THE COBLERS END, Or His (LAST) SERMON, Being A true Relation of that SERMON, Which was preached in St. Georges Church in Southwark By a Cobler last Sabbath day, being the 12. of December, 1641. who most impudently, and insolently stept up into the Pulpit, and broached his Brownisticall & Erroneous Opinions to his Au­ditors.

This is none of y [...] Flashes,
But all is most real [...] [...]uth.

His Text was taken out of the 30. Chapter of Esaiah, and the last verse. For the fire of Hell is ordained from the beginning, yea even for the King is is prepared. &c.

London, Printed for I. H. 1641.

C ◆ R

The Coblers End: OR His (last) Sermno

THe Brownists are acknowledged to be the Caterpillars of Religion, who doe daily strive to contaminate the sincere purity thereof; for they will not be exhorted by Apo­stolicall confirmation, and Propheticall Institution of the sacred word of God, but according to the tra­ditions of their owne roving fancies they ordaine no Orthodox, but Hereticall opinions, and (that I may use their own words) as the spirit (of Error) moves them, they will broach new Doctrine to their long eared Auditors. But lest I should seeme to deviate from my intended subject, I will with out any digressing aberration proceed herein.

There have bin a surreptitious Lecture continu­ed in St Georges parish in Southwark, in the suc­cession of about three weeks, and last Friday (being the appointed day for the aforementioned Lectur) one Vincent preached there at the same parish, but his Doctrine was so Schismaticall, that there was a great mutiny among the confluxe of the popu­lar [Page] vulgar▪ Yet notwithstanding by the peculiar, & particular suggestions of some of the said parish, being of his owne tribe▪ hee was appointed to preach on the Sabbath day immediatly succeeding without the generall assent or consent of all the Parishioners, and being supposed by his externall gesture to be some Scholler, he had more admit­tance, then otherwise shuld have bin granted him. And being confident of his resolute insolencie, he nominated his text, and proceeded according to the Tenour of these words following.

HIs text was taken out of the 30. Chapter of Esaiah, and the last verse. For the fire of Hell is ordained from the beginning, yea even for the King is it prepared, &c.

Which words he said like the foure rivers, that were divided into foure heads to water the garden. So his Text was divided into three parts.

  • 1. The Damnation ordained.
  • 2. The time when, from the beginning.
  • 3. The disrespect of persons, yea for the King it is prepared.

And thus he began with his first point, viz. the Damnation ordained: that all those who would not preach as Coblers, and Tinkers, were damned. Secondly, that those who heard the booke of Common-Prayer (being in their imaginary suppo­sition Popish) were damned. Thirdly, that those, who would admit of Bishops, and such Romish [Page] priests were damned. Fourthly, that those who preached or prayed otherwise, then the spirit mo­ved him, did offend God, & those that offend God should be damned, therefore by consequence, hee that did not pray ex tempore, or preach according as the spirit shall inable him, shall without doubt be damned. And with that he cryed fire fire, so vehe­mently, that I wonder some did not spit on his face to quench and extinquish the flaming fire of his lustfull mind, and concupiscence. Then he pro­ceeded to his second particular, viz. the time when from the beginning: and then he affirmed posi­tively that all men were from the beginning pre­destinated to be damned. But this we know (as his other) is a maine point of blasphemy. And more­over that no learning, either morall▪ or divine, was requisite for the Ministeriall function, but alto­gether as the spirit moved them.

And withall he gave his assertion, and direct a­stipulation to heare rather a Cobler, Felt-maker, Tinker, Horserubber, as those reverend fathers, Mr Greene, Mr. Marler, Mr. Spencer, &c. then any other Scholler, who shall premeditate his Sermon.

Thus he proceeded in his erroneous opinions, and hereticall doctrine, scolding, and rayling at all men, and all professions, that he could recall into his memory, still crying with a deplorable excla­mation, fire, fire, but to what effect I know not, unlesse he himselfe did feare Hell fire for his a­bominable, and scandalous words.

[Page] But to omit many of his ridiculous proofes, he at length came to his third point of doctrine, viz. The disrespect of persons, it is appointed for the King himselfe: but if I should describe in an ap­parant declaration each particular Schisme, that he obstinatly produced in this regard, I should be more blamed for expressing it, then hee was for speaking it: yea, I should be more ashamed to de­monstrate that, which he was not ashamed to de­clare.

Therefore (judicious Reader) I omit the subse­quence of his facinorous inference to your better mentall reservation: neither will I rub the Cica­trix of this wound, least it should bleed afresh. Wherefore when the alarme of his obstreperous tongue was ended in this prior division, he procee­ded unto some other particulars, which were not lesse dangerous, and hereticall in explication, then the former.

First he affirmed that all Bishops were contra­ry to the word of God, and therefore Diabolicall.

Secondly, that the booke of Common-Service was diducted out of the Popish Liturgy, and there­fore ought not to be admitted, or have any appro­bate allowance in our publick Assemblies, and Congregations.

Thirdly, that every one might exercise the ta­lent, according as the spirit shall enable them: for first, whatsoever comes from the spirit is truth. Secondly, the spirit cannot suggest a man amisse. Thirdly, that the spirit guides a mans thoughts to [Page] the right object of heavenly things. Fourthly, that he which is led by the spirit, is an absolute child of God.

Therefore he did assure them to embrace all those good Admonitions, which hee had declared unto them; for he would warrant them that they did all proceed from the holy spirit.

Also, divers other things he did peremptorie affirme in his Pulpit, all which would be too long for me to relate. Therefore least I should tres­passe too far on your clement patience, J will con­summate all in a word, and conclude; While my daily prayers shall be, that the Parliament would take these premises into their grave considerati­ons, &c.

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