A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS, OF THE Most Eminent, Ancient and Modern MASTERS, Viz.
- Albert Durer.
- Titian.
- Van Dyck.
- Breughel.
- Carats.
- Spranger.
- Snyder.
- Francis Florus.
- De Witt.
- Porbus.
- Van Balen.
- Fetti.
- Carolo Belt.
- Carbonsini.
- Tempest.
- Frans Halls.
- Percellus.
- Antonius.
- Vander Yene.
- Prower.
- Willeburgh.
- Cornel. Johnson.
- Mummors.
- Teniers.
- Stelen-Vers.
- Van Bergham.
- Ostade.
- Van Bouge.
- Everdinge.
- Oker.
- Hales.
- Bassan.
- De Keyser.
- Old Fuller.
- Zeeman.
- Barlow.
- Vande Velde.
- Backousen.
- De Ryck.
- Hondius.
- Wyck.
- Haemskirk.
- Griffiere.
- Edema.
- Van Diest.
- Pazero.
- Varelst.
- Bougdan.
- Montingo.
- Van Acha.
- Lamence.
- Madena.
- Old Boon.
- Dixon.
- And others.
Which Curious Collection of Paintings, will be Exposed to Sale by AUCTION, (or who bids most) at Kiftell 's Coffee-House, adjoyning to the Court of Requests, near Westminster-Hall, on Monday, the 20th of this Instant October 1690. At Nine of the Clock in the Morning, and Three in the Afternoon exactly.
Catalogues are distributed Gratis, at Mr. Manship's at the Black Bull in Cornhil: Mr. Richard Parker's at the Piazza under the Royal Exchange: At Mr. Bullord's at the Old Black Bear in St. Paul's Church yard: At Mr. Roper's next to the Devil Tavern, at Temple-Bar: At Mr. Not's in the Pall-Mall, Booksellers; and at the Place of Sale.
To the READER.
HOW much the Art of Painting has been Honour'd, by the Greatest and Wisest of Princes, none in the least acquainted with History can be ignorant of: And the Generous Encouragement it has of late found in this Metropolitan City of LONDON, has excited the Undertaker to make this Collection of Pictures (of the best as well Ancient and Modern Masters) resolving to Expose the same to Sale, to oblige all the Ingenious Lovers of that Noble Art, not doubting of Reception suitable to the Merit of the Undertaking. He has only this to add, that the Sale shall be Manag'd with all the fairness that can be desir'd, by
Conditions of SALE.
I. THat he who bids most is the Buyer; and if any difference arise, the Picture is to be Exposed to Sale again.
II. That the Money for the Pictures so Sold, is to be paid at the Place of Sale, within three days after the Sale is ended.
III. That all Gentlemen, &c. give in their Names and Places of Abode, or Earnest for what they Buy.
IV. That all Gentlemen, &c. who shall buy Paintings at this Sale, and desire to have them Pack'd up carefully, to be sent into the Country, may have them Pack'd in Cases, and sent to any Carriers Inn, in and about London, they paying only for the Cases and Porterage, the Ʋndertaker not desiring any Gain thereby.
