THE CONFESSION AND EXECUTION Of the Five PRISONERS That suffered on the New Gallows at TYBURN On Friday the 6th of September, 1678. At which time were Executed

  • Daniel Massey,
  • Iohn Iohnson.
  • Sarah Brampfield.
  • Hannah Smith, otherwise call'd Hebshebeth Cobb.
  • Anne Davis, alias Smalman.

WITH Brief Notes of Two SERMONS Preached before them after Condemna­tion, their Carriage in Prison, and last Speeches at the place of Execution.

With Allowance.

LONDON: Printed for L.C. 1678.

The Confession & Execution of the several Prisoners that suffered on the New Gallows at Tyburn, on Friday the 6th of September, 1678.

AT the last Sessions there were in all Ten persons Condemned to die; Four men for Robberies on the Highway, and Six women for Felonies here in Town, either Lifting (as they call it) of Goods out of Shops, or else Robbing those whom they pretended to serve: both which wicked Practises are become so com­mon, and more than once followed by these in­corrigible Prisoners, that it was highly necessary to make them Exemplary. Two of the before-mentioned men, viz. those concerned in that bar­barous Assault and Robbery, whereof a particular Narrative hath been made publick by the un­expected Mediation of some generous Friends; and the women whose Crimes had not been so great and obstinately continued in as the others, obtained his Majesties gracious Reprieve: and another woman, immediately after she stood at­tainted, was reprieved by the Court, in reguard [Page 4] she was found by a Female Jury to be quick with Childe.

The Rest came this day to suffer, being chari­tably indulged in pity to their Souls, so long time to fit and prepare themselves for their great and terrible Change. In order to which, on the Lords-day before, there were two Sermons on most suitable Texts preached before them in the Chappel of Newgate. That in the Forenoon on the fifth verse of the 38 Psalm — My wounds stink and are corrupt, because of my foolishness: Wherein the Minister very pathetically laid open the deplorable Condition such sinners are in by Nature, wallowing not onely in their original Depravity and Corruption, but in continued actual Transgressions against the holy Laws of God; whereby they become abominable, and as a loathsome stench in the Nostrils of that pure Majesty and all good men; and all this occasion­ed by their own foolishness, that is, their wilful rebellion and obstinacy against all the dictates of Reason, offers of Grace, and impulses of the Holy Spirit upon their Consciences. Which ha­ving, like a true Bonaerges, hereby endeavou­red to awaken, and put them into a serious sense and apprehension of their lost, undone, and perishing Estate, without speedy and sincere Re­pentance.

[Page 5]In the Afternoon, as a Son of Consolation, from the 147 Psalm, vers. 3. He healeth the bro­ken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds, he came to shew them the infinite Mercies of God, and Love of Jesus Christ, if they would come in and accept of Pardon and Salvation upon Gos­pel-terms. That although they had made their wounds to fester and rankle by their foolishness, and had Souls all over bespread with a filthy Le­prosie, yet there was Balm in Gilead, an Almigh­ty Physician, both able and willing to heal them, if they would submit to his Prescriptions. In order to which, he gave them divers most neces­sary and excellent Directions; Not to deceive themselves with a false and palliated Cure, but to close with Christ on his own Terms, and in all his Offices, as their King to Rule them, and their Prophet to Guide them, as well as their Priest to Intercede and make Atonement for them. To hate Sin more, because it was displeasing to God, than because it brought upon them temporal or eternal Punishments. To be as desirous to be Holy as to be Happy; because none can be justi­fied until they are sanctified, &c.

During the whole time of Religious Worship, and the Sermons, they behaved themselves very Reverently and Atten­tively; [Page 6] nor was the Minister wanting af­terwards, daily to visit them, with pres­sing Exhortations, and necessary di­rections to fit them for their last end; es­pecially charging them to disburthen their Consciences, and give glory to God by a free and hearty Confession of their Sins; which had so good an effect, as to bring them to an Acknowledgment; not only in general terms, but particularly bewailing the Ill Courses of their past Lives; in neglect of the publick Divine Worship, Violation of the Lords day, Drunkenness, Swearing, and continual practises of Las­civious Debauchery; Two of them above the rest abounding in expressions of Peni­tence, and endeavouring to improve those few moments of their Lives, to work out their Salvation, and make their peace with God; begging heartily forgiveness from his most holy Majesty, for their Rebelli­on against his Precepts, and of all those whom they had wronged, by violent taking away their Temporal Goods.

[Page 7]Some of the Women had been Con­demned before, and would often bewail the wickedness of their Hearts, that would take no warning thereby: the Men alleadged, they were ignorantly drawn in to that ill Fact, for which they suffer'd, being their first of that kind, and rather by the unhappy operation of too much Drink, than any premeditated de­sign; yet confessed, they had more than once deserved to Dye, and freely ac­knowledged the justice of the punishment they were to suffer.

At the place of Execution they said little, besides those common, but too much neglected Exhortations, desiring all present to take Warning by them, and remember their Creator in the days of their youth; Not to suffer themselves to be seduced by Ill Company, or sensual pleasures, which had been the means of their destruction, and would be so of all, that did not continually keep a reverent fear of God, and his Worship and Laws in their Hearts.

[Page 8] Thus heartily praying to God for For­giveness, and to receive their Souls for the alone Merits of his blessed Son, and desiring all good people to joyn with them and for them in those Supplications, they submitted to the Sentence, and taking their leave of all things in this world, were wafted into the unfathomable Regions of Eternity.


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