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Sold by J. Nicholson, Tho. Newborough, and J. Bullord.
MR Danets Dictionary of the Greek and Roman Antiquities for the use of the Dauphin, made English, and Improved with the Addition of useful Maps.
Mr. de la Bruyere's Characters, translated into English by several Hands. The Second Edition Corrected throughout.
- 1 VEsalii Anatomia opt. Edit. Basil 1543
- 2 Traite des Manieres de dessiner les Ord. de l' Architect. Antique, par A Bosse Poer. 1664
- 3 Parallele de l' Architecture par Rol. Freart Ib. 1650
- 4 Les Proportion du Corps Humain. par Audran. Ib. 1683
- 5 Historia Pontificum per eorum Numismata Authore Claudiolu Molinet Ib. 1679
- 6 Statutae Antiquae Fraen. Perrier Romae 1683
- 7 — Idem Par.
- 8 Aedes Barberinae Rom. 1642
- 9 Dictionaire Francois Latin Par. 1573
- 10 Octav. de Strada Genealogia Austriaca Francof. 1629
- 11 Description de tout le Pais-Bas, par Guicciardin. Anvers. 1567
- 12 Les 4 Livres d' Albert Durer, De la Proportion des parties des Corps Humain Arnhem 1614
- 13 Invention nouvelle de Perspective. par R. G. S. D. a la Fleshe
- 14 Vitruvius cum commentar. Dan. Barbari Venet 1567
- 15 Le due Regole della Prospettiva prattica di J. R. da Vignola
- 16 Leonard de Vinci sur la Peinture Par. 1651
- 17 La Perspective curieuse, par Niceron Ib. 1653
- 18 La Prattica della Prospettiva di Dan. Barbaro Ven. 1569
- 19 L' Architettura di Seb. Serlio Id. 1552
- 20 Traite de la Proportion pav. J. P. Lomazzo Tolose 1619
- 21 Le Pitture Antiche de Sepolcro de' Nasonii Rom. 1680
- 22 Descrizzione delle Imagine depinte da Rafaelle de Bellori 1695
- 23 Le Fontane di Roma 3 parti Ib.
- 24 L' Architettura di Andrea Palladio V [...]. 1642
- 25 Les Cinq Ordres d' Architecture de Scamozzi, avec les Planches par D' Aviler Par. 1685
- 26 L' Idea de' Pittori, Scultori, & Architetti, del Caval. Fred. Zuccaro Torino 1607
- 27 L'Historia Augusta di Fran. Angeloni Rom. 1641
- 28 Galleria Giustiniana
- 28 * Columna Trajana Editionis 1616
- 29 Colonna Traiana intagliata da P. Santi Bartoli Romo
- 30 P. San. Bartoli Columna Antoniniana cum notis Bello [...]ii Ib.
- 31 Imagines Raphaelis in Aulaeis Vaticanis, Sculptae a P.S. Bartoli
- 32 Icones & Segmenta illustr. e Marmore Tabularum, Fr. Perries
- 33 Plusiers Portiques sur les cinq ordres des Col. par Alex, Francine L' Enea Vagante de Carracci, intagliat dal Mitelli 1663
- 34 Reg. delli cinq. ord. d'Architettura di M. Jacomo Bar da Vignola
- 35 Regle des cinq Ordres d' Architecture de Vignole Par. 1662
- 36 Les Travaux d'Ulysse, par le Sr de St Martin gravez par van Tulden
- 37 A volume of le Potres Works
- 38 Another
- 49 Another
- 40 Aesopi Fabulae Gall. & Lat. cum figur. Fran. Barlow
- 41 Illustri Pittori Veneti & dello Stato
- [Page 2]1 HOratii Opera Cantab. Typis Academicis 1699
- 2 Les Cesars de' l' Empereur Julien, traduits du Grec. Par.
- 3 Entretiens sur les Vies des Peintres, par Felibien 2 Edit. 2 vol.
- 4 Les Principes de l' Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture, & des autres Arts Par. 1690
- 5 Recueil Historique de la Vie des Architects Ib. 1687
- 6 Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, & Architetti, del Vasari 3 vol. Bologn
- 7 — del Bellori Rom. 1692
- 8 — Il medesimo (mancano i Ritratti)
- 9 — de' Pittori Genouesi, del Soprani Gen. 1674
- 10 — de' Pittori Antichi, di Carlo Dati Firenze 1657
- 11 — de' Pittori Veneti, del Caval: Ridolsi 2 vol. Ven. 1648
- 12 La Vita del Cavalier Bernini, di Fil. Baldinucci Fir. 1682
- 13 Idee de la Perfection de la Peinture, par Rol. Freart. au Mons
- 14 Le Gemme Antiche di Lion. Agostino, 2 vol. prima Impr.
