The Warming Stone.
THe decay of the naturall heat of mine own person by sickness and many ill accidents hath info [...]ced me many times to seek help of artificial warmth, and by the blessing of God I have so often received ease of my grief, and I verily believe the preservation of my life in many grievous extremities; and I thank God daily do, and neither my self, or any other ever had any harm thereby; that it hath made me not onely willing, but also very desirous to communicate the knowledge thereof to as many as conveniently I may. For I hold it the greatest earthly happiness that any man can possibly have, to do good; and I fear many have perished for want of the knowledge hereof, and I hope many Millions hereafter may be saved hereby, and with this advantage also, that abundance of fewel may be saved every where. ( To help grievous vomiting and purging. To help vomits and pur [...]ing.)
Once when I was dangerously oppressed with often and very strong vomiting, and much purging, and did rise out of my bed, and go into the cold so many times, and so speedily one after another, that I could neither give heat to my Bed nor receive any from it. ( To maintain heat when it cannot be done by any other means.)
To maintain [...].Another time also when by an hurt in my foot, my grief was so exceedingly increased, that both my foot and leg were grown full of black spots, and white between, from the sole of the foot to the knee; and most which saw it took it to be a Gangrene, which they thought to be incurable without cutting off my leg, which also was so mortified with cold that I could give it no heat from my body. I then by the blessing of God, (as I have many other times done) maintained heat in it by the help of a kind of stone which I find to be apt to receive heat much sooner, and likewise to retain it much longer then any other thing, which I could find upon any reason or trial. For I found clothes heated by the fire would quickly lose their warmth; and likewise boards could not retain their heat long; and that Brick and Free stone required much time to heat them, and held it but a little while; and that other stones were not able to endure strong heating, but would suddenly fly in pieces, whereas this stone being well seasoned at the first, with a moderate heat will both receive it quickly and keep it very long, To heat the [...]et. and impart it very kindly and agreeable unto Nature. ( To heat the feet.)
When my feet have been cold, i warming the stone by the fire, and putting the soles of my feet thereon, it hath in one quarter of an hour recovered me more heat unto them, then scorching them by a violent fire could have done in an whole hour. [...] ( To help the Collick.)
When I have likewise been grievously pained and tortured with the Collick, the strength of the heat of this stone, hath by applying it unto my Belly, suddenly eased and cured me, and many others likewise have found the like remedy for the same grief. To procure [...]weat in child- [...]. ( To procure sweat in child-bed.)
A Gentlewoman in the Parish where I lived being put to sweat after a dangerous childbirth, and there being some difficulty to procure it, yet the heat of a Warming-stone caused her to sweat and she withall recovered her strength, and was afterward the mother of many children. This Warming-stone also hath likewise holpen a woman great with child who had a great ach in her thigh, and thought she could not be cured, till she were freed of her burthen by child-birth; yet by the help of the warmth of this stone found perfect remedy above two moneths before the time of her delivery came. Ach holpen, An ach is holpen hereby of Arthur Reeps wife of Antony in Cornwal.)
Another having by long sitting up and writing by night gotten a great cold and pain in the Elbow and flesh of his left Arm; Numbness and Aches. which both continued and increased with much numbness and deadness feared the utter decay of that hand and Arm, applying this Warming-stone unto his sad grief, is now by the blessing of God so well recovered thereof that he feels the same no more then if he had never had any infirmity therein, without using the help of any other thing, as likewise many others since have recovered their Aches and other griefs by the same means. ( of Mr. Christopher Ough of St. Ive in Cornwal.)
