A COLLECTION Of Original Drawings and Prints Of the most Eminent Masters of Europe.
Together with several Curious Volumes of Statues, Roman and Greek Antiquities, Geography, Architecture, Emblems, &c.
Will be Sold by AUCTION on Saturday the Fourth of this instant May, 1689. at the Auction-house, over against the Black Swan in Ave-many-lane, near Ludgate-street.
The Sale beginning precisely at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Catalogues are destributed by Mr. Wilkinson at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Bently in Russel-street in Convent-Garden, Mr. Nott in the Pall-mall, Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-hall, Mr. Miller in St. Pauls Church-yard, and Mr. Becket, at the North side of the Royal Exchange in Thred-Needle-street, Booksellers.
The Conditions of Sale as usual at the said Auction-House, and the time of paying and fetching away the Lots so bought, to be within Three days after it.
- 1 NIne large prints of Raphael Urbin
- 2 Twelve Heads of Paul Rubens Philosophers
- 3 Four large Histories of Cl. Mellan
- 4 Twelve Histories of Hanniball Carracce
- 5 Eight Prints, Engraven by the most Eminent Masters, as Brugill, Sadler, &c.
- 6 Twelve Metzo tinta Prints of Valliant and Schenks, &c.
- 7 The Battel of the Amazons of Paul Rubens, in several Sheets
- 8 Six large Prints of the same Rubens
- 9 Paul Rubens killing of Children
- 10 The twelve Sybils of Crispin de Pass
- 11 Many figures representing the Vertues, by S. Martin de Boulogne
- 12 Eight figures of Gods, by Polydore
- 13 The six days Works by Blomaert, in six Prints
- 14 Eight Religious Stories of P. Rubens
- 15 Ten large Prints of the Roman Triumphs
- 16 Eight large Histories more of Paul Rubens
- 17 And. Montaigne's Gallery of Hampton-Court, in ten Sheets
- 18 Thirty seven Prints of the Brethren, of Tempest, with the four Seasons
- 19 The seven Wonders of the World, by the same
- 20 Eight large Sheets of the Gallery of Polydore
- 21 Six large Prints of Bloatling, with the Golden Age
- 22 Corn. Vischer's six large Stories
- 23 Six large Flowers of Baptist
- 24 Six Prints of Salvator Rosa
- 25 The Prodigal Son of Peter Test
- 26 Four large Prints of Peter Test
- 27 The Heavenly, and School of Athens, by Raphael Urbin
- 28 The large Histories of Poilly and Petau, and Carracce, N. six
- 29 A Collection of Italian Prints, by Raphael Urbin, and others
- 30 Six Drolls of Ostade
- 31 Seven more Stories of Raphael Urbin
- 32 Six prints of AEgidius Sadlers, &c.
- 33 Mich. Angellos Judgment, with eight prints of Raphael Urbin
- 34 Eight Italian prints of Chatillion and other Masters
- 35 Six Modona's, by Natalis
- 36 The Five Virgins, by Sandredam
- 37 Six Prints of Rines, and others
- 38 Four Prints of Mark Antoine, &c.
- 39 Six large Stories of Abraham Bloamert, and others, 8 sheets
- 40 The three Wrastlers of Miller, with the 4 Elements &c.
- [Page 3]41 Michael Angello's Gallery, or Accademy of figures
- 42 Muller's Fame of the German Wars, with 2 Prints of Raphael
- 43 Six Prints of Flinck, and others
- 44 Collection of Italian and Dutch Prints, by the best Masters
- 45 Seven large Prints of Corton, in number 27
- 46 Seven Prints, by Paul Veronese, Chatillion, and other Masters
- 47 Twelve Italian Prints of the best Masters, as Parmens and others
- 48 Four more large Italian Prints, by good Masters
- 49 Saul's going to Damascus, with 5 other Prints
- 50 Eight Prints of Guido Rheni
- 51 Six large Prints of Sir Anthony Van Dyke
- 52 Seven large Prints of Voets storys
- 53 Voets Gallery
- 54 Eight large Prints more of Voets
- 55 Nine Italian Prints of Mich. Angello, Ellshamer, &c.
- 56 Six Heads of Famous Men, of Polly, Petau, Paul Rubens, &c.
- 57 Nine Sheets of Flowers of Baptist
- 58 Herods killing of the Children, by P. Rubens
- 59 Thirteen Heads of Famous Men, by Sadler, &c.
- 60 Eight Italian Prints of Lod. Carracce, and others
- 61 Six Italian and French Prints
- 62 Ten large Prints of Callott
- 63 Fifteen Prints of Albert Durer, graven on Copper
- 64 Seventy two Prints of Albert Durer, graven on Wood
- 65 Forty several Prints of Dutch Masters as Rembrant, &c.
- 66 Twenty three statues of Bishops
- 67 Twelve Copartments of Mr. Potre
- 68 Seventeen Copper Prints of Albert Durer
- 69 Sixteen Heads of Famous Men and Women, by Nanteville
- 70 Elshamers Works compleat
- 71 Eight large Heads of Famous Men by Polly, Nanteville, &c.
