The Doctrine of DECI …

The Doctrine of DECIMAL ARITHMETICK, Simple Interest, &c. AS ALSO Of Compound Interest AND ANNUITIES; Generally performed for any time of Payment, or Rate of Interest, by help of a particular Table of Forbearance of 1 l. Principal, with Inlarged Rules.

Formerly abridged for portability in a Letter Case.

By John Collins Accomptant, Philomath. And since his Death both made Publick by J. D.

LONDON, Printed by R. Holt for Nath. Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultry, near the Stocks-Market, 1685.


Courteous Reader,

IT is the accustomed way to De­dicate Books to some Honoura­ble Person, that thereby the Book might have the greater Esteem. This Book needs no such Dedication, for the Name of the Author (which will never dye, Ingenious Mr. John [Page] ted at the end of the Book, whereby the Reader may see it no ways dero­gates from the Old Copy, and there­by may see how full and plain the New Rules are in comparison to the Old.

This Book is a fit Companion for all Gentlemen, Merchants, Scrive­ners, and other Trades-men, that deal much in lending of Money upon Interest, Mortgages, buying of Estates either in Fee, Copy, or Lease, holding Annuities, Rent Charges, Forbear­ance of Money, Discompt, or any o­ther way concerning Interest, &c.

When any Person does perfectly understand the large Rules, he may if he pleases lay by the Book, and on­ly use the Compendium with the [Page] Tables to be carried about in a Letter Case; and I hope in perusing this small Treatise the Reader will find that which will give him Satisfaction, both as to the Rules and Tables.

Yours, J. D.

Decimal Arithmetick.

A Decimal Fraction is such a one whose Denominator is under­stood, and not expressed; and is an Unit with as many Cyphers fol­lowing it, as there are Figures and Cyphers in the Numerator.

Corollary, Wherefore the annexing of Cyphers towards the right hand of a Decimal, alters not its value. A De­cimal Fraction of Coin may be easily valued without the help of Tables. For each Unit in the first place is in value 2 s. 5 in the second place 1 s. and the rest Farthings; but if they exceed 25/48 there must be two farthings abated.

So ,854 is in value 17 s. 1 d.
,418 8. 4½

[Page 2] Addition and Substraction in Deci­mals is the same, as in whole Num­bers, keeping the place of Units just under each other.

Multiplication in Decimals is the same, as in Common Arithmetick, sa­ving as many Decimal Parts as are in both Multipliers, so many must be cut off from the Product, which if it have not so many places, the Defect is to be supplied with Cyphers towards the left hand.

Division is the same as in whole Numbers, without regard to Decimals till the Work is done, and then use the Converse of the Rule for Multiplicati­on (viz.) so many Decimals as are in the Dividend, so many there must be in the Divisor and Quote, and if there be not so many, the Quotient must be supplied with Cyphers towards the left hand.

Simple Interest.

PROP. 1.

TO compute the Interest for a day, 6/365 is the Interest of 100 l. for a Day the 1/100, whereof is the In­terest of 1 l. for a Day (viz.) 6/36500; Or 6 (with Cyphers put on at plea­sure) divided by 36500 is, 000164383 the Interest of 1 l. for a Day.

Prop. 2. The Decimals of Days in the Table at the end will serve to find the amount of 1 l. Simple Inte­rest of any Rate for any time under 365 Days or a Year.

If you take the Decimal for one day (or more) and multiply that by , 06. 7. 8. &c. per Cent. or any other Rate, the Product will give the Inte­rest of one pound for a Day, or more [Page 4] under 366 Days at Simple Interest.

Example 1.
The Decimal for a day is ,002739726
The Interest of 1 l. for a day ,00016438356
Example 2.
The Decimal of 121 days is ,331506849
The Interest of 1 l. for 121 days ,01989041094
,002739726 Decimal for a day
,07 per Cent.
,00019178082 The Interest of 1 l. for a day at 7 l. per Cent.

And so of any other rate of Interest.

Prop. 2. Forbearance of Money at Simple Interest.

The Interest of 1 l. for any Num­ber of days, at what rate of Interest you please, be first found by the first Proposition, that Product multiplied by the Sum propounded, gives the In­terest thereof for the time required.


To know the Amount of 140 l. for 121 days, at 6 l. per Cent. Simple In­terest.

The Decimal of 1 l. for 121 days 1,019890410
Multiplied by 140
Which is 142 l. 15 s. 8 d. 40795616400

Prop. 3. Rebate, or the Present worth of Money due hereafter.

Find the Interest of 1 l. for the time given, as in Prop. 1. And thereto add an Unit by it. Divide any other Sum propounded, and the Quote is its present Worth.


If 142 l. 15 s. 8 d. be due at the end of 121 days, what is it worth in ready Money? [...]

[Page 7] Worth in ready Money 140 l. at 6 l. per Cent. Simple Interest, and may be done for any other rate of In­terest, working by the first Proportion and this former Rule.

Prop. 4. Equation of Payments.

By Prop. 3. compute all the Present Worths, and then by Proportion. If all those Present Worths amounted to the Total of all those Payments, what did one pound amount to in the said time? From the result substract an Unit, the Remainder is the Interest of 1 l. for the time sought, which divide by the Interest of 1 l. for a day, the Quote is the Number of days sought.

If you are to Aequate an Annuity, at Simple Interest. I presume a Com­pendium may be found in Mengolus his Arithmetical Quadratures (a Book I never saw) who it's probable by a Compendium gets the fact of an A­rithmetical [Page 8] Progression, and adds Fra­ctions that have a constant Numera­tor, and an Arithmetical Progression for their Denominators.

So much for Simple Interest, my Design being more for the Explanati­on of the Tables for Compound Inte­rest and Annuities.

Of Compound Interest.

THe Original thereof is Derived from Simple Interest, for if it be Lawful to take Interest at all, then it is as Lawful to put out the Interest-Money to Use, as the Principal.

For ease in Calculating Questions that concern Compound Interest, A­rithmeticians do usually frame Ta­bles in store, to shew what 1 l. Princi­pal forborn at any Rate for any deter­minate [Page 9] time shall amount unto; the Construction whereof is by the Golden Rule, as followeth;

As 100 l. Principal is to the amount thereof at the years end;

So is an Unit. To its amount (to wit.)

So is 1. 1, 06. If 6 be the rate of In­terest, then it will hold again for the next year.

As 1. 1, 06, so 1, 06, to 1, 1236, the principal and Interest at the second year.

Now because an Unit is in the first place, which doth not divide, it fol­loweth, that the second years amount Squares the Number 1, 06, being the Quotient of 1, 06 divided by 100, and that is the amount of 1 l. for­born a year, the Compound Interest the third year Cubes it, &c. And the said Number 1, 06 is by Arithmeticians called the Ratio, Quote or Denominator of the Ratio propounded, and the Lo­garythm [Page 10] thereof multiplied by the time doth raise those Powers agreeable to the nature of Logarythms.

By the former Proportion was the following Table for years made, or for Abridgment by Addition, only by help of a Table of 1,06 multiplied by all the Digits; And this raising of Powers is by some called Involution, and as for that of Months may be made by finding mean Proportionals, and those of days by help of the Common Logarythms, or without, supplied far enough downward, by help of mean Proportionals, and a Decimal Table for time, and three Months here is understood to be the precise ¼ of a whole year, and so of the rest.

That which we add concerning it, is, That it self is in effect no other than a Table of Logarythms, but of another kind than those in Print, yet herein agreeing therewith, that in both the [Page 11] Logarythm of an Unit is O, and there­fore this Table may be continued for any large time by one or some few Multiplications, it is here continued to each year for 50 years, then for every 10 years to 100, whereby you may perceive that an Inheritance, or a Sum due after such a time is worth little more than a three hundred and fortieth part of its present Worth.

And in the next place it will sup­ply the Defect of all other Tables (e­specially those that relate to the said rate of Interest) whether of Discount of Money or of Forbearance of and Discount of Annuities, or for the Pur­chase thereof.