( To help any cold in Child-bed.) And it is a thing certainly known, that the least cold in childbed which cannot be recovered by the sole strength of their (then weakned) natural heat brings certain death, so I know no other remedy so likely to recover her sweat and strength in any such accident, as by the help of these Warming-stones in their cases, either one or more of them, as need shall require, to have them applyed unto any part of the body that wants them. This hath been tryed by [...] [Page 3] and recovered her health and strength again ( Help given hereby to free the after-burth [...]n of Elizabeth Cruse of Brixam in Devon. To free the [...] ter-burthen
( Strength given in the exceeding great weaknes in Travail of M. Mounts wife of Liskerd in Cornwal) Another also who was grown so pale and cold after long travail that the Midwife who was sent for to help her, finding and feeling her feet and her face to be cold, supposed she had been dead, and said unto those who had sent for her, she marvelled why they had sent for her to come to a dead body: they answered she was not dead, though very weak; whereupon rubbing her face and finding some warmth therein, she caused them presently to send to her house with all speed for a couple of these Warming-stones, by the help of the heat whereof applyed to her feet, and her belly, God blessed her endeavours so well, that both the woman and the child were preserved. ( Help given in great weakness after child, Weaknesse [...] childbir [...] birth, to John Pits wife of St. Germans in Cornwal.)
One also being grown so weak after child-birth that both her self and friends, daily and hourly expected her death, a neighbour of hers who had one of these stones hearing thereof perswaded her to make use of it; whereupon she did it, and found much ease thereby; To procure speedy deliv [...] ry. and yielded her continuall [...] for a month or more, and at last drew her grief into her Back, and there made it break away by an Impostume; and now God be praised by little and little, she hath recovered her strength again, and verily believes it hath saved her life. ( Procurement of a more speedy delivery then heretofore to Wil [...]iam Skins wife of St. Srephens by Saltash in Cornwal.)
Another woman likewise who hath born six sons, and for the first five could not be delivered of any one of them in lesse then two dayes pain, was never so weak with breeding any of the former, as she was with the last, yet sooner delivered then any of the rest, which she supposes to have been performed by the help and comfort she receives from these Warming stones in her Travail with this last child, because she made use of them now, and did never before, for that their use was not then made known ( ease and sleep procured, and a grievous pain in the back holpen of Mr. Thomas Furlongs wife of Antony in Cornwal, Sleep procured and pain of the back holpen.)
One of my neighbours who had been long weak and sickly; and newly had her old grief and weakness much increased by the loss of her eldest son, when with all the help that she could get by Physick, in a long night she could take little rest; by the warmth of these stones, the one being applied to her feet, and the other to the bottome of her Belly, she found more ease and sounder sleep, then she could do at any time in a quarter of a year before. And she told me that when her maid had forgotten (after an eight or ten dayes using thereof) to provide this help for her, she slept as ill, as she was wont to do before; but now (God be praised) is very well amended in health and strength. The same party also being extreamly weakned with such a grievous pain in her back, as she was neither able to go nor stand, & told her husband that if it should continue with her but three days she thought verily it would cost her life; by applying these Warming-stones to the place grieved, with in three hours was able to walk about her chamber, at which her Husband told me he marvelled much how so great an alteration should be wrought in so short a time. ( of Robert Sloget of Antony in Cornwal.)
Another likewise having so grievous a pain in his back, as that it forced him to keep his bed, was by the help of this stone cured thereof. ( And of Arthur Masters of the same Parish.
And another also though his pain therein was so great, as it so much weakned his body, as he was not able to turn in his bed, was by the same means speedily cured; and very many others whom for brevity sake I forbear to mention. Rupture. ( Help to bring in again the Rupture of Mr. Simon Row and another of Antony aforesaid.)
The help hereof also hath recovered those who were endangered by taking cold in their Ruptures, that both themselves and their friends despaired of their lives; because the fat of their guts being fallen down into their Cods, and there grown hard and stiff by the cold, could not possibly be re-placed, till strong heat had resolved it into softness again; and so there was means found to return them into their due place, by which God be praised some who (in regard of their great weakness) desired to be prayed for publickly in the Church, being out of hope of life, have recovered h [...]alth and strength again, though one of them was near threescore and ten when by this means he was holpen. ( The same for the Fundament of Alexander Gornard of the same Parish.
