gifts of his holy Spirit, by his ordinance of Imposition of hands; that the earth might bee filled with his glory, and his Church replenished with gifts meet [Page 66] for the ministery, Ephes. 4. 11, 12.
Object. 3. But was Andrew and the other Disciple Iohn baptized, Re-baptized by the Disciples of Jesus the Christ?
Answ. Nay: Because that Faith which Iohn preached and baptized into, and the Faith and Baptisme that Jesus and his Disciples preached before his sufferings, death and resurrection, was all one in substance, and to one peculiar people, the Jewish Nation. Mat. 3. 2. Iohn preached, Repent, for the kingdome of heaven is at hand. So did Jesus, Mat. 4. 17. Repent, for the kingdome of heaven is at hand. So Christ commanded the twelve, As yee goe, preach, saying, The kingdome of heaven is at hand, Mat. 10. 7. Likewise the seventy, The kingdome of heaven is come nigh unto you, Luke 10. 9. Peter and all the Disciples were ignorant of the death and resurrection of Christ, untill he was risen from the dead, Mar. 9. 31, [Page 67] 32. compared with Luk. 24. 6, 7, 8. They wait for the fulfilling of the promises as well as Iohns Disciples, Luke 24. 19, 20, 21, 22.
Object. 4. But were the twelve Disciples of Christ, and the seventy, Luk. 10. that had accompanied with him from the time of Iohns Baptisme untill the time of Christs ascension into glory, that had been baptized, were they also Re-baptized after the death and resurrection of Christ?
Answ. The Answer is, Nay: Because they had the promise of the holy Spirit to be given them, without any more baptizing with water. Acts 1. 5. Iohn truly baptized with water, but yee shall be baptized with the holy Spirit not many dayes hence. And the Lord made good his word of promise, they were filled with the holy Spirit, when the dayes of Pentecost were fully come, Acts 2. 2, 3, 4, 5. Thus I have answered the Objections.
[Page 68] Reas. 7.Because, If two Disciples of Christ agree together in earth, touching any thing that they shall ask, they have promise it shall bee done for them of his Father in heaven, Mat. 18. 19. But there is no promise to any people in faith and order, but a people agreed: Reas. 1. Because two cannot walk together unlesse they be agreed, Amos 3. 3. neither can the heart of two beleevers truly consent to pray together, unlesse they bee agreed touching the things they will ask of the Father of glory. Reas. 2. Difference of opinion causeth difference of affection, and is an occasion of many deare and precious soules to withdraw communion; as is to be seen in Barnabas and Paul, dissenting about the choyce of a companion, the contention grew so hot, that they separated the one from the other, Reas. 8. Acts 15. 37, 38, 39, 40.
Two or three Disciples of [Page 69] Christ, gathered together in his name, (that is, by his power, authority, and royall Commission) where-soever, (whether in the mountaine, or in the desert, or in ship, or in the dungeon) there will Christ be in the midst of them, to heare and grant their petitions, or deliver them out of trouble; as he did Peter out of the prison, at the intercession of the Church, Act. 12.
Reas. 9. To all such as walk in this Gospel faith and order, the Lord Jesus hath promised a greater manifestation of his presence, and Spirit, Joh. 14. 26. And John in the Island of Pathmos [...]ound it, Revel. 1. 9, 10. Yea, and to all them that love him and keep his commandements, the Father and the Sonne hath promised to owne their poor hearts to be his Temple and Palace, where hee will abide and dwell; Joh. 14. 23.
Reas. 10. Lastly, All such as are congregated [Page 80] in Gospel faith and order, have a promise from King Jesus, of Royall Protection in their greatest dangers, Heb. 13. 5, 6. So that with the Prophet Habacuck they can glory in Christ, in their greatest extremities, Hab. 3. 17, 18. Though the vine doe not yeeld her fruit, and the fatnesse of the olive faile, and the herd perish from the stall; yet will I joy in the Lord, and rejoyce in the God of my salvation.