- 1 CAine and Abel
- 2 a piece of Horsemen
- 3 a small piece of an Usurer and his Wife
- 4 a Woman at Confession by a good master
- 5 The Judgement of Paris finely painted
- 6 Venus dressing her self
- 7 King Charles after Van Dyck
- 8 O Cromwel finely painted after Walker
- 9 a Droll piece
- 10 a Flower piece by a Dutch master
- 11 a Confession
- 12 a neat Limning
- 13 a Droll the manner of Teniers
- 14 a large piece of Lot and his Daughters
- 15 St. Francis's head after Titian
- 16 Christ bearing the Cross by an Italian
- 17 a three quarter Landskip
- 18 a piece of Leopards by a Dutch master
- 19 King William finely painted
- 20 Q. Mary by the same hand
- 21 a Bason of Fruit well done
- 22 a Landskip well painted
- 23 a small Flower piece
- 24 a small Droll by Meyer
- 25 a small piece of Moon-shine
- 26 a Fryer and a Woman well done
- 27 a Frost piece by a Dutch master
- 28 a small Landskip ditto
- 29 King William after Wissen
- 30 Queen Mary
- 31 Bacchus and Bacchanals finely painted
- 32 The Nativity of our Saviour
- 33 a 3 quarter K. Charles the second after Lilly
- 34 a Womans head by the Life finely painted
- 35 a Fruit piece finely painted by Guilman
- 36 a Landskip by de Keyzer
- 37 Piramus and Thisbe by Van Acha
- 38 Neptune and Coronis ditto
- 39 a fine Original Landskip by Eybright
- 40 The Rape of Proserpine by Barnes
- 41 Oliver Cromwell well painted
- 42 a piece of still life with Wine Glass and Muftmillion
- 43 a prospect of Calais by Vander Velde
- 44 a Yatch in a storm by the same master
- 45 Nessus and Deianira after Rubens
- 46 Diana and a Satyr after Van Dyck
- 47 King William in a fine frame
- 48 Two boys in a Carved frame after the manner of Gibbons
- [Page 2]49 a piece of Venus and Cupid in the Clouds by a Dutch master
- 50 a Sketch of a Story in Ovid by De Ryck
- 51 a piece of still Life
- 52 a piece of Flowers
- 53 a Blind Man and old Woman Pipeing
- 54 a piece of Cattle finely painted by Moy
- 55 an Angel curiously painted
- 56 a Shepherd and Shepherdess after Titian
- 57 a neat Landskip by Griffiere
- 58 a Landskip with Beasts finely painted
- 59 a half length head of Mr. Butck by a good master
- 60 a head by Old Boon
- 61 a Winter by Dixon
- 62 The Old Princess of Orange by a Dutch master
- 63 a piece of Beasts by Van Bergham
- 64 a Fruit piece by Bogdan
- 65 a fine piece of Harvest
- 66 an Original Landskip by Van Deist
- 67 a Partridge painted by Varelst in a rich carved frame
- 68 Susannah and the two Elders finely painted
- 69 a piece of Cattle by Moy
- 70 The King and Queen in little neatly painted
- 71 a small Frost piece
- 72 a Fire piece
- 73 The Q. meeting the King in his return from Ireland With above 40 figures
- 74 The King and Q. a whole length by a great master
- 75 a Crucifix on board in an Oval frame finely painted
- 76 a Sea piece of Vander Velde
- 77 a Landskip finely painted by a Dutch master
- 78 a piece of still Life by a Disciple of Roustraten
- 79 a three quarter piece of flowers by Montingo
- 80 a pair of ridgeons by Barlow
- 81 a small piece by old Haemskirk
- 82 Bacchus Venus and Ceres
- 83 a piece of Birds by Varelst
- 84 an Original piece of still life
- 85 a Mary Magdalen finely painted by an Italian
- 86 Europa finely painted
- 87 Cupid by Bennington
- 88 a curious piece of Fruit and Lobster
- 89 a piece of Maccherell and Sparagrass by Broodt
- 90 King William neatly painted
- 91 Queen Mary ditto
- 92 a Man Drawing a Womans Tooth, an Original
- 93 a Card Playing by Haemskirk, in a fine frame
- 94 a small head by Larroon
- 95 Q Dowager half length finely done in Crions
- 96 a Dutch Droll finely done
- 97 a W [...]man playing on a Viol by old B [...]on
- 98 a Bird piece by Fran. Vosconi
- [Page 3]99 a prospect of the burning of London, from St. Sepulchers
- 100 a small Fruit piece by Bogdan
- 101 a large Sea piece
- 102 an Original of old Haemskirk
- 103 a Landskip by Griffiere
- 104 a Satyr and Traveller, by a Dutch Master