Another who with violent labour had made his Fundament to issue out of his Body, so as it grieved him exceedingly, by the warmth of these stones made it return to his place, and so God be praised continues, unless by too much labour it be forced out again, which when he at any time feels by the same means he still helps himself; for when griefs are renewed, so must their Remedies be. ( The fluxes holpen of divers of Richard Rundles house of Antony aforesaid, and others in other places.)
It hath likewise done exceeding much good to many who have had very violent fluxes (whereof [...] [Page 4] The same Remedy likewise helps much to abate the violent cold fits of Agues; several ones being applyed to every place where the cold is felt, by means whereof they will soon give heat to the w [...]ole body, and being applyed to the stomach strengthens the weakness thereof very much against the Cough, [...] help dige [...]on. ill d [...]gestion or any disease which comes of a cold cause. ( To help digestion, and cold in the stom [...]ch.)
For it exceedingly helps the weakness of the stomack, because all good digestion being made by heat, as extreme outward colds weaken it by abating that heat; so this outward heat strengtheneth it much by adding more warmth unto it: [...]old in the [...]omach and one having been for divers years so overcome with cold in her stomach, as she could hardly take any rest by night; by the help of the heat of this stone is so freed thereof, as she hath not since felt it a great while. (Thomas Edwards wife of Plimouth in Devon.
And we find that boiled, bak [...]d and rosted meats being eaten hot, that helps us much to concoct the same meat. And whereas we seek help by artificial liquours that have an extraordinary heat to help the cold weakness of Nature by their strength; if too little be taken, it do [...]h little good; if too much, much harm, [...]o supply the [...] of a war [...]ing-Pan. whereas the heat of these stones may be duly tempered to our use, being continued, increased, abated, or removed suddenly, as the diseased party shall think good. (To supply the need of a Warming-pan.)
The same stones also put into the Bed, do not onely supply the need of a Warming-Pan, but being put into a Case will retain a comfortable heat in the Bed for above ten hours together; and a sensible h [...]at for fourteen if he be throughly warmed; which must be done as hot as may be without burning the Case. This is tried by spitting on the stone or sprinkling water thereon; for if it hisse not over-much it is never too hot; [...]irect [...]ons for [...]eating the [...]one. and if it be too hot being removed from the fire, or sprinkled with water the burning heat will be gone from the out-side. And a stone in a Case well made may be applyed to the head, feet, belly, or any other part of the Body that hath need of it; and may be as soon put away from it, if the heat be too great. ( The use of this stone at the Church.)
[...]he use of the [...]one at [...]urch.My house being a mile and a quarter from the Church, upon a Christmas day when the Wind blew cold, and there was a hard frost, I caused two of these stones to be heated for me at home, and so carried them to the Church, where putting the one under my feet, and my hands on the other, they kept-me so warm in my Seat from the beginning of Prayer, during the time of the Service, Sermon, and a long Communion, as I think I could not have been by a great fire in my house; and when they were brought home, the Case being opened they remained so hot, as one cou [...]d hardly indure to keep his hand on them; yet now I find that keeping one sometimes under; sometimes on my feet, and the other on my Thighs, and laying mine hands thereon, they keep the whole Body more warm then the other way. [...]ost in wood [...]ved. In extream cold weather, I find also that making use of them in my Bed, they heat me both far longer and better then any Warming-Pan could do. ( The cost in wood saved thereby.)