- 15 Raccolta de'Disegni & Compartimenti diversi tratti da marmi & Bronzi degli Antichi
- 16 La Perspective pratique, 3 vol. Par. 1651
- 17 Coelestis Physiognomoniae libr. 6. Jo. Bapt. Portae Neap. 1603
- 18 Della Fisonomia di tutto il corpo humano, di G. B. della Porta
- 19 La Fisonomia dell' Huomo. & la Celeste di G. B. della Porta
- 20 Imagini delli Dei de gl' Antichi, di Vincenzo Cartari Ib. 1647
- 21 Della Geneologia de gl' Dei, di Gio Boccaccio Ven: 1644
- 22 Iconologia de Cesare Ripa Perugino Ib. 1669
- 23 J. Lipsii Saturnal. Sermonum lib. 2. Lng. Bat. 1588
- 24 — Poliorceticon, sive de machinis, &c. 1605
- 25 Mensae Isiacae Expositio Ven. 1605
- 26 Oct. Ferrarius de re Vestiaria lib. 7. Patav. 1654
- 27 Hieronymi Mercurialis de Arte Gymnastica, apud Juntas 1587
- 28 Arte dell' Armi d' Achille Marozzo con fig. Ven. 1568
- 29 Il Microcosmo della Pittura, di Fran. Scanelli Gesena 1667
- 30 Brief. Histoire de l' Institution des Ordres Religieux, par Od Fialetti Par. 1668
- 31 La Perspective d' Euclide, par Rol. Freart au Mons 1663
- 32 Jo. Bened. Sinibaldi de Hominis Generatione, Decateuchon.
- 33 Hen Regii Philosophia Naturalis Amstel. 1654
- 34 Cosmographia Petri Appiani, per Gemmam Frisium Ant.
- 35 Biblia Sacra per Junium & Tremellium Lond 1580
- 36 Discorso della Relig. antica di Romani de G. Choul. Lione 1569
- 37 Roma antica di Famiano Nardini Roma 1666
- 38 Il Decamerone di Messer Gio Boccacio appresso i Gunti 1573
- 1 L'Art de Peinture de C. A. du Fresnoy 1 Edit, Par. 1668
- 2 — le mesme, 3 Edition Ib. 1684
- 3 Le Peintre converty, par A Bosse Ib. 1667
- 4 Les Sentimens sur la destinction des manieres de Peintre, par A Bosse Ib. 1649
- [Page 3]5 Habiti Antichi & Moderni, di Cesare Vecellio Ven. 1598
- 6 Les Memoires di Philippe de Commines Par. 1616
- 7 Abrege de la Vie des Peintres, par le Sr de Piles Ib. 1699
- 8 Histoire des Arts qui ont rapport au Dessein, par Monier Ib. 1698
- 9 Cabinet des Singularitez d' Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture & Graveur, par Florent le Comte Ib. 1699
- 10 Oeuvres meslees de Mons. St Evremont, 5 Tom. 3 Vol. Par.
- 11 Conversations sur la Connoisance de la Peinture, par le Sr de Piles
- 12 Dissertation sur les Ouvrages des plus Fameux Peintres, par le Mesme Ib. 1683
- 13 Les Essais de Michel Seig. de Montaigne, 3 Vol. Lyon 1669
- 14 Memoires pour l' Histoire du Card. Duc. Richlieu, Tome, 1, 3, 4, 5.