- 105 a fine piece of Still-life, by a Dutch Master
- 106 a Buck-hunting by Hondius
- 107 a Landskip in an Ebony frame
- 108 a prospect after Erinbourgh
- 109 a Winter piece by Varroon
- 110 a half length of Prince Rupert in Crions
- 111 a small head of Larroon
- 112 a large Landskip
- 113 a large Ecce Homo
- 114 Three Greyhounds, finely painted by Ver Hagen
- 115 a Gentleman and his Lady playing on Musick
- 116 Heraclitus and Democritus, by a great master
- 117 an Original of a Lady and her Maid
- 118 King William in little, in a black frame
- 119 Queen Mary, by the same hand
- 120 a fine Head, by a great master
- 121 an Original by Lamence
- 122 a Landskip by Edima
- 123 Bacchus and Ariadne, by Van Acha
- 124 St. Anthonies Dream, by old Haemskirk
- 125 a curious Fruit piece, with a Cat and Duck
- 126 a Landskip by de Voss, in a rich ebony frame
- 127 a Card playing by Haemskirk
- 128 a very fine finished Drawing by Wyck
- 129 a piece of Fish by Robinson
- 130 an old Head by Lutterell, in Crions
- 131 —another, ditto
- 132 The Morocco Ambassadour, by a great master
- 133 a Country Piper finely painted
- 134 a Landskip by Everding
- 135 Joseph and Potiphars VVife, by Van Acha
- 136 a neat Landskip with Cattle
- 137 a Yatch by Sailmaker
- 138 a Man with a Fiddle, by old Boon
- 139 a Mans Head in little, by the life
- 140 King William finely painted,
- 141 Queen Mary by the same hand
- 142 a Fight between [...] Dutch and Spanish, by Vinckle
- 143 Massianello by old Haemskirk
- 144 King Charles the Second after Ruley
- 145 an original Landskip by Van Diest
- 146 Lot and his Daughters
- 147 Jupiter and Calisto
- [Page 4]148 a Gentleman by De Ryck
- 149 a piece of Birds
- 150 Susannah and the two Elders finely painted
- 151 a small Vanity
- 152 a Fighting piece by a good hand
- 153 a Droll piece by Haemskirk
- 154 a Deer-hunting by a Dutch master
- 155 a little Partridge, ditto
- 156 Herodias neatly painted
- 157 King William in little
- 158 Lucretia
- 159 King Charles the Second after Lilly
- 160 Queen Katherine after Housman
- 161 Hercules between Good and Evil
- 162 a piece of Cocks and Hens
- 163 Two pieces of Drollery
- 164 Two more, ditto
- 165 a small Landskip by Breughel
- 166 a Sketch of a Lady, by a good hand
- 167 King William neatly painted
- 168 Queen Mary, ditto
- 169 a prospect of the Fire of London from Strand-bridge
- 170 a Sketch of Jupiter and Calisto, suppos'd of Van Dyck
- 171 Cleopatra curiously painted by an Italian
- 172 a Boy well painted, by the same hand
- 173 a Salutation bost in Copper, by Albert Durer
- 174 a Stag-hunting by Snyders
- 175 St. Anthony's Temptation, by a Dutch master
- 176 a Singing piece, by Haemskirk
- 177 King Charles the Second and his Queen
- 178 The Duke of Buckingham, a whole length, in little
- 179 Christ before Pilate
- 180 Hagar and the Angel
- 181 a piece of Ruines by Argazoon
- 182 a Boys Head by Franc. Halls
- 183 a Harvest piece by Breughel
- 184 a Mans Head on copper, by a Dutch master
- 185 a curious piece of Fish
- 186 an Original Flower po [...]
- 187 Queen Mary in an oval frame
- 188 a VVinter piece neatly painted
- 189 Venus k [...]ssing Cupid, on copper, by Van Heyden
- 190 Venus whipping Cupid, ditto
- 191 a Man with an Oyster, by old Boon
- 192 K. Edward VI. curiously painted by a great master
- 193 a Battle by Tempest
- 194 a Girls Head, supposed by Van Dyck
- 195 The Duke of Monmouth curiously painted
- 196 an old VVomans Head
- 197 Two Fools playing with an Owl, by a Dutch master
- 198 an incomparable Landskip by Van Diest
- [Page 5]199 a Gentlewoman and her Maid
- 200 Perseus and Andromeda
- 201 Adam and Eve by an Italian
- 202 An Orig. piece of Cupids making Arrows
- 203 K. Will. rarely qainted in a rich carv'd frame
- 204 Q. Mary ditto
- 205 A Boy with a Monky by a Dutch Master
- 206 a Landskip by De Wit
- 207 Pluto and Proserpine
- 208 King of Sweden
- 209 a Madona and St. John on board
- 210 Two Angels holding Veronicas Napkin on cop.