And one of these stones hath yielded me so much heat, as the heat by fire would have cost me above fourty pound, (though wood be not so dear with us, as it is in many other places) for I have made use of him these three or four Winters continually by night, To give heat [...]n such place [...] [...]here it can [...]ot be had by [...]th [...]r means. and many times by day and night in Summer when I have been ill at ease ( To give heat in such places, where it cannot be had by any other means)
Besides, it hath continued heat so long and so often in my bed, as I could by no other means have gotten the like heat there, if I would have given an 100 l. for it. Yet the stone by his often heating is not grown worse, but rather better then when I first used him; so as he who gets one of these stones doth purchase the inheritance of a costless fire; except he forfeit it by his own fault. It gives also not only a greater, but also a sweeter heat then the Warming-Pan doth, unless the Case be laid on some b [...]ard or stone where some Kitcin-stuff hath been spilt; therefore that must be carefully avoided. ( Inconveniences to be avoided he [...]ein) And likewise if the Case be left in the open air in moist weather, though it be within doors, Inconvenienc [...]s to be avoided herein. it will drink up so much insensible moisture, as when the hot stone comes to be put into it next again, it will make the Freez sweat, so as a man may wash his hands thereon, which they will not do, if they be kept from the air. These stones are likewise very usefull for all Schollers to heat thei [...] hands and feet, when they must attend their studies in cold weather; and for all persons which by their Trades in such seasons must keep their shops, Usefull for all Schollers. or for the service of God continue in the Church, and such as travel by sea, who may have these stones warmed by the fi [...]e, though they cannot warm themselves in that place where the fire is. The small cost which belongs to it, is mostly in providing the stone, and Case at first; for they will be heated by the same fire which is made for any other purpose, either to bake, boil, brew or rost, or by any other fire either laid upon it, or set against it by convenient turnings, that all parts of the stone may be heated alike, which may be done, without any hindrance of any of the aforesaid uses. And by often trial I find that two of eight inches long and four inches broad, will do more serv [...]ce then a single one of double the length and bre [...]dth; because they [...]ll be less sub [...]ect to breaking with falling▪ and are the more easily [...]ut to [Page 5] and likewise at one time be applyed to several places. And such poor people as have no fire of their own, they may heat it at their Neighbours fire, which will damnifie them no more then lighting one candle by another. And whereas no fire can be contained without consuming the fewel which makes it, and that cannot be provid [...]d without continual charge according to the wasting thereof; this stone being so heated, will keep his heat without cost for divers hours in other places; but in the Bed for a whole night, and that without renewing the heat, or troubling the rest of the party who needeth the warmth thereof. These uses and experiments will be verified by the witness of all the persons herein mentioned, and many others who have very often, and do daily make use thereof, some of which have not been more averse from being perswaded to try it in the beginning, For deafne [...] and sight [...] pen. then afterwards they have been loath to leave the benefit th [...]y found thereby. And as I was very confid [...]nt at the first publication hereof that many other uses of them would be fou [...]d out, besides those then mentioned: so I thank God with all my heart, it hath since that time recovered the hearing of one of sixty six years of age; who was grown so deaf, as for two years together he could hardly understand any thing that was spoken unto him, unless the speaker did cry aloud into his ear, the use hereof by laying it hot under his head when he went to bed, caused a hard thing as big as a pease to fall out of his ear, and hath so wel recovered his hearing, as that he can unde [...]stand ordinary talking; & likew [...]se acknowledgeth that his sight is much thereby amended also, so that he can read b [...]tter now then he could do at any time in 3 years before. (The sight and hearing of John Cowling of Antony in Cornwal holpen.)
Another also of the age of sixty six years, using this stone to help the deafnes of one of his ears, was soon holpen thereby, and perceives a great amendment in his sight thereby likewise. ( The hearing holpen, and a grievous pain in the back eased of John Jackman of St. Stepens by Saltash in Cornwal.)
The same party also being so tortured with the pain in his belly that he much feared the loss of his life therewith, and therefore made his Will; by applying this stone to his belly recovered so well that the next day he was able to go to his daily labour. Another of the age of ninety four years, by using the help of this stone hath been freed of a grief which continually pained him in his knees for two years before; and by sleeping on this stone hath so recovered his hearing, Pain in [...] and knees as he can undestand any thing that is spoken unto him, better now then he could do in above thirty years before, as my self know certainly: for he was a servant of this house then, and hath dwelt near to me ever since, and he likewise saith, that his decaying sight is much amended hereby. ( The hearing and sight holpen, and a pain in the knees eased of Iohn Michel of Crafthole in Cornwal.)