Quest. But is there any hope to see the Nation of England reformed according to the Primitive pattern, founded upon the word of the eternall Truth? Ephes. 2. 20.
Answ. Yea. First, Because there was never a more exact Covenant taken in no Realme, or Nation, since the dayes of zealous Josiah, 2 Chron. 34. 31. and Nehemiah, Nehem. 10. 29. than is in these our dayes, to see a through Reformation in England and Ireland, according to the word [Page 81] of God; and to extirpate Popery, Prelacy, Superstition, Schisme, He [...]esie, in Doctrine, Worship, and Discipline; that the Lord should be one, and his Name one, in the [...]hree Kingdomes. So that we are [...]ot to leave so much as an hoofe behind us of any Superstition, or Romish relique, or any humane Tradition, in Gods worship, to be [...]etained; though it have remained [...]nder the venerable garbe of An [...]iquity, Universality, and Unity, [...]he three great pillars of the Roman Hierarchy.
Reas. 2. Secondly, Because there are in [...]he Synod some learned, pious, ten [...]er, conscientious men, that in the [...]ayes of the cruell and ambitious Prelates (like the Priest and Levites, [...] the dayes of idolatrous Jerobo [...]m, that served the Devils and the Calves hee made, 2 Chron. 11. 13, 14, [...]5.) left all their maintenance, and went and lived in a strange land, [Page 72] to enjoy the liberties of a good conscience, and worship the Lord Jesus according to the light they had received; that are at this day truly sensible, what a burden th [...] Penall Statutes have beene in ou [...] Land, in former times, to tende [...] consciences, that desire (without any sinister ends) to see a Reformation according to Gods word▪ therefore will never consent t [...] have such a Penall Law enacted (as the Prelates of England onc [...] obtained by fraud and policy, in the dayes of Richard the Second to kill the English Subjects, that would declare the whole truth o [...] God, so farre as it was revealed to them, and keep a good conscienc [...] toward God and man: which occasioned the death of some of th [...] Nobility, Gentry, and Ministery in the Nation; with many other of inferiour rank.
Thirdly, There are in the hig [...] [Page 73] and honourable Court of Parliament, some such conscientious tender-hearted men, that in the Pre [...]ates dayes left, if not sold, their [...]ossessions, to goe into a desolate [...]ildernesse, to worship the Lord [...]esus in spirit and truth, according [...]o the light God revealed unto [...]hem; and many other were fol [...]owing after, that are truly sensi [...]le, that it hath ever been a plot of the Bishops and Priests to labour [...]o enthrall the English Nobility, and Commons in Parliament, to [...]ake Lawes to kill and imprison [...]he conscientious in the Land, that [...]oe desire to worship the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and [...]ruth, according to his revealed will in his owne word, under the spe [...]ious pretences of unity, and uniformity in the worship of God: as [...]he Statutes of K. Henry 8. K. Edward 6. Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth, [...]eclare.
[Page 74] Fourthly, It is obvious to every well-affected Subject in the English Nation, that when our Brethren that noble, ancient, warlike Nation the Scots, contended for a Reformation according to the light they ha [...] received, and casting off Rome proud Papall and Prelaticall Government, with all their devise [...] formes of Worship, they must hav [...] dyed; the English Prelates had s [...] farre incensed his Majesty against them, and raised large summes o [...] money toward the levying of a [...] Army, to kill and destroy them had not the Lord by his special [...] providence prevented it.