- 211 The Element of Earth
- 212 An Ecce homo, by an Italian
- 213 A fire-piece by an Ital. the fig. by Haemskirk
- 214 Heraclitus and Democritus, an Original
- 215 a Monky putting a Cat [...] paw into the fire
- 216 A sea-piece by Porcellus
- 217 An half length of the Dutchess of Cleaveland in Crions
- 218 A ship on Fire by Vander Velde
- 219 A sea storm by the same hand
- 220 A stag after Snyder
- 221 a Deal Board with Father Peters Testament by Verhagen
- 222 Virgin Mary and Joseph, boss'd on Copper
- 223 The Woman taken in Adultery
- 224 Pan and Syrinx by Van Acha
- 225 Silenus by the same hand
- 226 King James in his Robes
- 227 Flora by an Italian
- 228 Lucretia after Lamence
- 229 Christ and Nicodemus well painted
- 230 Queen Mary model'd in Clay
- 231 a Dog curiously painted by Hondius
- 232 Mary Magdalen painted in a rich frame
- 233 a Sea Triumph curiously painted
- 234 Q. Mary a half length finely done
- 235 a Dutch School by Haemskirk
- 236 a piece of Walnuts by Bougdan
- 237 a piece of Oranges by the same master
- 238 a Turkish Battle by Wyck
- 239 a Madona by Wileburgh
- 240 A large piece of Fruit and flowers well done
- 241 an original Kitchen piece
- 242 A Sea-piece by Zeeman
- 243 The Holy Family, by Bassan
- 244 a Droll-piece rarely done by a Dutch Master
- 245 Our Saviour on the Cross, neatly painted
- 246 a Ladies Head by a great Master
- 247 a Hare finely painted
- 248 an half length of the Dutchess of Richmond
- [Page 6]249 a flower-piece of Montingo
- 250 Christ and the Samaritan Woman by Carbonsini
- 251 a Conversation of Clowns by Stelenvers
- 252 A large Landskip by Griffiere
- 253 A landskip with Figures by a Disciple of Laress
- 254 a Madona by Du Ball
- 255 An amorous piece
- 256 King Charles the first after Van Dyck
- 257 a Hermit by a great Master
- 258 a Droll by the same Master
- 259 a Fire-piece neatly painted
- 260 Dutchess of Cleaveland after Lilly
- 261 Lord Strafford, head by a great Master
- 262 Herodias Daughter and St. Johns Head
- 263 a Storm by a Dutch Master
- 264 A piece of Still-life supposed of Roustraten
- 265 A large Flower-piece by Mr. Varelst
- 266 Apollo and Daphne by Van Acha
- 267 an Orig. pc. of [...]till-life, with a Book & Tea-pot
- 268 a Sea piece by Bachousen
- 269 a Half length of Mary Magdalen
- 270 a Bull baiting 6 foot long, well painted
- 271 a Boys head by Rembrant
- 272 A small Landskip by Van Deist
- 273 a Thistle of De Keyzer
- 274 A very fine Landskip, by Oker
- 275 Venus combing Cupid, on cop. by Van Heyden
- 276 Venus blinding Cupid. on copper Ditto
- 277 an Orig▪ piece of Still-life, finely painted
- 278 a man feeding a Child, by Haemskirk
- 279 a man saying Grace, over a piece of roast beef
- 280 a very fine Landskip, by Van Deist
- 281 a Womans head, by Purbus
- 282 a mans head, by Carats
- 283 a Landskip, by Van Uliegen
- 284 another by the same Master
- 285 a string of Fruit
- 286 a piece of Peaches
- 287 a Droll piece, neatly painted
- 288 a Prospect of St. James's, the Park Whitehal
- 289 Master Haemskirk's own Picture
- 290 an Owl curiously painted
- 291 an Old man warming himself
- 292 a Church by an Italian Master
- 293 a naked Venus a whole Length by a Dutch ma.