In the Tables following the num­ber of years are the Logarythms or Indexes, and the Amounts are the Numbers to which the Logary thms be­long, and because this is no full Table of Logarythms to ten or one hundred thousand, we therefore use Multiplica­tion [Page 12] and Division to supply those De­fects, wherefore the first Prop. is;

Prop. 1. To continue the said Table.

Multiply the Numbers together that belong to any Numbers of years, that added together make the years of Con­tinuance required.


Let it be required to find the A­mount of 1 l. for 50 years.

20 Years   3,20713
30 Years   5,74349
50 Years Product is 18,42015

and is the Number sought, omit­ting the five superfluous places of De­cimals.

Another Example.

It is required to find the Amount of 1 l. forborn 20 years three quarters.

20 Years is 3,20713
9 Months 1,04467
The Product 3,25180

And the like may be done for days, and the Converse when an Amount is given, the time thereto may be found by Division, searching in the Table what Number amongst the Decimals for time agrees to the Divisors and last Quote. See Prop. 8. the First Section.

And here it is worth noting, That many Questions may be put con­cerning Compound Interest, which are of the like difficulty, as to raise the printed Logarythmetical Cannon.

For Example such a Question may be put;

One pound was put out at Com­pound Interest, and in 10 years time amounted to 10 l. in what space of time did it amount to 2 l. the answer is the Logarythm of the Number two (to wit) 3,01023 years which was not raised without much toyl, and the rate of Interest in those Logarythms is near 26 l. per Cent. to wit 25,89292.

The Uses of the said Table.

Prop. 2. A Sum forborn for any time, to find to what it shall amount to at 6 l. per Cent. Compound Interest.

Find in the Table, or Compute by 1. Prop. the amount of 1 l. for the said Time, and then it holds.

[Page 15] As 1 l. is to its Amount;

So any other Sum to its Amounts: Wherefore the Amount of 1 l. must be multiplyed by the Sum proposed.


What shall 136 l. 15 s. 06 d. a­mount unto being forborn 20 years at 6 per Centum?

The Amount of 1 l. for 3,20713
20 years is
Which multiplied by 136,775
The Product is 438,655

Reduced is 438 l. 13 s. 1 d. 4 [...]

Prop. 3. A Sum of Money due here­after, to find what it is worth in ready Money.

Find in the Table what 1 l. for­born, the like time shall amount unto at Compound Interest, then it holds.

[Page 16] As the said Amount is to an Unit;

So is any Sum propounded, to its present Worth.

Corollary. Therefore if an Unit be the Sum whereof you would find the present Worth, you will frame the Numbers in the usual Table for Dis­count, and for all other Sums: Because an Unit doth not Multiply, it will follow they must be divided by the A­mount of 1 l. for the like time.

Discount, or the present Worth of Money due hereafter.

Example first, for making the Table of Discount.

An Unit divided by 3,20713, the Quotient is 311804, the present Worth of 1 l due 20 years hence.

Example second.

If 400 l. be due 20 years hence, [Page 17] What is it worth in ready Money, aba­ting Compound Interest at 6 per Cen­tum per Annum?

Divide 400 by 3,20713, the A­mount of 1 l. forborn 20 years at Compound Interest, and the Quotient is 124 l. 722, or 124 l. 14 s. 5 d. ¼ And how to reduce sundry Payments, to an Equation of time at Compound Interest. See first Example of Prop. 8.

Prop. 4. Of Forbearance of Annuities. To find the Arrearages of an Annuity.

The Difference between the For­bearance of an Annuity, and of a Principal put out to Interest, is this, that every year there is a Principal like the first added.

The Proportion holds.

As, 06 the Compound Interest of 1. l. for a year, is to the Amount less [Page 18] by an Unit of one of one pound for­born at Compound Interest for the time proposed.

So is any Annuity or yearly pay­ment of Rent forborn the like time, and at the same Rate, to the Arreara­ges thereof due. And when the Rent

is payable Half-yearly,

the first term in the proportion must

be the Compound Interest of 1 l. for acordingly, &c. Half a year,

Let it be required to find what one pound a year Annuity forborn for 30 years at 6 per Centum shall amount to.

One pound forborn at Compound Interest so long amounts to 5, 74349 which lessened by an Unit is 4, 74349 which divided by 06, the Quotient is 79, 0581 and this is the Number [Page 19] found in the Vulgar Tables for for­bearance of Annuities.

Second Example.

Let it be required to find what 20 l. Annuity forborn for 15 years shall amount unto at 6 per Centum.

1 l. Principal forborn 15 years amounts to 2, 39655 from which subtracting an Unite it holds.

As, 06 to 1,39655 so 20 to 465, 516, that is 475 l. 10 s. 4 d.

Third Example.

A Quarterly Rent of 25 l. was re­spited 20¾ years, by the first Propor­tion the amount of 1 l. so long for­born was 3, 34978. And the Interest of one pound for a quarter is 0, 14675 Wherefore by Proportion, As, 014675 Is to 2, 34978: So is 25 to 4003, 032 that is 4003 l. 00 s.d.

[Page 20] This Useful Proportion I thus demonstrate which the Rea­der may pass by.

Imagine the Land or Stock that yields an Annuity to be such a Prin­cipal sent out for the whole term as will bring in so much yearly Interest as the Annuity comes to, then at last the whole at Compound Interest is to be repaid, whereof so much is supposed to be repaid in the Value of the Land, as its first Principal came to, and the rest in Money; wherefore out of the whole Amount of that Principal and its Interest, the Principal must be de­ducted unless to shun it by that which Geometers call conversion. See Com­mentators on 16 Def. Quinti Euclidis &c. we say,

As the first term is to the diffe­rence of the first and second;

So the Third Term to the diffe­rence [Page 21] of the third and fourth.

The Plain Proportion grounded up­on the former Considerations runs thus,

As 1 l. Principal. Is to its Amount for the time forborn;

So the Principal that shall bring in any Annuity proposed. To the Sum of the said Principal and of the Arrea­rages of the Annuity.

Then it will hold by conversion of Reason. As 1 l. forborn at Compound Interest is to its Amount less by an Unit for the time forborn;

So is the Principal of an Annuity, forborn the like time,

To the Arrearages of the Annui­ty.

And instead of the third term of this Proportion, we may take in a fraction equivalent thereto, the Nu­merator whereof is the Annuity or yearly payment of Rent, and the De­nominator the Interest of 1 l. for a year; for to find the Principal of an An­nuity say,

[Page 22] As 6 is to 100. Or rather, 06: 1.

So is the Annuity to its Princi­pal.

And both these latter Proportions compounded into one will be the pro­portion first delivered, the Units in each being expunged as insignificant either in Multiplication or Division.

Prop. 5. To find the present worth of an Annuity.

If an Annuity be forborn till the last payment be due, then for as much as the Interest of each particular pay­ment is by the former or 4th. Proposi­tion computed, if by the 3d. Propor­tion the same, together with the re­bate of each payment be destroyed (to wit) the present worth of the whole Arrearage be computed it shall be the present worth of the Annuity, the Proportion in both those Propo­sitions being after the manner of the [Page 23] 4th. prop. composed into one it will hold for Annual payments at 6 per Centum.

As the fact of (,06) the Interest of 1 l. for a year, and of the Amount of one pound Compound Interest for the time proposed, is to the said Amount less an Unit.

So is the Annuity or yearly Rent to the present worth thereof.

Example. First for making the Tables.

To find the present worth of an Annuity of 1 l. per Annum, to conti­nue 25 years at 6 per Centum com­pound Interest.

The Amount of 1 l. for that time is 4,29187 which Multiplyed by ,06 the fact is ,257512, whereby dividing 3,29187 the Quote is 12 l. ,78335 the present worth sought.

Example. Secondly for half-year­ly Payments.

An Annuity of 40 l. payable, 20 l. each half year is to befold for 12 years at 6 per Centum.

The Compound Interst of 1 l. for half a year is— ,029564
The amount of 1 l. for­born 12 years— 2,012196

Multiply these two together, and that added together makes the fact of both;

Which is—,058487 It therefore holds,

As ,058487 is to ,1,012196.

