[Page] A SEASONABLE SPEECH BY Sir Nathaniell Coppinger. SPOKEN IN THE HIGH COVRT OF PARLIAMENT. October 24. 1641.

For the bringing of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury to his long expected Tryall. And concerning the Expulsion of Papists, in respect of their late dange­rous Plots: and the correcting of Separatists, in regard of their Errours.

Vera floreat Ecclesia.

London, Printed by B. A. for T. Bates, 1641,


SIR Nathaniell Coppinger HIS WORTHY SPEECH In Parliament, spoken October 24. 1641.

Mr. Speaker:

SInce the Contagious time did dissipate us a while, and it hath pleased the mighty and Almighty God to recollect us againe, let us unanimously concurre in ratifying, determining, and esta­blishing the weighty affaires of this Kingdome: for it is not unknowne to you all, what Plots, &; formidable Conspiracies have beene invented a­gainst our Brethren the Scots, who are blessedly convented in that Assembly: and God knowes, what Stratagems are now plotted against our [Page] selves. Therefore J acknowledge it very expedi­ent, and requisit, that all our consultations bee firmely concatenated, in the indissoluble linke of unanimity.

The Papists have beene alwayes mortall ene­mies to our State, and especially to our Religion, and if they be not prevented with the expediti­on of Justice, I feare they will adde constructive­ly to their former intentions.

They swarme most confusedly in our streets, daily studying to subvert, and fully eradicate the true Reformation of Christian Religion.

And their hourely intent is to supplant the Foundation of our pious Lawes, and to diffuse aspersions upon our Church. They expalliate their knaverie, and have done so a long time, al­though, thankes be to God, they have now beene discovered, and many of their Stratagems appa­rently demonstrated, to the publique Spectacle of the world.

You know in what danger our Scottish Brethren were incident unto; Therefore, I beseech you, lay it to your serious cogitations, and if it be possi­ble, let us labour to prevent their Treason-grow­ing malice. It hath bin oftentimes moved unto us, to expell them utterly from our Dominions, but as yet we have not enacted it.

And for my part, I pray God we may confirme that first motion, and what wee have heretofore in action conceived fit, let us now indeed per­fect. For I am confident hereof, that our State, [Page] and Commonwealth cannot be secure, untill we exenterate those deadly Exulcerators of our Re­ligion. In the meane while, give me leave to pause. — And now J thinke on't, we have a second crew, and but a little inferiour to the for­mer, I meane the Separatists.

These are the new crept in Caterpillars of our Kingdome, who by their private malice doe as much contaminate the purity of Religion, as the former. Alas! can we not keepe the middle way? can we not walke in the middle, and secure path of piety, but we must thus variously deviate; ei­ther swelling too high in Papisticall opinions, or else sinking too low in Brownisticall Heresies?

Oh that wee had a second Cicero to cry out againe, O tempora! O mores! The Poets feigned that Phaeton, when he neglected the middle way, wherein his Father did direct him, was inconti­nently destroyed with a praecipitious ruine.

The Mythologie and Affabulation hereof, may agree with our times; for there may be a Golden Morall contained in a leaden Fable: And I doubt, if we likewise neglect the middle, and true ground of Religion, all things will turne into a suddaine confusion; for according to the Poet, Medio tutissimus ibis.

[Page] But stay! what should the cause be of these in digested Distractions of Impurity. I conceive there is some proper, and peculiar Author of ale these malignities. For according to the Philoso­phers rule, Nullus effectus datur sine causa; there can be no effect without a cause naturally: nei­ther can I imagine, but that our corrupted springs of Piety doe flow from one polluted Fountaine.

You know my meaning, my mentall reserva­tion includes Canterburry, that incendiary of this Kingdome: therefore let us not deferre or procrastinate the businesse any longer, but call him to an Answer, with all possible expedition.

He hath hanged as Abrahams Ram in the Bry­ars a long time: therefore I thinke it high-time now to sacrifice him on his owne Altar.

[...] beseech you, take all these precedent premis­ses into your serious; and grave considerations, and let not this Kingdome, which hath a long time languished in various, and erroneous opi­nions, be any longer frustrated of the peacefull expectations of all men.

Once more, I beseech you, let us proceed in our determinations begun; for the whole Nation depends upon us: therefore I crave your judici­ous resolutions herein.

Let the Petition be read, and let us enter upon the worke.


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