- 294 a Cornucopia curiously done by a great Mr.
- 295 a Lucretia an Original, by Spranger
- 296 an Orig. Head by Titian
- 297 General Monk a half Length, finely painted
- 298 a Landskip with Cattle, by Mummers
- [Page 7]299 a Fancy on board, by a curious hand
- 300 a Battle-piece well done
- 301 —another by the same hand
- 302 a piece of Fruit with a bird, neatly painted
- 303 Two pieces of birds, well done in water colours
- 304 a Snow-piece, with a Man shooting, well done
- 305 a Landskip well done
- 306 a winter-piece with Men warming themselves
- 307 a Landskip by a good master.
- 308 a VVomans Head
- 309 a Dutch Market-piece
- 310 King James the First, very well painted
- 311 King Charles the Second, by the same
- 312 King William and Queen Mary, rarely done
- 313 a fine Winter by a good-hand
- 314 a piece of flowers
- 315 a piece of fish
- 316 a Hare very well done
- 317 a Landskip by Hermon
- 318 Cleopatra's death finely done
- 319 Venus and Adonis by a good master
- 320 Jane Shore well painted
- 321 Jupiter and Pomona
- 322 a Naked Woman and a Satyr
- 323 a man and woman after Haemskirk, a singing, on board
- 324 a Calves-pluck and Sausages, supposed to hang on a deal board
- 325 a piece of a Py'd-Bull, after Colony
- 326 Joseph Lading the Ass, with our V. Mary & Saviour
- 327 Josephs flight into Aegypt, neatly painted
- 328 a Landskip with Pasties and Figures, by Van Ere
- 329 The Nativity of our Saviour
- 330 Ben Johnsons Head, by Breughel
- 331 The Salutation of the Virgin Mary, by Sir P. Lilly
- 332 King William and Queen Mary finely done
- 333 The Usurer and his Wife, well painted
- 334 St. Katherine story of Alliche by an Italian
- 335 The story of Alliche by an Italian
- 336 a Bull-baiting by Hondius
- 337 Mars and Venus well painted
- 338 Cocks, Hens and Chickens, finely painted
- 339 a Lyon and her young ones, finely done
- 340 a Landskip and Sea Harbour, by a great master
- 341 a Landskip well painted with Figures
- 342 —another by the same hand
- 343 a half length, by Sir Peter Lilly
- 344 a very fine piece of Deaths Head, curiously painted
- 345 a large piece of Fish, curiously painted
- 346 a fine Italian Landskip, with stone-work, neatly done
- 347 a Night-piece finely painted on copper
- 348 a piece of Fruit, incomparably done
- 349 a Turky-work'd Carpet, very finely painted
- [Page 8]350 a small Fruit-piece well painted
- 351 a Mans Head of old Haemskirk
- 352 Susannah and the Elders, by an Italian
- 353 a Landskip of Streeter well painted
- 354 —another Landskip with Ruines, and fine figures, by the same hand
- 355 a piece with a dead Stagg and Doggs
- 356 The Dutchess of Cleaveland, curiously painted
- 357 a piece of Still-life, by a great master
- 358 a landskip by Everbroodt
- 359 a Sea-Triumph finely painted
- 360 a Mary Magdalen, curiously painted by Willoboors
- 361 an Ecce-Homo by a great master
- 362 a large Italian Landskip with Joseph and Mary
- 363 an Emblem of a Boy, finely painted
- 364 an Italian piece of beasts, with Jacob meeting Esau
- 365 a curious piece of Fruit, by a great master, on board, 5 foot
- 366 a piece of still-life, incomparably painted
- 367 a piece of still-life, finely painted by an Italian
- 368 a large Italian Landskip, finely painted
- 369 a Chirurgion letting a man blood, finely done
- 370 a VVinter-piece, by Van Hela
- 371 Lucretia in Limning, incomparably done by Taxis
