A Continuation of the Curious Collection of PAINTINGS and other Curiosities; will be sold by Auction at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange Alley, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, on Thursday the 14th of January, and the two following days. The Sale beginning at Four of the Clock each Afternoon.
Conditions of SALE.
- I. THE highest Bidder is to be deemed the Buyer.
- II. The Buyers are to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay a Third part of the value, if desired, or to be put up again.
- III. But if two or more shall claim any Lot, then to be put up again.
- IV. The Buyer is to pay for and take away what Pictures, &c. shall be bought within Three Days after the Sale, and to pay for the Porteridge.
- V. No Person to bid less than Six Pence at a Time.
- 234 AN orig sea piece in an ebony fr.
- 235 an original landskip
- 236 a Turks head
- 237 a winter piece in an ebony Frame
- 238 a Night landskip
- 239 3 Closet pieces
- 240 St. John an original
- 241 an Italian sketch
- 242 a Dutch Droll
- 243 a fine piece of two Dogs
- 244 3 Closet pieces
- 245 a map of England with Roads
- 246 a Turk and his Mistress
- 247 a Droll
- 248 a Divines head
- 249 Dr. Oates
- 250 a Shepherd & Shepherdess
- 251 De Wits map of the world
- 252 K. W. and Q. M. well done
- 253 a silver hilted sword
- 254 3 Closet pieces
- 255 a Landskip
- 256 a flower piece by a Dutch master
- 257 K. Will. and Q. Mary well done
- 258 a Landskip by Ross
- 259 a flower piece
- 260 a piece of fruit
- 261 a of Feast Belshazzar
- 262 3 Japan closet pc. on Glass
- 263 The siege of Troy
- 264 a map of the world
- 265 a very fine carved leaf twenty seven Inch Looking-glass
- 266 The Countess of Desmond
- 267 a mans head by the life
- 268 another ditto
- 269 a guard chamber with Sold.
- 270 a sea piece by a good mast.
- [Page]271 a flower plece
- 272 a Landskip
- 273 a head well painted
- 274 a piece of Still life
- 275 a Landskip
- 276 a dog well painted
- 277 a boys head
- 278 4 Sybels
- 279 Acteon
- 280 6 Caesars heads
- 281 an original winter well done
- 282 an original Fruit piece
- 283 a very fine carv. Leaf twenty seven Inch Looking-glass
- 284 a large Landskip with ruines and a Robbery
- 285 a Moon light piece well painted
- 286 a Gentlemans head supposed by Sir Peter Lely
- 287 K. Will. and Q. Mary finely painted
- 288 Jane Shore finely done
- 289 a Mastiff Dog after Van Dyck
- 290 an original of Moses strik. the Rock by Rembrant
- 291 a bull baiting
- 292 a festoon of fruit and flow an orig.
- 293 an original Landskip by Ostade
- 294 St. James Park incomparably done by Griffier
- 295 an original ballad singer
- 296 a sea piece by Vander Velden
- 297 K. W. and Q. M. after Vander Vert
- 298 Rich. Cromwel strongly painted
- 299 a Moon Light very fine
- 300 Princess Ann of Denmark after Ryle
- 301 K. VV. and Q. M. in little well done
- 302 a head by Cornelius Johnson
- 303 Rosamond finely done
- 304 a view of Constantinople by a Dutch Master on board.
- 305 an Original Landskip very fine
- 306 The Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Schizzo
- 307 6 Metzotinto prints
- 308 a Bare Baiting
- 309 a Sea piece by Vandevilde
- 310 The K. Arms carved and gilded
- 311 a pair of Pistols
- 312 a Droll piece
- 313 a view of Windsor Castle by Seylmaker an Original
- 314 a Waterfall an Original
- 315 an orig. pc. of Fruit by an Italian
- 316 The Royal James by Vandevelde
- 317 an Original head by Miervelt
- 318 an Italian Landskip fit for a Chimn.
- 319 Gustavus Adolphus
- 320 an original head by Morello
- 321 a Lady going to bed to her Gallant
- 322 a landskip with Toby and the Angel
- 323 6 Metzotinto Prints in frames
- 324 The Portraiture of the royal Prince
- 325 a large piece of Cain and Abel
- 326 a 3 quarter winter well done
- 327 a Landskip with a waterfal
- 328 K. W. and Q. Mary well done
- 329 6 Metzotinto Prints
- 330 The Virgin Mary, Joseph, and our Saviour, by an Italian
- 331 St. George killing the Dragon
- 332 a head by the Life exactly counterf.
- 333 6 Metzotinto Prints
- 334 a shepherd by an Italian master
- 335 a sea piece by Vander Velden
- 336 a Landskip by Vander straten
- 337 K. Will. and Queen Mary well done
- 338 a View of D [...]vei [...]astle with ships
- 339 Griffiere painted by himself
- 340 St. Katherine by an Italian master
- 241 a posture head by Vander hagen
- 342 a battle by Mullenar an original
- 343 a sea piece by Potters
- 344 a flower piece
- 345 a Landskip
- 346 a head very fine
- 347 a piece of still life
- 348 a war Horse
- 349 a Droll
- 350 a head well done