Another likewise who was subject to much pain in her head, and grown so dim-sighted, that she could hardly go well about the house; by sleeping on this stone hath found much ease, and such a recovery of her sight that now she can see to spin threed. ( The sight holpen of William Bylands wife of St. Stephens aforesaid.) Sight ho [...]
Another who was grievously pained with the tooth-ach, being advised to use one of these stones, and to lay her head thereon; by the use thereof she not onely got ease of her pain (as many others have likewise done) but also being hard of hearing, was at the same time, by the same means so much helped of that infirmity, as all those who knew her before wondred at the alteration; Tooth- [...] and it hath been often observed, that the heat which this stone gives to the head, doth not onely give ease to the griefs, but also much refreshes the complection. ( The toothach eased of one Mr. Kneebones servant of Linkinhorn in Cornwal.)
Another that was troubled with such a noise in her head, as she could very hardly rest, by sleeping on this stone was by Gods blessing cured of this infirmity, ( Another holpen of a great noise in her head)
A neighbour of mine being so extreamly grieved with pain in his head that he feared the extremity thereof would have made him lose his wits and his life, laying his head on one of these Warming-stones well heated, began to feel ease within half an hour, Pain in t [...] head. and within three hours after felt filthy trash fleet out of his ear, and hath by the blessing of God been perfectly cured thereof ever since. ( A grievous pain in the head holpen of William Dwean of Antony aforesaid.)
Likewise one that was so grievously pained in her head and ear, as they were forced to watch with her all night, and much feared her life; and though she were eight years of age, were fain to lay her in a cradle, where by laying this stone hot under her head, within 24 hours it made her perfectly well, Pain in t [...] ear. by causing something which offended her to issue forth of her ears ( A pain in the head and ear hol [...]en of Theophila the daughter of Mr. Samuel Deeble of Antony aforesaid.)
One also who was grieved with much pain in his side, applying this stone to the grief, it soon ripened his Impostume, and made it break outwards. Impost [...] Another likewise who was taken with grief in his right side, though it were very hot, was perswaded by the forenamed party to use this stone as he had done▪ w [...]ich by the blessing of God wrought the same effect with him, and drew it to an Impostumat [...] [...] [...] of his body tha [...] it made him soluble, which he [Page 6] before. [...]. ( A great pain in the side holpen of Roger Buckland, of St. Stephens aforesaid. The like of Lodowick Wyat of Antony aforesaid)
One likewise that had a grievous sore brest so that one might turn an eg in the hole thereof, for which she could find no remedy by any other medicine which she used, untill she added the help of this Warming-stone, was within a little while by the blessing of God thereby cured. ( A sore brest cured of Iames Rundl [...]s wife of Drewstainton in Devon. [...] breast.)
And another also who had a great pain in her brest; and was very hard swoln, she applying this stone thereunto eased it, and drave it into her shoulder; and so following it with the stone drave it into her arm, and by applying the stone unto it there, put it clean away, and so saved it from breaking. ( The sore brest kept from breaking of Arthur Reeps wife of Antony aforesaid.)
[...] give by [...] in curing [...].And I am perswaded that many Womens brests by this means may be kept from breaking; and many have their lives saved who die in childbirth by taking cold in their brests (as Florence Reed one of this Parish did) and that many Chirurgions may oftentimes make very good use of this stone in curing some hurts, when for want of heat in the Patient, nature alone cannot work so effectually, as it will do by this help. ( To give help by heat in curing of wounds, and ease the belly in purging; and strength of retention to the stomach af [...]er vomiting. [...] strengthen [...] stomach.)
It may likewise be very usefull for Physicians to ease their Patients of much of the pain in their Bellies when they are purged; and to strengthen their stomacks to give them better retention when they have been weakned by vomiting. For so it did unto one who was taken so extreme ill, as she fell into a grievous vomiting; and was scarce able to fetch her breath; she applying the stone to the place where she felt her greatest grief, within one hour found a great deal of ease thereby; and now (God be p [...]aised) is reasonable well again. (Thomas Harsdons wife of St. Germans in Cornwal.)