- 372 a large Landskip in water colours
- 373 a large piece of Fruit, with a Charity, most delicately done by Peters
- 374 a Horse finely done
- 375 a delicate Dutch Landskip, with Christ and the VVoman of Samaria, finely done
- 376 St. Laurence on the Grid Iron, supposed of Spranger
- 377 a large Italian piece of the Judgment of Paris, incomparably done
- 378 The Protector Cromwell, by old Reme
- 379 Six Apostles finely painted
- 380 a Fruit-piece by Guilman
- 381 a Conversation, rarely done by Schutt
- 382 a parcel of Troopers on Horseback drinking
- 383 a long Landskip, delicately done by Loten
- 384 a delicate Fruit-piece, by Guilman
- 385 an Italian storm curiously done
- 386 a Droll finely painted, by Breda
- 387 a Landskip by Van Diest
- 388 a Cobler at work, by old Haemskirk
- 389 a Madona by Frans Halls
- 390 a Roman Ruine curiously painted
- 391 Bacchus, Venus and Cupid, by an Italian hand
- 392 a view of Naples, by de Keyser
- 393 a Turky-work'd Carpet and Tea-pot
- 394 an Italian piece of Fish, incomparably painted
- 395 a mans Head finely painted on board
- 396 a large Italian Landskip, with Abraham and the Angels
- 397 The Earl of Standish well done
- 398 a French Ladies Head, by a great master
- 399 a Flower piece on board
- [Page 9]400 a piece of Still-life, with Oysters and a Lemon
- 401 The Rape of Proserpine, and Italian piece
- 402 a small battle well painted
- 403 Queen Mary finely painted on board
- 404 Bacchus and Ariadne, finely painted by an Italian
- 405 Jupiter and the Golden shower, by the same hand
- 406 Apollo and Pan finely painted
- 407 K. William and Q. Mary finely done
- 408 a large Sea-fight between the Royal James and the Dutch, by Vander Velden
- 409 a Chirurgion finely painted
- 410 Pyramus and Thysbe, rarely done, by Francis Floris
- 411 Christ raising Lazarus, delicately done by Spranger
- 412 a large Sea-piece, with the view of Dort, by Vander Velden
- 413 a Droll finely painted by Teniers
- 414 a Bird and flowers, finely done in Mosach stone, a very great curiosity
- 415 a natural Ruine very fine
- 416 a Landskip on copper, neatly done
- 417 Jacob and his 12 Sons, rarely done in Needle-work
- 418 Dr. Oates Head, by a good hand
- 419 an Old mans Head
- 420 an Emperours Head, by a great master
- 421 a Drunkard by Ostade
- 422 a Landskip with Venus and Cupid, finely painted
- 423 a Monky with Fruit, curiously painted
- 424 The late Princess of Orange, K. Williams Mother, a whole length, by a Dutch M
- 425 Prudence, by Bourguignion
- 426 King Charles II. by a Dutch master
- 427 Six Apostles curiously painted
- 428 Oliver Cromwell by a good hand
- 429 King Charles the First, finely painted
- 430 a Fruit-piece with a Monky
- 431 a curious Battle of the Amazons
- 432 a piece of still-life with flowers
- 433 a Sea-storm by a great master
- 434 a neat piece of Diana in the water
- 435 a Landskip well painted
- 436 a large Italian prospect
- 437 The wisdom of Solomon finely done
- 438 a fine Landskip by a good hand
- 439 a Dutchwomans Head very fine
- 440 a Bull-baiting fit for a Chimney
- 441 a roaring Devil, by Van Harlem
- 442 St. Allen, her four Brethren well painted
- 443 a Country piper going to Market, by Teniers
- 444 a Butcher with a Pigg in his Lap
- 445 a Sea-Haven finely painted
- 446 a fine piece by Mumpert
- 447 —another by the same hand
- 448 a Sea-storm well painted