So is 20 to 346, 166 that is 346 l. 3 s. 4 d. the present worth thereof.

If this Annuity were paid yearly it [Page 25] must be of less Value because the mo­ny is longer in coming in, and accor­dingly the worth of it l. s. d.
would be but— 335—7—1
Admit it were required to know what an addition of 8 years more is worth after 12 are expired.  
The worth of the said An­nuity for 20 years, is— 458. 15. 11
The difference of these two is—being the present worth of the 8 years sought. 123. 8. 10

Prop. 6. To find what Annuity any Sum of ready Money shall purchase.

This is but the Converse of the for­mer Proposition, and it holds there­fore;

[Page 26] As the Amount of 1 l. forborn at Compound Interest less an Unit is to the fact of, 06 and of the Amount of one pound so forborn,

So is any Sum of ready mony to the Annuity it shall purchase.

In this and the two former proposi­tions by ,06 is understood the Com­pound Interest of 1 l. for a year, and when the payment is by quarters or half years, instead thereof must be put in the Interest of a quarter or half a year. And instead of the Annuity or yearly payment, the Quarterly or Half-yearly payment accordingly.


If 1 l. be the sum of ready mony then the two middle Terms of the proportion are the fact above men­tioned, and you will frame the other Vulgar Table for this purpose.

Example the first.

To find what Annuity 1 l. shall purchase to continue 30 years, it holds;

As 4,74349 to ,06. So 5,74349 to 0,07264.

Example Second.

Let it be required to find what rent payable yearly 8 l. shall purchase at 6 per Centum to continue 21 years.

As 2,39956 the Amount less an U­nit of 1 l. for 21 years is to ,20397 the fact of ,06 and the amount,

So is 8 to ,68 or 13 s.d. the An­nuity sought.

Memorandum, That by the Fact is meant that you should multiply the foregoing Figures by ,06. Viz. 2,39956 by ,06,

Which makes 2,2039736.

[Page 28] Now whereas the Lease of a house of 1 l. per Annum to continue 21 years is commonly sold for 8 l. or 8 years purchase, and your mony will purchase a certainty but of 13 s. 7 d. [...] per Annum, you see by this supposition you are abated 6 s. 5 d. 3/ [...]nt of Taxes Reparations and Casualties; and verygood Reason there is for great abatements, for a Tenant taking a Lease on a Tunber house, if it be burnt down by a Fire beginning at his Neighbours as leases commonly Run, is bound to build it up again and hath no relief ei­ther in Law or Equity against his Landlord, as I am informed by able Council, only he hath the benefit of a Benevolence, his Action against them where the fire began (who perchance are ruined.)

[Page 29]

s.   s. d.
  will purchase an —11—11
10 Annuity to con­tinue 21 years of —12—9
10   —14—5½

Hence it appears that the Value of Leases of Houses cannot be estimated near the Truth by the Common Ta­bles for Annuities at the currant rate of Interest, and that if any one would use them to this purpose it were much nearer the truth first to abridge the Rent as aforesaid.

Prop. 7. Any number of years in a Lease or Annuity being propounded to find the present Worth of any greater or lesser Number of years therein.

This is one of the most usual and useful Propositions of this Nature, and [Page 30] as propounded is not sufficiently Limited, and the Question in this Cas [...] will be, What is the most equitable rate of Interest whereby to resolve the Proposition; to find out which it is ei­ther necessary to assign how many years purchase the Fee Simple or Inhe­ritance is worth, or the present Worth of a Lease of any Number of years therein.

1. If the Worth of the Inheritance be assigned, then thereby divide 100 the Quote shews the Annual Interest for.


Let the Fee Simple or Copy-hold Lands be worth 16 years 8 months Purchase, then dividing 100 by 16⅔ the Quotient is 6, whereof 6 pound in the 100 is an equitable Rate of Interest whereby to compute the present worth of a Lease of any number of [Page 31] years therein, and so è contra if mony were at 8 per Centum, the Laws of Arithmetick allow the worth of the Inheritance of the best Land that is, to be but 12½ years Purchase, which some would confirm, from this reason, because otherwise their money would yield a better income at Simple or Compound Interest, but the most pro­per Reason is derived from the Na­ture of a Geometrical Progression de­creasing ad Infinitum; for instance, ad­mit you have a Tenant in the Te­nure or Possession of 1 l. per Annum, and you say to him, pay the rent now that will be due at the end of

1 Years, &c. ad infinitum.

and you will rebate him after the rate of Compound Interest. I say the Total of all those Payments shall never exceed 12 l. 10 s. 00 d.

[Page 32] The Proportion for casting up the sum of a sinite Geometrical Progression runs thus,

As the difference of an assumed extreme and its next inward mean is to the next inward mean;

So is the difference of the remote extremes to the sum of the Progression, except the assumed extreme.

The reason wherof is, That if a rank of Numbers be in Geometrical Pro­gression their sums and differences are likewise in the same Proportion. See 35 of 9 Book of Euclid, or Briggs his Arithmetica Logarithmica.

6, 18, 54, 162, 486,  
3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729
Wherefore it holds by Euclid. 6
As one difference
Is to its Consequent— 9
So is the Sum of all the differences (which is here the difference between the first and last term)— 726

To the Sum of all the Consequents is 1089.

Wherefore the sum of the whole progression is—1092.

And supposing this Progression to decrease infinitely, then will the first term be o, and the sum of all the Differences 729, and it holds. As [...]

Wherefore the sum of this infinite Pro­gression is 1093½, and can never exceed it, and the said progression continued but in part towards the left hand, would stand thus, &c. 1/729 1/243 1/81 1/27 1/9 ⅓ I.

2. But admit the present worth of a Lease for a certain number of years be given, some third term must be further [Page 34] given, let that be the yearly rent, and then you cannot assign the rate; (and the contrary) in this Case to find the rate is one of the most difficult Questi­ons that commonly happens about Annuities, because the Proposition in the 5, 6, (also 4th.) Prop. will not hold conversly, there are but two terms in the Proposition given, which contain but a bare ratio, &c. therefore though out of Tables of Forbearance of Money at compound Interest, you can make those for Annuities, yet the con­verse will not hold.

In this Case you must either by help of the 5 Prop. and common Lo­garithms, or of Tables of the present worth of Annuities, calculated to the best rate that shall suit the Inheritance, find the present worth of the Num­ber of years proposed according to two rates assumed as near the truth as you can possible, and then if you have not lighted upon the given [Page 35] worth of the years assigned, use the help of this Approximation.

As the difference of the present worths found, is to the difference of the assumed rates of Interest;

So the difference between the gi­ven worth and the truest of those Tryal worths;

To the difference between the rate of Interest of the tryal worth and that sought.

And when the rate of Interest is truly found, compute accordingly the present worth of the years sought.

But this were to send away the Rea­der, as if we could in this Case give no answer to the question, by help of the ta­ble here used; whereto I answer, That if the worth of the Inheritance be assigned, repair to the following Proposition.

But if not, let the Casualty as in the 6th. Proposition be reduced to a cer­tainty; viz. if it concern the Lease of a house which is a Casualty, abridge [Page 36] the Annual Rent, and then you may by the 5th. Prop. cast up the Value of any Number of Years therein.

But herein I would not be misun­derstood, as if when a Lease of a House of 1 l. yearly for 21 Years is sold for 8 l. 10 s. the which will pur­chase an Annuity or Certainty of 14 s. 5 ½ per Annum, and any Number of years in this Certainty shall be equivo­lent to as many in that Casualty, that therefore Tables made to both Rates, and a Computation to both the Year­ly Rents must needs agree, because all Tables of Annuities are made for Certainties not Casualties.

Or lastly, repair to the first and last Prop. and you will there find how to cast up the Amount of 1 l. Princi­pal for any time, and at any Rate, where the true manner of such Equa­tions is shewed.