It may lik [...]wise yield much comfort to such persons, as have had much blood drawn from them to preserve their lives by supply [...]ng their defect of heat t [...]ll their blood be renewed again, as it did unto one of my Parish. recover [...]. [...] ach cu [...]ed. ( To supply the want of heat in such as have been let blood, as of Iohn Popleston.)
One also that had a great ach in her leg, which made her very often keep house, by applying this stone thereunto, removed it from thence into her knee; and following it there drave it into her pin-bone, and lastly into her stomack; which made her very sick for a time, but at last it brake away in exce [...]d [...]ng great b [...]lchings, and so was freed thereof that she felt it not in a long time after. ( An ach cured of Mistris Anne Southmead of Morton Hamsted in Devon.
Another likewise going to a place half a mile from home, when he was gone two or three But-lengths from his house was so taken in his Thigh and the outside of his left leg, as it made him return to his house again, being not able to go any farther; and when he came home, he went presently to Bed, and caused a couple of these stones to be heated for him; and so applying the one to his thigh, and the other to his leg, within three hours it took away all his pain, insomuch as he never felt it since, [...] given in [...] at [...]. being now a year past. ( The like of Richard Rundle of Antony aforesaid.)
One also having been extreme sick of a long and violent Feaver, and grown speechless, was so mortified in her flesh, that both her feet and legs to the knee, and hands and arms to the elbow, appeared right like a dead person; and she had no sense of feeling left in either of them; Whereupon her friends having some of these Warming-stones did heat a couple very hot, and applyed the one to the soles of her feet, and laid another on her Belly, and her hands thereon, which continuing in that manner near about three hours, at the three hours end she tumbled them out of the Bed, at which they much marvell [...]d. But one that was present guessed that her patting them away was out of a desi [...]e to have their heat renewed; as by Gods disposing it appeared plainly afterwards; for the stones being heated she did not move them, till she found the abatement of their heat again; and then she used continually to thrust them out of the Bed, as she did at first, and so lay three hours before she could recover her speed; which when she did, the first thing she called for was to have the stones heated for her again. And thus by the mercy of God beyond all their expectations, she recovered her health and strength fully again, and continues it so God be praised at this time, it being above a year past when she was so dangerously sick. ( Help given in exceeding great weakness after a fever to Iohn Seawards wife of Drewstainton in Devon.)
[...] weak [...]s by fev [...]r.And many others which have been so weakned with fevers, as their friends doubted their lives, have by the application of these stones recovered health and strength. (Iohn Rawlings wife and son of Antony aforesaid, and Grace my Brother Iohn Carews daughter)
[...] throat.One also that was so overcome with a sore throat, as that she was neither able to eat nor drink, nor to let down one drop of milk through her throat which she sucked in by a Reed, so as she doubted her life, having one of these Wa [...]ming-stones, she did heat him very hot, and held him so against h [...]r neck and th [...]oat, so long till both her arms grew extream weary, (for finding ease▪ she was [...] to put him away) and by the favour of God [...]
[Page 7]One likewise which was taken with a great deadness in his hand, which afterward possessed his arm, and increased farther into his shoulder, and then into his back, and at last seized soon all his body, as he was not able to turn in his bed, nor to put his meat to his mouth; having three of these Warming-stones, wh [...]ch he applyed unto those places where he felt most grief, by their heat within four hours they brought him to a great heat and sweat, and in the morning acknowledged he found great ease of his former grief, A gr [...]at numnesse. and bei [...]g likewise taken at the same time with a great pain in his side and a short cough, by applying one of these stones thereunto was freed thereof, and was able to walk about his chamber within two or three days, which grief he hath been subject unto for these 5 or six years, and did usually heretofore hold him three weeks or a month at a time, and was now cured in three or four days ( A great benumbing holpen of Mr. Pethin of St. Stephens by Saltash in Cornwal)
One also going to visit a friend of his, was suddenly taken with a very great pain in the bottome of his belly, and his thigh. which afterwards descended into his leg, and made his leg and foot so cold, as he had no sense therein. Then by th [...] help of one of these Warming stones, Grievous pain the belly and thigh [...]. he was preserved for two days, though in much pain; but after two days, (by continuing the same help) [...]e began to feel some ease, whereas his pain before was so great, tha [...] it made him light, and to say he knew not what; but in four days after he gathered so much strength, as he was able to walk up and down by a staff, and at eight days end was able to go a fl [...]ght-shot to take boat, and so to got home to his own house at Plimouth, carrying the stone hot with him all the way, which using continually for a month, afterwards he recovered strength to go to his ordinary labour again. (The grievous pain in the belly and thigh eased of Iohn Iohnson of Plimouth in Devon.