- 15 L' Histoiree du Card. Duc. Richelieu, 2 Vol. Cologne 1666
- 16 Les Avantures de Telemaque, 5 Vol. Haye 1699
- 17 L' Estat de l' Empire, de Monzambane Amsi. 1669
- 18 Reflections Morales 1692
- 19 Histoire des Oracles 1687
- 20 Rogerus Baconus de retardandis Senectutis accidentibus Ox. 1590
- 21 Orlando Furioso, del Ariosto con le Fig. Von. Valgrisi 1565
- 22 Discorso di Guglielmo Choul sopra la Castrametatione, e Bagni de' Greci & Romani Ven. 1559
- 23 L' Antichità della Città di Roma, di Lucio Mauro Ven. 1562
- 24 Historiarum memorab. Vet. & Nov. Testamenti descrip. cum fig. Lugd. 1558
- 25 Vitae & Effigies Summorum Pontificum, descript. à Dom Tempesta Rom. 1596
- 26 L' Argenis de Barclay, Traduction Roven 1643
- 27 Don Chisciotte della Mancia, tradot. dal Franciosini Ven. 1625
- 28 Essame de gl' Ingegni, tradot. dal Spagnuo [...]o A [...]lo. 1590
- 29 Vegetius de re Militari, L. Bat. 1592
- 30 Jo. Bapt. Portae Magiae Naturalis Libri 20 Hanov. 1619
- 31 Traitè de l' Employ des Saints Peres, par J. Dail [...]è Genev. 1632
- 32 Le Minere Della Pittura, di Marco Boschini Ven. 1664
- 33 Trattato della Pittura, di Fran. Bisagno Ib. 1642
- 34 La Galleria del Marino Ib. 1667
- 35 Il Canzoniero, del Cav. Stigliani Rom. 1623
- 36 Relatione della Corte di Roma, di Gi. Lunadoro Ib. 1664
- 37 Discours touchant la Poudre de Sympathie, par Chev. Digby
- 38 Merveilles d' Egypte selon les Arabes Ib. 1666
- 39 Val. Cordi Dispensatorium Lugd. 1554
- 40 Le Noveau Testament Ib. 1604
- 41 Novum Testamentum Lat. & Ital. (deest Titulus)
- 42 G. Amesii medulla Theologica Amst. 1628
- 43 — de Conscientia liber Ib. 1631
- 44 — in Epistolas Petri Ib. 1635
- 45 St Augustini Meditationes & Soliloquia Duaci 160 [...]
- 46 Euclidis Elementa Par. 1654
- 47 Histoire Romain, de L Florus Tolouse 1553
- [...] La Gierusalemme lib. di Torquato Tasso Rom. 1607
- [...] Instructtione della Lingua Tedesca & Italiana Milano
- [Page 4]1 THe great Historical, Geographical, and Poetical Dictionary 2 Vol. London 1694
- 2 Holyokes Dictionary 1677
- 3 Torriano's Italian Dictionary 1687
- 4 Cambens Britannia, translated by Edmond Gibson 1695
- 5 Mariana's History of Spain, translated by Capt. Stevens. large Paper
- 6 Plut arch's Lives made English by Sir Tho. North 1676
- 7 The Gallery of Heroick Women, from the French, by the Marq. of Winton 1652
- 8 Cotgraves French Dictionary 1652
- 9 Miltons Poetical Works, with Sculptures 1695
- 10 Drydens Juvenal and Persius 1693
- 11 — Fables 1700
- 12 Dr Fullers Pisgain-sight of Palestine 1662
- 13 Archbishop Tillotsons Works, published in his Life time 1669
- 14 Locke of Humane Understanding 1695
- 15 Burnets Theory of the Earth 1684
- 16 Thucydides, Englished by Mr Hobbs 1634
- 17 Hobbs's Leviathan 1651
- 18 Ba [...]ons Nat. History 1635
- 19 Sidneys Discourses of Government 1698
- 20 Cowpers Anatomy Oxon. 1698
- 21 Drydens Virgil, large paper 1697
- 22 Sams's Britannica 1676
- 23 Moxons Practical Perspective 1670
- 24 Sandys's Ovids Metamorphoses, with Sculptures 1632
- 25 Turkish History by Knolles 1631
- 26 Mace's Musick Monument 1676
- 27 The Treasury of Times 1619
- 28 Burtons Melancholy 1660
- 29 Pembrokes Arcadia 1638
- 30 Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, transl. by Dr Hanmer 1638
- 31 The Bp of Coventry and Litchsield on the Sacrament 1631
- 32 Montague's Acts and Monuments of the Church 1642
- 33 Fullers Holy War Cambridge 1631
- 34 Clerks Sermons Lond. 1637
- 35 Philips New World of English Words 1663
- 36 The Alvearie, or Quadruple Dictionary, Eng. Fren. Lat. and G [...]
- 37 Lucans Pharsalia, transl. by Sir Arthur Gorges 1614
- 38 Cottons Concordance of the Old Testament 1627
- 39 — Of the New Testament 1622
- 40 Idem iteram 1622
- 41 Spencers Works 1611
- 42 Snapes Anatomy of an Horse 1686
- 43 An account of the Earl of Castlemains Embassy to Rome wit [...] Sculptures
- 44 Eomazzo's Art of Painting, English'd by R. Haydocke 159 [...]
- [Page 5]1 FResnoys Art of Painting, translated by Mr Dryden, large Paper, gilt leaves, lettered and fillitted Lond.