- 72 Forty five Heads of S. Anth. van Dyke
- 73 Eight Prints of Guido Rheni
- 74 Collection of Italian Prints, by Spinolet, Parmaens, Titian, &c.
- 75 Twenty two Senses, Drolls, and Cupids, by the Dutch Masters
- 76 Eight large Prints, by P. Test, and Spagnolett
- 77 The Five Senses of Sckenck, with Caraccs, Venus's and Cupids
- 78 Seven large Prints of Rembrant
- 79 Ten Italian Triumphs, Bacchanals, by Julio Romano, &c.
- 80 Eight Landskips of Paul Rubens
- 81 Nine Italian Landskips of Perelle and Vokier
- 82 Four intire Books of Landskips of Franciscus, Brill, and other French Masters, in 24 Sheets
- 83 Four Books of Landskips of Waterlow and Italians, in twenty two Sheets
- 84 Book of Tempests Horses, in thirty leaves
- 85 Three several Books of Landskips, Prospects of Sylvester, Waterlow, &c.
- 86 Three several Books of Landskips, Prospects, &c. of Perelle, in 24 Leaves
- 87 Three several Books more of Landskips, of Ant. Waterlow, in 21 Leaves
- 88 Three several Books of the Churches, and Prospects of Paris, in 24 Leaves
- 89 Six several Books of Landskips of Ant. Waterlow, in thirty six Sheets
- 90 Thirteen several Drawings of Eminent Masters, as Bloemaert, Goltzius, and others
- [Page 4]91 Fifteen Drawings of Ostade, Fran. Florus, Rembrant, Jordaens, and of several Italian Masters
- 92 Ten Drawings of Brugel, Gillemeau, Rubens, Burgugnion, Salvachi, & other Italian Masters
- 93 Sixteen Drawings of John Lopp, Tintarett, Bott, Abrah. Blomaert, Franc. Florus, Monyard, Hamskyrk, Van-Hook
- 94 Fourteen Drawings of Francis Florus, Titian, Jordaens, Conyet, Talesius, Mompart; and other Masters
- 95 Ten Drawings of Bassan, Franc. Florus, Mich. Angelo, Blockland, Pelegrino di Bologna, and other Italian Masters
- 96 Sixteen Drawings of Corn. Van Harlem, Pirrho Ligorio, Lucas van Leyden, Fed. Barotius, Brugell, Wowerman, and other Masters
- 97 Fifteen more Drawings of Lucas van Leyden, Jordans, Julio Romano, S. Ant. van Dyke, Bramer, Rib. Spagniolo, and other great Masters
- 98 Five Water-colour Paintings of Birds and Fruit
- 99 Nine more Water-colour Paintings of Birds and Fruit
- 100 Ten more Water-colour Paintings of Birds and Fruit
Books of Galleries, Architecture, Geography, Roman and Greek Statues, Emblems, &c. all Bound.
- 1 HAnnibal Caraccis, Ant. Corregio and Corton's 3 Galleries, with explanations of each Plate in Italian
- 2 Selbast. Serlis Architecture, in Dutch
- 3 Two books of Le Potre's Copartments
- 4 Hercules 12 Labours, with 20 of Albert Durers woodden large Sheets
- 5 Albert Durers Triumphant Gallery, and other Cuts, with a book of Anticks
- 6 Mich. Angelos book of Statutes and Basse reliefs, in 73 Plates, quarto
- 7 Mr. Muets Regle de 5. Ordres de L'Architecture par Vignola, octavo
- 8 Large Folio book of 150 prints of Martin Haemskyrcks
- 9 Collection of Roman and Greek Medals
- 10 Abrahami Ortelii Geographia Gallice, Folio
- 11 Corn. Judaei Speculum Orbis Terrarum multis Tabulis Geogr. Folio
- 12 Onuphrii Panvinii Antiquitates Veronenses cum fig. Folio. — 1668
- 13 Mabillon de Re Diplomatica multis Tabulis aeneis — Par. 1681
- 14 Liber Figurarum & Statuarum Urbis Romae
- 15 Jacobi Palutii, &c. Statuae Antiquae Urbis Romae, & cum diversis aliis imaginibus antiquis
- 16 The Travels of Ulysses, in 58 Copper Plates
- 17 Antonio Labacco's Architecture, in a large Folio, all Copper Plates
- 18 M. Z. Boxhornii Monumenta Illustrium Virorum & Elogia, Fol. — Amst. 1638
- 19 Labyrinthe Royal de L'Hercule Gaulois Triumphant avec figures, Fol.
- 20 Guicciardin description de touts les Pays-bas, quarto — 1641
- 21 Cypr. Eichovii Descriptio Germaniae superioris & Inferioris una cum Indice Viatorio, quarto
- 22 Achillis Bocchii Emblemata Tabulis aeneis, quarto — Bononiae 1574
- 23 Henrici Oraei Emblemata, quarto — Francofurti 1620
- 24 Cypr. Passaei Emblemata in aere Incisa, figuris Num. 200. quarto
- 25 Flor. Schoonhovii Emblemata Tabulis aeneis, quarto — Goudae 1618
- 26 Adriani Collaert Triumphus Crucis multis figuris aeneis, octavo