In this second Case is couched two usual Questions, most commoly pro­pounded [Page 37] without sufficient Limits: As,

1. When a Lease is sunk by a Fine to a certain Yearly Rent, for a cer­tain term of time, What the whole Lease is worth: Or,

2. What any number of years to be added, after the term in Lease is ex­pired, is worth.

In Order to the Resolution of ei­ther of these Questions it must be a­greed how much the sunk Rent was, or at least as much given as before was required, and then as before you have a foundation whereon to raise a Rate of Interest, for there is now given the yearly Rent sunk, its pre­sent worth, and the time, and the Rate being found, you may then, ac­cording as is done in the 5th. Prop. resolve both these Questions.

Prop. 8. A Table for the forbearance of Money at any Rate of Interest being in store to extend it to serve to all other Rates.

It was before asserted that any such Table was a Table of Logarithms, and if filled up with Proportionable Num­bers (by 1. Prop.) or otherwise suita­ble to such time or Decimals thereof, as may come in use, might for these purposes be more convenient than those already made, because it would admit a manifold Proof, as also because the differences would not be so vast near the beginning, but in some other respects inferiour thereto. And so contrarily, a Number being assigned to find the Logarithm thereto made, upon any kind of Rate or Suppositi­on, it may easily be done out of the Common Logarithms, for the diffe­rences of all Logarithms are either [Page 39] equal or directly Proportional.

Example first.

As 74108, Speidells difference of the Logarithm of 13 and 14.

Is to 32184 d. Brigs his difference of those Logarithms;

So is 16000, Speidells difference of the Logarithms of 62 and 63.

To 69487, the difference of those Logarithms in Mr. Brigs, or the Common Tables.

Moreover Van Schooten in his Mis­cellanies gives you an Account of all Numbers under 1000, that are prime or incomposite, to wit, 1226 in Num­ber, viz. the which no other Number will divide, to the which if the dif­ferences be first found by Proportion, which in this Case having the two fixt Terms fixed, may be converted into a Multiplication or Division, and that Multiplier or Divisor being Multi­plied [Page 40] by all the Digits into an Addi­tion or Substraction, the Loga­rithms of all the Composite Numbers will easily be made out of the rest, by the continual Addition of the Loga­rithm of 2, or otherwise.

In the Table here used the time is the Logarithm, and the Amount the Number thereto belonging, and a Proportion accordingly may be ap­plied to any kind of Logarithms, to find the Excess of time above a year, in which a 100 l. at 6 per Centum did amount to 108 l. But it may be more easily thus done.

As, 02530586, the Logarithm of the Amount 1, 06.

Is to 1, viz. One year the time that 1 l. Principal was forborn;

So is, 03342375 the Logarithm of the Amount 1, 08.

To 1, 32079, the time required, and that is 1 Year, 3 Months, and about 26 Days, and thus the nearest way of [Page 41] resolving such a Proposition, having the Common Logarithms in Store, is by a Division of the Logarithms: But supposing no such Tables, it may be supplied by two Divisions by help of this Table, which I shall explain in two Cases.

Sect. 1. The Amount of 1 l. being pro­posed, to find what time it must be forborn, at 6 per Centum to amount unto as much.

Divide the given Amount by some Amount in the Table, next lesser, and that Quotient, again by the next les­ser Amount, reserving the Quoti­ent.

If the time in the Tables belong­ing to the two first Divisors, and last Quote be added together, it is the time sought.


1 l. in a Year at 8 per Centum did amount to 1 s., 08, in what time at 6 per Centum, shall it amount to so much.

        In Decimals
  Dividend 108    
1. Divisor— 106— 1 Year 1
  Quote— 1,018867 Second Dividend  
2. Divisor— 1,014675 —3 Months ,25
    1,0041 Quote 26 days ferè ,07079

[Page 43] But to save the Reader this trou­ble we have added the Equated time for these Rates.

  l. years
100 l. shall 105 In ,83732
at 6 per 106 1
Centum 107 1,16114
amount 108 1,32079
unto 109 1,47896

And by the second Proposition the present worth of sundry payments due hereafter being computed, after the manner of this Example, a [...]ue time may be found when the total of all those Payments may equitably be paid at once.

[Page 44] Sect. 2. The Rate of Compound Inte­rest, and the time being given to find what 1 l. Principal did amount to in that time.

Or rather let it be thus proposed:

How long shall one pound at 6 per Cent. be forborn to amount to as much as 1 l. forborn any space of time at any other Rate of Interest doth amount unto, and what is the said Amount?

By the time Proposed multiply the Equated time, next before found (in the first Case) that agrees to the Rate proposed, and you have the time sought, and what it shall amount, is found by the first Proposition.

For instance, if 1 l. be forborn 18 years at 8 per Centum, what shall it amount to?

Or [...]

How long shall 1 l. at 6 per Centum be forborn, to amount 10 as much, as if the said 1 l. had been for­born 18 years at 8 per Centum, and what is the said Amount?

By the former Example the Equa­ted time or Logarithm of the Ratio found, was,

This Multiplied by 18, the Product is 23,7726

To wit the time of forbearance.

And the Product of the Interest Sums belonging to the true time is 3,99601—or 3 l. 19 s. 11 d. the Amount of 1 l. forborn 18 years at Compound Interest, and the Amount of 1 l. being in Store, you see before that thereby all other Questions con­cerning Annuities are Resolved.

But when the Law settles a New [Page 46] Rate of Interest, it may be more speedy to frame a Table thereto, or use such as the Scale of Interest, or o­ther Authors afford. Now what I have hitherto wrote was chiefly to ex­plain the Use of the Table, and to shew, That in case of necessity, with a little more pains, it takes away those Multitudes of Tables that are made, as well for quarterly as yearly Pay­ments, at several Rates for Interest and Annuity Questions, and by reason it, with its Precepts, is contained in one quarter of a sheet of Paper, which I made my constant Companion in my Letter Case, that thou mightest reap the like benefit of it, it is also Printed apart. It is not my intent to inlarge upon a Multitude of Particu­lar Questions, which would all be reduced unto or resolved by some of the former Propositions. That I leave to the Practice of the Studious.


MErcennus in the Preface of his Synopsis Mathematica, speak­ing of certain Supplements made to Geometry, and amongst the rest of Torricello's Hyperbolical Solid of an infinite length, found equal to a finite Cylinder, saith, That a certain Geome­ter found the like in a Space made by a curved Line drawn through the tops, all right proportional Lines (sup­posed) and by a right Line, on which the said Proportional Lines stand as Perpendiculars at a like parallel distance from each other; if it may be said to be a Space which is not closed, unless perchance at an infinite distance, which Proportionals, he saith, [Page 48] would not long after be published: He wrote it in 1644, but as yet I can­not hear of any such Treatise.

Now, as I said before, the time be­ing the Logarithms, and the Amounts the Proportional Numbers thereto be­longing, by the help of the Curved Line he mentions (which may al­so be described by mean or continu­al Proportionals in Lines without the help of Numbers) the Logarithmeti­cal Lines of Numbers, Sines, Tan­gents, Versed Sines, on Gunter's Rule may be Graduated, and the Meridian Line of Mercator's Projection, or the true Sea Chart (being in the same Ra­tio with the Logarithmetical Tan­gents) supplied, and whereas he men­tions by one Curved Figure, there will also arise another for the same purpose, when the equal parts increasing in A­rithmetical Progression, are raised as Perpendiculars on their Proportional Numbers placed in a base Line, and [Page 49] then the tops of those Perpendiculars joyned with a slexuous Curved Line passing through them; but the Pro­perties of these Figures as their Areas or Contents, Centors of Gravity, round Solids, and their first and se­cond Segments, &c. are not as yet treated of by Geometers, and per­chance might be more worthy their Contemplation than divers other Spe­culations, which seem to be of less Use, to which (amongst many) might be added the Curves made by the Annuity Lines, and the Curve in Mer­cator's Chart that represents a Semi­circle of the great Arch, with a me­thod of discribing it by Points, or In­strument (if possible) from its own Intrinsick Nature, without the help of Calculations or other Projections; al­so how to cut a Cylinder that the Sur­face thereof unrolled shall render the Curve proposed of the like Nature, standing upon the Stage of Proposal, [Page 50] have troubled all France and Galileus for 35 years together, and since his death received their Resolution.