One also that had been long sick and was much weakned therewith, Strength given in great weakness. Pain in the legs. found so much help by the warmth of these stones, as he verily beli [...]ves they have been a great means to preserve his life. ( Strength given in very great weaknesse to Iohn Comer of St. Clether in Cornwal,)
His wife also having been a long time pained so in her legs, that she could hardly rest two hours in a Winters night, and was forced by her grief to cry out so many times, as her husband could scarce take his rest by her; by the help of these stones, now (God be praised) she scarce awakes two hours in a night, and rests much more quietly. ( A great pain eased, and sleep procured to his wife.)
One likewise being at a friends house, and having drank some honeyed drink, Torture in t [...] belly cured. was so tortured with pain in his belly and guts, as both himself and those of the house much feared it would have cost him his life, but by the help of the heat of these stones, was made perfectly well again within twenty four hours. ( A grievous torture in the belly eased of Iohn Rawling of Antony aforesaid.)
One also that was so much weakned with a continual scouring, as in the end it drew much blood from him; and made him look so pale and earthy, as most of his friends despaired of his life; for he was grown so weak, and his natural heat so much abated, Looseness. as he could find but a little warmth in these stones when they were so hot that they did scorch his skin▪ yet by Gods mercy maintained it so long by this help, as he hath fully recovered this desperate disease; and likewise a grievous pain in his back which the same brought with it; and hath now renewed his former complection and strength again. ( The great help given in exceeding great weakness and coldnesse to Philip Collin of Antony aforesaid.)
The help of these stones hath been found likewise to be very useful for the diseases of young children, and one of my neighbours having a nursed child extreme sick with breeding of teeth, Wind. and his belly very hard swoln; by applying this hot stone thereunto, gave such strength to the weak child through the heat thereof, that it inabled him within a little while to break much wind, and so to avoid his grief. ( The help given to young children hereby. Iohn Gondles wife of Antony aforesaid.)
Another likewise having a sucking child laid in the Cradle, Cold in [...] head. so overcome with cold and the Pose that it could hardly draw its breath, laying this stone in the beginning of the night under the childs head, found it the next morning perfectly cured of this disease. And another time when he knew not how otherwise to get heat to the same childs feet, procured it by the warmth of the same stone. And I verily believe many both women and children perish, for lack of the knowledge of the help they might receive by these stones. (Robert Trewhar [...]es wife of Antony aforesaid.
One also whose child had a rupture at the Navel, which came upon it within three weeks after it was born, and continued almost a quarter of a year, so that it could hardly rest by night; Rupture. by applying this stone thereunto, began to rest better within a little while, and by keeping it continually in, and the stone thereunto, is now become perfectly well. (Thomas Hoskins child of Antony aforesaid.)