- 2 Browns Vulgar Errors 1658
- 3 English Bible by Barker 1606
- 4 The Christian Dictionary
- 5 Moxons Tutor to Astronomy and Geography 1686
- 6 Boyls Experimental Philosophy Oxon 1663.
- 7 Experiments touching the Air, with his defence. &c. [...]
- 8 Digby of Bodies. 1645
- 9 Cawdreys Treasurie of Similes 1609
- 10 Versltegans Restitution of decayed Intelligence 1605
- 11 Heylint Cosmography 1627
- 12 Cowells Interpreter 1637
- 13 A Comment. on the 11th Chap. of the 1st Epist. to the Corinthian [...]
- 14 A new light to Alchimy by J. T.
- 15 Venners Via recta ad Vitam longam 1637
- 16 Fr. Junius's Art of Painting 163
- 1 POtters Antiquities of Greece 2 vol Oxon. 1667 & 169 [...]
- 2 Sir W. Temples Letters 2 vol. Lond. 1700.
- 3 Miscellanies 2 vol. 1681 & 1682
- 4 Observations on the United Provinces 1693
- 5 Memoirs 1692
- 6 Ludlows Memoirs 3 vol. 1692
- 7 History of Polibyus Engl. by Sir H. Sheer, with a Character of Polybius by My Dryden, 2 vol. 1691
- 8 Lucians Works Engl. by Ferrand. Spence, 4 vol. 1684
- 9 Kennets Lives and Characters of the Grecian Poets 1697
- 10 Hist of the Revolution in Sweden, translated by Dr Mitchel 1696
- 11 Congreves Amendments to Colliers false Quotations 1698
- 12 Colliers answer to them 1699
- 13 Tolands Christianity not mysterious 1696
- 14 Lack of Education 1695
- 15 Earl of Angleseys Memoirs 1693
- 16 Miltons History of Brittain 1695
- 17 — defence of the people of England 1692
- 18 Haekes Collection of Voyages 1699
- 19 Keills Examination of Dr Burnets Theory 1698
- 20 Hobbs Tripos 1694
- 21 Wallers Poems 1694
- 22 Creech's Lucretius English 1683
- 23 Father Arril's Travels, done out of French 1693
- 24 Life of Descartes from the French 1693
- 25 The Reasonableness of Christianity 1695
- 26 Machiavels discourses on Livy, and his Prince 16 4
- [Page 6]27 Evelyns Calendarium Hortense 1699
- 28 — Acetaria 1699
- 29 Rays Engl. Proverbs 1670
- 30 The Art of Thinking, done from the French 1696
- 31 — of speaking 1669
- 32 The Revolution in Portugal Anno 1640, from the French 1700
- 33 Hobbs Civil Wars of England 1679
- 34 Judge Jenkins's Works 1681
- 35 Supplement to Burnets Letters 1688
- 36 Sir Wm Davenants Gondibert 1651
- 37 A Letter to the Deists 1696
- 1 BOyles Experiments touching Cold 1665
- 2 — Hydrostatical Paradoxes 1666
- 3 — Origine of Forms and Qualities 1665
- 4 Potters Answer to a Pamphlet called Charity mistaken 1634
- 5 Thorndyke of the Government of Churches 1641
- 6 Animadversions on Congreves answer to Collier 1698
- 7 Ascham of the Confusions and Revolutions of Government 1694
- 8 Hunts Gauger 1673
- 9 Hobbs's Tracts 1681
- 10 — Homer in English Verse 1677
- 11 Partridges Astrological Vade Mecum 1679
- 12 Burnets Letters Rotterdam 1686
- 13 Donnes Poems 1639
- 14 Fullers twelve Sermons on the 4th of St Matthew
- 15 Moxons Mathematical Dictionary 1679
- 16 a Description of Meteors by W. F. 1665
- 17 Owens Eschol, or a Cluster of the Fruit of Canaan 1648
- 18 The Golden Meane 1638
- 19 Browns Religio Medici 1659
- 20 Quarles Divine Poems 1630
- 21 Country Gaugers Vade Mecum by R. Collins 1667
- 22 Ogylby, Book of the Roads 1679
- 23 Proverbs and Aphorisms by K. James
- 24 Baxters Aphorisms 1640
- 25 Good thoughts in bad times, by Dr. Fuller 1659
- 26 Sir W Ralelghs observations on Trade 1653
- 27 A Map of the Microcosm, by H. Brown 1642
- 28 Gerards Meditations Gamb. 1651