A Table of Decimals of Days, which may serve for any Rate of Simple Interest, and a Table of Forbearance, or Amount of 1 l. Compound Inte­rest at 6 l. per Cent. per Annum, for 365 Days and 11 Months.

Days Decimals of days Amounts
1 ,002739726 1,000159617
2 ,005479452 1,000319336
3 ,008219178 1,000479037
4 ,010958904 1,000638768
5 ,013698630 1,000798522
6 ,016438356 1,000958305
7 ,019178082 1,001118111
8 ,021917808 1,001277942
9 ,024657534 1,001437800
10 ,027397260 1,001597683
11 ,030136986 1,001757592
12 ,032876712 1,001917526
13 ,035616438 1,002077486
14 ,038356164 1,002237471
15 041095890 1,002397482
16 ,043835616 1,002557511
17 ,046575342 1,002717580
18 ,049315068 1,002877667
19 ,052054794 1,003077802
20 ,054794520 1,003197919
21 ,057534246 1,003358083
22 ,060273972 1,003518273
23 ,063013699 1,003678488
24 ,065753425 1,003938729
25 ,068493151 1,003998995
26 ,071232877 1,004159285
27 ,073972602 1,004319605
28 ,076712329 1,004479948
29 ,079452055 1,004640310
30 ,082191781 1,004800712
31 ,084931507 1,004961132
32 ,087671233 1,005121577
33 ,090410959 1,005282467
34 ,093150685 1,005442545
35 ,095890411 1,005603068
36 ,098630137 1,005763616
37 ,101369863 1,005924190
38 ,104109589 1,006084789
39 ,106849315 1,006245414
40 ,109589041 1,006406528
41 ,112328767 1,006566741
42 ,115068493 1,006727443
43 ,117808219 1,006888171
44 ,120547945 1,007048924
45 ,123287671 1,007209703
46 ,126027397 1,007370508
47 ,128767123 1,007531338
48 ,131306849 1,007692194
49 ,134246575 1,007853076
50 ,136986301 1,008013983
51 ,139726027 1,008174916
52 ,142465753 1,008335850
53 ,145205479 1,008496859
54 ,147945205 1,008657870
55 ,150684931 1,008817905
56 ,153424657 1,008979967
57 ,156164383 1,009141054
58 ,158904109 1,009302121
59 ,161643835 1,009463306
60 ,164383561 1,009624470
61 ,167123287 1,009785661
62 ,169863014 1,009946877
63 ,172602739 1,010108118
64 ,175342466 1,010269386
65 ,178082192 1,010430680
66 ,180821918 1,010591909
67 ,183561644 1,010753343
68 ,186301369 1,010914719
69 ,189041096 1,011076110
70 ,191780822 1,011237532
71 ,194520548 1,011398513
72 ,197260274 1,011560453
73 ,200000000 1,011721952
74 ,202739726 1,011883485
75 ,205479452 1,012045028
76 ,208219178 1,012206604
77 ,210958904 1,012368207
78 ,213698630 1,012529835
79 ,216438356 1,012691489
80 ,219178082 1,012853169
81 ,221917808 1,013014874
82 ,224657534 1,013176606
83 ,227397260 1,013338368
84 ,230136986 1,013500145
85 ,232876712 1,013661955
86 ,235616418 1,013823790
87 ,238356164 1,013985650
88 ,241095891 1,014147538
89 ,243835617 1,014309449
90 ,246575342 1,014471385
91 ,249315068 1,014633352
92 ,252054794 1,014795341
93 ,254794520 1,014957357
94 ,257534246 1,015119399
95 ,260273972 1,015281466
96 ,263013698 1,015443560
97 ,265753424 1,015605678
98 ,268493150 1,015767824
99 ,271232876 1,015929992
100 ,273972602 1,016092892
101 ,276712320 1,016254415
102 ,279452055 1,016416663
103 ,282191781 1,016578938
104 ,284931517 1,016741243
105 ,287671243 1,016993540
106 ,290410960 1,017065919
107 ,293150695 1,017228295
108 ,295890411 1,017396994
109 ,298630137 1,017553130
110 ,301369863 1,017715585
111 ,304109589 1,017878065
112 ,306849315 1,018045851
113 ,309589041 1,018203108
114 ,312328767 1,018365664
115 ,315068493 1,018528254
116 ,317808219 1,018690866
117 ,320547945 1,018853504
118 ,323287671 1,019016177
119 ,326027397 1,019178857
120 ,328767123 1,019345733
121 ,331506849 1,019504313
122 ,334246575 1,019667083
123 ,336986301 1,019829875
124 ,339726027 1,019991694
125 ,342465753 1,020155541
126 ,345205479 1,020318411
127 ,347945206 1,020481309
128 ,350684942 1,020644233
129 ,353424667 1,020807182
130 ,356164393 1,020970158
131 ,358904119 1,021133159
132 ,361643845 1,021296189
133 ,364383572 1,021461593
134 ,367123298 1,021622323
135 ,369863024 1,021785425
136 ,372602749 1,021948558
137 ,375342476 1,022111715
138 ,378082202 1,022274899
139 ,380821928 1,022438109
140 ,383561654 1,022601344
141 ,386301379 1,022764607
142 ,389041106 1,022927895
143 ,391780832 1,023091208
144 ,394520558 1,023254549
145 ,397260284 1,023417914
146 ,400000000 1,023581308
147 ,402739736 1,023744727
148 ,405479462 1,023908170
149 ,408219188 1,024071642
150 ,410958914 1,024235137
151 ,413698640 1,024398660
152 ,416438366 1,024562213
153 ,419178092 1,024725785
154 ,421917818 1,024989386
155 ,425657544 1,025053613
156 ,427397270 1,025216666
157 ,430136997 1,025380346
158 ,432876722 1,025544052
159 ,435616448 1,025707783
160 ,438356174 1,025871541
161 ,441095900 1,026035316
162 ,443835626 1,026199125
163 ,446575352 1,026362972
164 ,449315078 1,026526834
165 ,452054804 1,026690723
166 ,454794531 1,026854641
167 ,457534256 1,027018579
168 ,460273982 1,027182546
169 ,463013708 1,027346543
170 ,465753434 1,027510559
171 ,468493161 1,027674605
172 ,471232887 1,027838677
173 ,473972613 1,028002774
174 ,476712339 1,028166899
175 ,479452065 1,028331053
176 ,482191791 1,028495226
177 ,484931517 1,028659434
178 ,487671243 1,028823659
179 ,490410969 1,028987914
180 ,493150695 1,029152196
181 ,495890421 1,029316503
182 ,498630147 1,029480838
183 ,501369873 1,029645199
184 ,504109599 1,029809584
185 ,506849325 1,029973997
186 ,509589051 1,030138442
187 ,512328777 1,030302901
188 ,515068503 1,030467393
189 ,517808229 1,030631911
190 ,520547955 1,030796454
191 ,523287681 1,030961026
192 ,526027407 1,031125622
193 ,528767133 1,031290244
194 ,531506859 1,031454895
195 ,534246585 1,031619570
196 ,536986311 1,0317 [...]4 [...]
197 ,539726057 1,031949 [...]
198 ,542465763 1,032137521
199 ,545205489 1,032278534
200 ,547945215 1,032443342
201 ,550684941 1,0326 [...]8174
202 ,553424667 1,032773034
203 ,556164393 1,032937920
204 ,558904119 1,033102832
205 ,561643845 1,033267771
206 ,564383571 1,033432736
207 ,567123298 1,033597703
208 ,569863024 1,033757985
209 ,572602756 1,033927789
210 ,575342478 1,034092859
211 ,578082204 1,034257956
212 ,580821929 1,034423079
213 ,583561656 1,034588204
214 ,586301382 1,034753404
215 ,589041108 1,034918606
216 ,591780834 1,035083763
217 ,594520559 1,035249089
218 ,597260286 1,035414370
219 ,600000000 1,035579678
220 ,602739727 1,035745010
221 ,605479453 1,035910371
222 ,608219179 1,036075759
223 ,610958905 1,036241173
224 ,613698631 1,036406611
225 ,616438357 1,036572078
226 ,619178083 1,036737573
227 ,621917809 1,036903089
228 ,624657535 1,037068659
229 ,627397261 1,037234207
230 ,630136987 1,037399804
231 ,632876713 1,037565430
232 ,635616439 1,037731080
233 ,638356165 1,037896757
234 ,641095891 1,038062462
235 ,643835617 1,038228192
236 ,646575343 1,038093948
237 ,649315069 1,038559733
238 ,652054795 1,038725542
239 ,654794521 1,038891378
240 ,657534247 1,039057241
241 ,660273973 1,039223106
242 ,663013699 1,039389046
243 ,665753425 1,039554988
244 ,668293152 1,039720972
245 ,671232878 1,039886952
246 ,673972604 1,040052974
247 ,676712329 1,040219022
248 ,679452056 1,040385096
249 ,682191782 1,040551198
250 ,684931508 1,040717326
251 ,687671234 1,040888480
252 ,690410959 1,041049661
253 ,693150686 1,041215868
254 ,695890412 1,041382102
255 ,698630138 1,041548363
256 ,701369864 1,041714649
257 ,704109589 1,041880960
258 ,706849316 1,042047303
259 ,709589042 1,042213669
260 ,712328768 1,042380062
261 ,715068494 1,042546482
262 ,717808219 1,042712928
263 ,720547946 1,042879401
264 ,723287672 1,043045901
265 ,726027398 1,043212426
266 ,728767124 1,043378979
267 ,731506850 1,043545559
268 ,734246576 1,043712164
269 ,736986302 1,043878797
270 ,739726028 1,044045456
271 ,742465754 1,044212141
272 ,745205480 1,044378853
273 ,747945206 1,044545592
274 ,750684932 1,044712357
275 ,753424658 1,044879150
276 ,756164384 1,045045969
277 ,758904110 1,045212813
278 ,761643836 1,045379786
279 ,764383562 1,045548585
280 ,767123288 1,045713509
281 ,769863014 1,045884074
282 ,772602740 1,046057440
283 ,775342466 1,046214445
284 ,778082192 1,046381477
285 ,780821918 1,046548530
286 ,783561644 1,046710807
287 ,786301371 1,046882733
288 ,789041097 1,047049872
289 ,791780823 1,047217036
290 ,794520548 1,047384229
291 ,797260275 1,047551448
292 ,800000000 1,047718696
293 ,802739727 1,047885989
294 ,805479453 1,048053264
295 ,808219179 1,048220589
296 ,810958905 1,048387941
297 ,813698631 1,048555320
298 ,816438357 1,048722726
299 ,819178083 1,048890158
300 ,821917809 1,049057400
301 ,824657535 1,049225103
302 ,827397261 1,049392616
303 ,830136987 1,049560107
304 ,832876713 1,049727721
305 ,835616439 1,049895336
306 ,838356165 1,050062933
307 ,841095891 1,050230335
308 ,843835617 1,050398261
309 ,846575343 1,050565953
310 ,849315069 1,050733679
311 ,852054795 1,050901432
312 ,854794521 1,051020810
313 ,857534247 1,051237020
314 ,860273973 1,051404858
315 ,863013699 1,051572714
316 ,865753425 1,051738180
317 ,868493152 1,051908515
318 ,871232877 1,052076452
319 ,873972603 1,052244425
320 ,876712329 1,052412418
321 ,879452055 1,052580440
322 ,882191782 1,052748489
323 ,884931508 1,052916563
324 ,887671234 1,053084180
325 ,890410954 1,053252794
326 ,893150686 1,053420949
327 ,895890412 1,053589108
328 ,898630138 1,053757318
329 ,901369864 1,053925553
330 ,904109589 1,054093831
331 ,906849316 1,054262131
332 ,909589042 1,054430478
333 ,912328768 1,054598766
334 ,915068494 1,054767113
335 ,917808219 1,054935559
336 ,920547946 1,055103982
337 ,923287672 1,055272407
338 ,926027398 1,055440912
339 ,928767124 1,055609416
340 ,931506850 1,055778678
341 ,934246576 1,055946508
342 ,936986302 1,056115093
343 ,939726028 1,056283706
344 ,942465754 1,056452343
345 ,945205480 1,056621012
346 ,947945206 1,056789705
347 ,950684932 1,056958443
348 ,953424658 1,057127172
349 ,956164384 1,057295946
350 ,958904110 1,057464748
351 ,961643836 1,057633576
352 ,964383562 1,057802434
353 ,967123288 1,057971313
354 ,969863014 1,058140222
355 ,972602741 1,058309157
356 ,975342467 1,058478129
357 ,978082193 1,058647110
358 ,980821919 1,058816127
359 ,983561645 1,058985178
360 ,986301371 1,059154242
361 ,989041097 1,059323339
362 ,991780823 1,059492461
363 ,994520549 1,059661616
364 ,997260275 1,059837952
365 ,100000000 1,060000000
Months Decimals Amounts
1 ,083333 1,004867
2 ,166667 1,009659
3 ,250000 1,014675
4 ,333334 1,019613
5 ,416667 1,024576
6 ,500000 1,029564
7 ,583334 1,034574
8 ,666667 1,039610
9 ,750000 1,044671
10 ,833334 1,049756
11 ,916667 1,054865