My self also had a young Civet Cat so extreamly overcome with wet and cold, Stiffness in the Limbs. as that all his limbs were stiff, and there was scarce any shew of life lest in him, yet by applying the heat of this stone, he is so well recovered as if he had never been ill. And I believe both children and other young things may have their lives preserved by this means when it can be done by n [...]thing else, For clothes [...] and increase it unto living creatures when they find heat there before, but cannot [Page 8] the preservation of life, as mankind hath. And some of these parts have much lamented, that th [...]y [...] ver thoughgt on using this help for the prese [...]vation of their children; [...] which they think by the grace of God, by thi [...] means they might have saved. For they said, cold was the cause of their death; and they had of the stones, [...]. but did not think they might do good to childre [...], untill I told it them. And as the Scripture mentions how King Davids heat decayed so with his age, that his servants were [...]ain to seek extraordinary helps to preserve it; so the decaying old people of these times have found much need, and withal much help and comfort, when they have been B [...]d-rid for divers years before their death, by the warmth of the [...]e stones, not being ab [...]e to get it by any other means, and therefore have been as carefull to call for them as for their food.
Mistris Susanna Durdan in London being in great extremity with the tooth-ach, is cured by applying this Warming-stone to her cheek. [...]-ache. At the Mairmaid in St. Pauls Church-yard.
Laurence Jemmet the son of Master William Jemmet, now Preacher of Redding, having lost his voice six months, [...]. so as he was not understood when he spake, unless he layed his mouth to ones ear, and having a cough of the lungs, and spitting blood frequently, having used all other means of cure, and there being in the eye of reason no hope of recovery, by the use of this Warming-stone when he went to Bed, applying it to his throat and stomach, in six weeks time (by Gods blessing) was restored perfectly, and is now as heal [...]hy as ever in his life. He was then servant to Master Blackberry Leather-seller in London.
Colonel Clark of London, who had an extream pain in his knee; cured by applying this and also was pained with the tooth-ach to extremity, [...] and was freed by the use of this stone.
At Westminster, a Gentlewoman affirmed, that great experience had been had to her knowledge of such who were in extream torture wi [...]h the stone in the bladder, and by the use of this stone applyed to the flanck, [...]. it did facilitate the making of water.
Thomas Bourn Student in Astrology, and Physician at Marlborough in Wil [...]shire, it cured him of the stone in the kidney.
I [...] hath cured the bloody flux when Physicians have given them over, as one of Warwick affi [...]med, by applying one stone in the case to the fundament, [...] Flux. and a [...]other to the belly.
John Bartlet that sells these stones, and prints this Pape [...], affi [...]ms that himself being very lame with the Sciatica to extremity, by applying this stone but two hours was cured of his lameness, and by following of it two nights afterwards when he went to Bed, laying of it to that pa [...]t of his hip where his pain had been, hopeth he is perfectly cured.
Master Humphrey Tompkins living in Hereford shire near Monnigton, and had long had and used this stone, [...]. affirmed that one might have it and use i [...] six years, be [...]o [...]e he shall know all the good that might be reaped by it, in regard of several diseases.
Mr. Winslow sometimes of New-England, afterward one of the Committee at Habberdashers-Hall, London, being at Dr. Willsons the Physitians house then in Thames-street, was taken with so great a pain in his Thighs that he was not able to get home, the Dr. sent for two Warming-Stones and applyed them to him a few dayes after John Bartlet going thither about businesse, Mr. Winslow thanked God by his bl [...]ssing on the use of these Stones he was as well as [...]ver he was.
A Child of twelve years of age at Salysbury, that had lost its speech, and was lame, and went on C [...]utches by means of the numbd palsy, by use of these Stones, through mercy, is throughly recovered.
[...] cu [...]ed [...].H [...]re are also sold the right Pectoralls or Lozenges which are excellent for curing Coughs or Hoarsn [...]sse. Shortnesse of breath, Consumption.
Here is sold the best black Ink that will not change colour also a sepetiall Powder made of choice ingredient [...] that cures the Green sicknesse and Scurvy. [...] Pecto. [...] suld here
This stone gives ease to such who are troubled with the Gour that comes of a could cause.
Doctor OXENBRIDGE, a learned, and ancient Physician in London, ten years since bad me John Bartlet to publish it; that this stone hath given more ease to Patients of his troubled with the Seatica, [...] powder. then any outward medicine he could apply.