Reas. 5. Fifthly, When the Lord opened the eyes of our deare and thric [...] noble Patriots of our Countrey assembled in Parliament, to make a solemne Protestation, to oppos [...] all Popery and Popish innovations, and to extirpate Episcopacy root and branch, as a Plant th [...] [Page 75] heavenly Father never planted; Then evill counsell prevailed with the King to withdraw from his Parliament, and under the pretence of a Guard to protect his Person, to make warre against his Parliament, that they should dye: But our faithfull Nobles, and true hearted Commons in England reply, Shall our Ionathans dye? who have in part freed our consciences from Roman Traditions, and ancient corrupt Festivals, and covenanted with us for a pure Reformation agreeable to the word of our good God, and have preserved our estates and liberties from an Arbitrary Government; shall they dye which have wrought such a deliverance in the Land? they shall not dye: we will bleed our selves before an haire shall fall from their heads, if either wee with our persons, prayers, counsells, states, or swords can prevent it. And hath the Lord [Page 76] given such a blessing to our endeavours, that God hath made the righteous of the Land, (next to the Lord) a wall of defence to the Parliament; shall it ever therefore enter into the heart of loyall and tender-hearted Covenantors to have such hard thoughts; that the Parliament will ever consent to burden us any longer with unjust Penall Statutes, who have thought nothing too deare for them, but have jeopardized lives and livelyhods for their preservations. Especially, they being sensible what a burden such penall Lawes have been to tender Consciences, and what an hinderance they are for propagating truth.
Reas. 6. Sixtly, All the faithfull in the Parliament know but in part; and the more they tast of the honey of Gods eternall truth, the more their eyes are enlightened to see, they have not as yet attained to a full [Page 77] Reformation. And if now they should build but upon the least hay and stubble, they should not onely suffer losse; but lay a foundation of a new rent in the Ages and generations to come: yea, and looke what unjust Penall Statutes they impose now; may perhaps fall as heavy upon their Posterity, as sometime did upon that famous Lord Cobham, that gave his consent to the Statute of Lolordi, and afterward was put to death for a Lolord.
Reas. 7. Seventhly, The Lord hath added such a blessing to the pious endeavours of the Parliament, that they have discovered many things to be [...]ruth; that the Learned Prelates in former times adjudged to be Heresies: As the parity of the Ministery. Superstitious formes of devised Worship, called Divine. Superstitious Festivals, formerly esteemed holy Feasts, now taken away, that men may follow their honest [Page 78] labour six daies, and Sanctifi [...] a Seventh, as a day of holy re [...] to the Lord; being now the first day of every weeke; as the holy Scripture hath left us a rule of practise to observe and doe, Act 20. 7. And hee which hath begu [...] this great and happy Worke of Reformation by this Parliament: we are confident, will never leave them untill hee hath made them instruments, either to perfect it; or a [...] least, to give to all his faithfull Daniels, libertie of Conscience, to worship the Lord in Spirit and truth according to his will revealed against whom they can object nothing, unlesse it bee in the matte [...] that concerne the spirituall worship of their God; Seeing the [...] have learned to give Caesar his due Tribute, Custome, Feare, Honour; Yea and lay downe their lives, rathe [...] then just and lawfull Magistrate should not be maintained among [Page 79] us, and obeyed in all their just, Legall, and Civill commandements. Knownig, they carry not the Sword for nought, but for the punishment of them that doe evill, and for the praise, and defence of them that doe well.
Lastly, the wrondrous power of the Spirit of grace, in enlightning darke mindes with the knowledge of his Truth; and scattering the knowledge of it, all the Kingdome over, in Cities, Countreyes, and Campe, and causing men of singular parts of learning to bring their gifts toward the building up of Zion; and powring out of his Spirit (as Ioel the Prophet foretold, Ioel 2. 28.) upon all sorts of people, both young, and old; rich, and poore; which is to mee a plaine demonstration, that the Lord will never leave us, untill he hath made his new Jerusalem, the praise of the whole earth, and prepared the [Page 80] Spouse, the Lambes wife; Yea, and advanced Jesus the Christ once againe upon the Throne, to be the Head, King, Priest, and Prophet of his Church, according to the ancient Prophesie of David, Psal. 2. 6.
Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion.
Gloria soli Deo.