A Table of Forbearance, or Amount of 1 l. at Compound Interest, at 6 l. per Cent. per Annum for 50 years, and from thence continued to 100.

1 1,06
2 1,236
3 1,191016
4 1,262477
5 1,338225
6 1,418519
7 1,503630
8 1,593848
9 1,689479
10 1,790848
11 1,898298
12 2,012196
13 2,132928
14 2,260904
15 2,396358
16 2,540352
17 2,692773
18 2,854339
19 3,025599
20 3,207135
21 3,399564
22 3,603537
23 3,819750
24 4,048935
25 4,291871
26 4,549383
27 4,821346
28 5,111687
29 5,418388
30 5,743491
31 6,088101
32 6,453386
33 6,840589
34 7,250025
35 7,686087
36 8,147252
37 8,636087
38 9,154252
39 9,703507
46 10,285715
41 10,902857
42 11,557032
43 12,250453
44 12,985481
45 13,764609
46 14,590486
47 15,465915
48 16,393869
49 17,377502
50 18,420152
60 32,987488
70 59,075911
80 105,795933
90 189,464433
100 339,398871
The Doctrine of DECI …

The Doctrine of DECIMAL ARITHMETICK, Simple Interest, &c.

AS ALSO Of Compound Interest and Annuities:

Generally performed for any time of Payment, or Rate of Interest, by help of any particular Table of Forbearance of 1 l. Principal.

Abridged for Portability in a Letter Case.

By John Collins Accomptant, Philomath.

A Decimal Fraction is such a one whose Denominator is under­stood and not expressed; and is an Unit with as many Cyphers following [Page 74] it, as there are Figures and Cyphers in the Numerator.

Corollary. Wherefore the annex­ing of Cyphers towards the right hand of a Decimal alters not its va­lue. A Decimal Fraction of Coin may be easily valued without the help of Tables. For each Unit in the first place is in value 2 s. 5 d. in the se­cond place 1 s. and the rest Farthings; but if any exceed 15/48 there must be ½ Farthings abated:

So ,854 is in value 17 s. 1 d.
,418 8 4 ½.

Addition and Substraction in Deci­mals is the same as in whole Num­bers, keeping the place of Units un­der each other.

Multiplication in Decimals; as ma­ny Decimal parts as are in both Mul­tipliers, so many must be cut off from [Page 75] the Product; which if it have not so many places the Defect is to be supplied with Cyphers towards the left hand.

Division in Decimals is the Con­verse annex Cyphers sufficient (if need be) to the Dividend towards the right hand, that it may have more Decimal Parts than the Divisor, then as many Decimal Parts as are in the Dividend, so many must be in the Divisor, and Quote, when the Division is finished; and in case of defect, the Quote is to be supplied with Cyphers towards the left hand.

Simple Interest.

Prop. 1. To compute the Interest of 1 l. for a Day.

6/105 is the Interest of 100 l. for a day, the 1/100 whereof is the Interest of 1 l. for a day, viz. 6/16500, Or 6 divided by 36500, namely,

[Page 76]

Days Interest of 1 l.
1 ,000164384
2 ,000328768
3 ,000493152
4 ,000657536
5 ,000821920
6 ,000986304
7 ,001150688
8 ,001315072
9 ,001479456

Prop. 2. Forbearance of Money at Sim­ple Interest.

The Interest of one pound for any number of Days may be taken from this Table by Addition, (instead of a Multiplication, by the number of days, the trouble whereof is by the help of this Table spared) and that [Page 77] Product multiplied by any other given Sum, makes the Interest there­of for the time given.

Prop. 3. Rebate, or the present worth of Money due hereafter.

Find the Interest of one pound, for the time given, and thereto adding an Unit. By it divide any other Sum given, and the Quote is its present worth.

Prop. 4. Equation of Payments.

By Prop. 3. Compute all the pre­sent worths, and then by Proportion. If all those present worths amounted to the Total of all those Payments, What did 1 l. amount to in the said time? From the Result substract an Unit, the Remainder is the Interest of 1 l. for th [...] time sought, which di­vide by the Interest of 1 l. for a day, [Page 78] the Quote is the number of days sought. If you are to Equate an An­nuity at Simple Interest, I presume a Compendium may be found in Mengo­lus his Arithmetical Quadratures, (a Book I never saw) who its probable by a Compendium gets the Fact of an Arithmetical Progression, and adds Fractions that have a constant Nume­rator, and an Arithmetical Progression for their Denominators.

Days Decimals Amount 5 Years Amounts
1 ,002739 1,000160 1 1,06
2 ,005479 1,000319 2 1,1236
3 ,008219 1,000479 3 1,191016
4 ,010959 1,000639 4 1,262477
5 ,013698 1,000798 5 1,338225
6 ,016438 1,000958 6 1,418519
7 ,019178 1,001118 7 1,503630
8 ,021918 1,001278 8 1,593848
9 ,024657 1,001438 9 1,689479
10 ,027397 1,001598 10 1,790848
11 ,030137 1,001757 11 1,898298
12 ,032877 1,001917 12 2,012196
13 ,035617 1,002077 13 2,132928
14 ,038357 1,002237 14 2,260904
15 ,041097 1,002397 15 2,3 [...]6 [...]58
16 ,043837 1,002557 16 2,540352
17 ,046577 1,002717 17 2,692773
18 ,049316 1,002878 18 2,854339
19 ,05 [...]055 1,003038 19 3,025599
20 ,054795 1,003198 20 3,207135
21 ,057536 1,003358 21 3,399564
22 ,060274 1,003518 22 3,603537
23 ,063016 1,003678 23 3,819750
24 ,065755 1,003839 24 4,048935
25 ,068495 1,003999 25 4,291871
26 ,071233 1,004159 26 4,549383
27 ,073973 1,004319 27 4,822346
28 ,076714 1,004480 28 5,111687
29 ,079454 1,004640 29 5,418388
30 ,082193 1,004801 30 5,743491
60 ,164386 1,009625 31 6,088101
90 ,246579 1,014472 32 6,453386
120 ,328772 1,019342 33 6,840589
150 ,410965 1,024335 34 7,250025
180 ,493158 1,029153 35 7,686087
210 ,575351 1,034093 36 8,147252
240 ,657544 1,039057 37 8,636087
270 ,7 [...]9737 1,044 [...]45 38 9,154252
300 ,821930 1,049 [...]7 39 9,7 [...]35 [...]7
330 ,904193 1,054093 40 10,285715
360 ,986316 1, [...]59154 50 18,420152
Mo. 1 ,083334 1,004867 60 32,927388
2 ,166667 1,0 [...]9759 70 50,075911
3 ,250 [...] 1,014 [...]74 80 1 [...]5,795933
6 ,500000 1, [...]29563 90 189,464433
9 ,750000 1,014 [...]71 100 339,398471

[Page 80] The annexed Table is a Table of the Forbearance or Amount of 1 l. at Compound Interest at 6 per Cent. per An. This Table as to the Years, is com­posed by the continual Multiplication of 1,06 (or by Addition tabulating the same) and as to the Days may be supplied either by continual Pro­portionals, or the common Loga­rithms, which also are no other than Answers to Interest Questions, at the rate of near 26 per Cent. (or the A­mount is as 1, to 1,2589292) sup­posing 1 l. in 10 Years to amount to 10 l. the Logarithms (distinguishing the first Figure with a Conmma) shew the Years and Decimals when it a­mounted to 2 l. 3 l. &c. And those Loga­rithms may be raised from the former. For the differences of all sorts of Lo­garithms of any four Numbers, are directly Proportional, and may be raised from any Table of Forbearance of Money at Compound Interest.

Prop. 1. To continue the said Table, or to find the Amount of 1 l. for­born for any time proposed.

Multiply those Amounts together that belong to such time, as added to­gether makes the time given.

Prop. 2. The Amount of 1 l. being given, To find the time of Forbear­ance.

Search the Amount in the Tables, and divide by the next lesser amount, and that Quote again by the next lesser Amount, &c. reserving the Quotes, the time belonging to the Divisors, and the last Quote is the time sought. Example, 1 l. did a­mount to 1,08 in 1,32079 years.

Prop. 3. To compute the Amount of 1 l. for any time at any Rate of In­terest.

By Prop. 2. compute in what time at 6 per Cent. 1 l. shall amount to as much as in one Year at the Rate pro­posed, that keep in store, and multi­ply by the time proposed, the Fact is the time in which at 6 per Cent. 1 l. shall amount to as much as it should do at the other Rate given; to know which, use Prop. 1.

Example, 100 l. did amount to 105 l. in, 83732 Years.
Or, 1 l. did amount to 1,05 In Years ,83732
1,06 1,
1,07 1,16114
1,08 1,32079
1,09 1,47896
1,10 1,63569

[Page 83] Admit it were required to find what 1 l. amounted to in 20 Years at 8 per cent. multiply 1,32079 by 20, the Fact or Product is 26,14158, and by Prop. 1. 1 l. at 6 per cent. in that time did amount to 4 6609.

Now if the Amount of 1 l. be given, Annuity Problems are salved thereby. And for the advantage of this Proposition the Decimals of time were added.

Prop. 4. Forbearance of Monies at Compound Interest.

As an Unit is to its Amount in the Tables suitable to the time given:

So is any other Sum to its Amount.

Prop. 5. Discount of Money at Com­pound Interest, the Converse of the former.

As the Tabular Number,

[Page 84] Is to an Unit, its present Worth:

  • So is any other Sum,
  • To its present Worth.

In Annuity Questions the Propor­tions are suited for yearly Payments; if the Payment be half-yearly, then instead of ,06 (or 1,06) and the An­nuity in any term, take half a years Interest ,029565, and the half yearly Payment; and for quarterly Pay­ments the Quarters Interest ,014674, and the quarterly Payment, &c.

Prop. 6. Forbearance of Annuities.

As ,06 the Annual Interest of 1 l.

Is to the Amount less an Unit of 1 l. forborn any term:

So is the Annuity or yearly Pensi­on,

To the Sum for the whole Arreara­ges thereof.

Prop. 7. Discount of Annuities, or their present Worth.

As the Fact of ,06 and of the A­mount of 1 l at Compound Interest for the time proposed,

Is to the said Amount less an U­nit:

  • So is any Annuity,
  • To its present Worth,

[Page 86]

To this Proposition belongs the Purchace of the Fee-simple.
For yearly Payments divide the Rent 1 l. by the Inte­rest ,06 the Quotes are 16,⅔
half-yearly   ,5   ,0295613   16,91303
quarterly   ,25   ,01674   17,07843

[Page 87] And so many pounds (or years purchace) is the Inheritance worth (as may be proved from Tacquet's Arith­metick) which Sums are no other than the Totals of the present Worths of the infinite Payments to be made. Hereto also belong Equation of Pay­ments at Compound Interest: for ha­ving computed the present Worths, by proportion, you may find what 1 l. amounted to in the time sought, and by the second Proposition the time it self.

Prop. 8. To find what Annuity any Sum of ready Money shall purchase for any time proposed.

As the Amount less an Unit of 1 l. forborn at Compound Interest, the time proposed,

Is to the Fact of, 06, and of the A­mount of 1 l. so forborn:

So is any Sum of ready Money,

[Page 88] To the Annuity it shall purchase.

From these three Propositions the Tables in common use may be raised, if you put an Unit in the third place.

Prop. 9. The Worth of an Annuity be­ing proposed, To find the time of its Continuance.

Get the difference of the Facts of 1,06 into the Annuity,

And of ,06 into the Sum of the present Worth and Annuity,

Then, as the said difference, is to an Unit:

So is the Annuity, To the Amount of 1 l. for the time sought (to be found by the second Proposition.)

Prop. 10. An Annuity, its present Worth, and time of Continuance pro­posed, To find the Rate of Interest.

This is the hardest of Annuity Pro­blems, [Page 89] and not to be resolved with Logarithms without Position or Tri­als; the use is to find the value of any other Number of Years therein: To facilitate which, observe, That by Prop. 8. for 21 years at 6 per Cent. you may purchase Annuity of

s. d. For l. s.
11 11 7 00
12 9 7 10
13 7 8 00
14 5 8 10
15 3 9 00
17   10 00

And these are the Rates for Leases of Houses of such a time, to wit, 1 l. a year for 21 years, is worth about 7 l. 10 s. or 8 l. as men agree, which is a certainty of 12 s. 9 d. or 13 s. 7 d. per Annum, whereby you have a di­rection to accord an abate for Casu­alty, and then use the 6 Proposition. [Page 90] Most of the many Propositions in the Learned Doctor Wallis his Arith­metick concerning Geometrical Pro­gression; as also in Mr. Dary's sheet of Algebra, may be easily resolved by help of the former Table: But this I have handled in my Supplements to Accomptantship, where also some­what of Logarithm Curves, derived from Mean or Continual Proportionals, or Tables of Interest, and serve for making the Logarithm Scales of Num­bers, Sines, Tangents, (or Mercator's Meridian Line) Geometrically.

Prop. 9. More easily.

As on Annuity, less the Fact of ,06 into its present Worth,

  • Is to the Annuity:
  • So is an Unit,
  • To the Amount of 1 l. for the time sought.

If the Payments be half yearly, for the Annuity in the first and third [Page 91] Terms, take half the Annuity, and for ,06 in the first Term as a Multiplier, take ,02956 the half Years Interest.

For another Rate of Interest as 8 per Cent. take in ,08 as a Multiplier, and find the time in Years and Deci­mals by 2. Prop. as at 6 per Cent. which divide by the fitted Number of the Rate in Prop. 3. to wit 1,32079, the Quote is the true time sought in Years and Decimals, which is easily reduced into Days by the Decimal Table of Days.


50 l. a Year at 8 per Cent. is worth 490 l. 18 s. 2½, or 490,91, the time of continuance is 20 years. [...]

[Page 92] An Amount is proposed for 20 years to be 4,6609, what is the Rate of Interest?

1. The time in which 1 l. came to so much at 6 per Cent. is 26,4158, found by the second Proposition.

2. Divide 26,4158 by 20, the time proposed, the Quote is 132079 years.

3. 1 l. at 6 per Cent. in that time amounted to 1,08, the Ratio sought.


To find what day of the Week the first of March shall happen upon.

ADD to the Number 2 the Year of our Lord, and the fourth part of that, neglecting the odd, and divide by 7, the Remainder is the day of the Week; but if none remains it is Saturday, for you must account from Sunday, Monday, &c..


So that the First of March is the First Day, that is, Sun­day.

The Number— 2
The Year of our Lord, 1685. 1685
The fourth Part— 421
Divisor— [...]

To find on what day of the Week any Day of any Month in the said Year hapneth.

To perform this Proposition, the following Verse being in Effect a Per­petual Almanack, is to be kept in Me­mory.

[Page 96] In this Verse are twelve Words re­lating to the Number of the twelve Months of the Year, accounting March the First; wherefore the word proper to that Month, is An, and so in order of the Alphabet, which will never ex­ceed Seven; and the Number of the said Letter shews what day of the Month proper to the said word shall be the same day of the Week the First of March happ'ned upon, as the Ex­ample above.

To find the Prime or Golden Number and Epact.

Add to the Number 1 the Year of our Lord, and divide by 19, the re­mainder gives the Prime. Multiply the Prime by 11, and divide by 30, gives the Epact.

[Page 97] A Table of Primes or Golden Numbers and Epacts for ever. [...]

To find Easter for ever.

Substract the Epact (if less than 28 or 29) from 47, if the Epact be 28 or 29 from 77, the remainder is Easter limits; so the first Sunday af­ter the remainder, beginning from March, is Easter Sunday.

To find the Age of the Moon.

Add to the Epact the Day of the Month, and so many more as there [Page 98] are Months from March (accounting March one) the Sum if less than 30 is the Moon's Age (if more) Substract 30, (when 31 Days in the Month) but if 30 Days or less, Substract 29, the Remainder is the Moon's Age.

To find the Southing of the Moon, and High Water at London-Bridge.

Multiply the Moon's Age by 8/10 shews the Southing, to which add 3 hours, shews High-water at London-Bridge.

To find it another way.

Multiply the Moon's Age by 4, and divide by 5, the Quotient shews it, every Unit that remains is in va­lue 12 Minutes, at full Moon reject 15 from it. Add to this 3 hours, shews High-water at London-Bridge.

To find what Day of the Month the Sun enters into any Sign of the Zo­diack, by the following Verse.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍

Evil attends its Object, unva [...]'d Vice,

Libra Scorpio Sagittar. Capricorn Aquar. Pisces

♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

Vain Villains, jest into a Paradise.

In which are twelve Words to re­present the twelve Months of the Year, the first March, the second A­pril, &c. and over the respective Words are the Characters of the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, thereby denoting, that in the Month to which the Word belongs, the Sun is in that Sign over head: And if it be required to know the day of the Month in which the Sun enters into any of those Signs; if the first Letter of the Word, pro­per [Page 100] to the Month, be a Consonant, the Sun enters into the Sign thereto belonging on the eighth Day of the said Month, as in the Word Paradise, belonging to February, in that Month he enters Pisces the eighth Day; but if it be a Vowel, as all the rest are, add so many Days unto eight, as the Vowel denotes; now the Vowels are but five in Number.

To know in what Degree of the said Sign he is for any other Day.

If the Number of the Day of the given Month exceed the Number of that Day in which the Sun enters in­to any Sign, Substract the lesser from the greater, and the Remainder is the Degree.


On the 21 of April I would find [Page 101] the Sun's place by the Verse. It ap­pears the Sun enters into Taurus on the ninth of that Month, which taken from 21, there remains 12, shewing that the Sun is in the 12 Degree of Taurus, the second Sign.

2. But if the Number of the Day of the given Month be less than the Number of that Day in which the Sun enters into the beginning of any Sign, the Sun is not entred into the said Sign, but is still in the Sign be­longing to the former Month. In this Case Substract the given Day from the Day of his Entrance into the next Sign, and again Substract the Remainder from 30, and the Re­mainder shews his place in the Sign of the former Month.


Let it be required to know the Sun's place the fifth of August on the [Page 102] thirteenth day of the Month the Sun enters into Virgo, 5 from 13 rests 8, and that taken from 30 there remains 22, shewing that the Sun is in the 22 degree of Leo, the fifth Sign.


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