A CLOAK for KNAVERY OR, The Scottish Religion worn out, under which was hid much iniquity, which now in time is discovered.

Sr. Georges Cross FOR England.
[St George's cross]


  • Persecution
  • Emulation
  • Discord & Mu [...]
  • Dissimulatiō
  • Rebell [...]
  • Rapine
  • Rebelion
  • Plunder
  • Fornication
  • Whoredomes
  • Theft
  • Crueltie
  • Invasion
  • Intrusion

A good Com̄on­welths Man

Religion is made a Covering
For every wicked and Rebelious thing,
Errors are hid heer on the right and left
Rebelion, Idolitry, and Theft,
Plunders, and Rapins, Whordoms, Fornications,
Dissimulations, Flateries, and Invasions,
By Time, this Cloake is [...] of their Back
So their's discover'd many a Knavish Knack
Sr. Andrews Cross FOR Scotland.
[St Andrew's cross]
Behold now, how these two
[combined St George's and St Andrew's crosses]
Popish Crosses, cross one another.

THe Scots have worn out their religion, It is broken forth into open Rebellion, their civility is turned into hostility; They proclaim their sin like Sodom they hide it not; Woe unto their souls, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

EMULATION which before was hid behind, in the nape of their neck, since these Weather-cocks have turned their blew-bonets and cockt up their caps, it is upon the front­lets of their Knaves-heads, as eminent as a Coxcomb. So much for emulation.

A deceived heart hath carryed him aside, so that he cannot deliver himself, nor say, is their not a lye in my right hand? he hath the mark of the beast; Sr. Andrews Cross is his Ensign, PERSECUTION his Banner an instrument of cruelty: for as Sr. Georg's Cross for England, so is Sr. Andrews for Scot­land: Alas poor fools, to make Crosses more Common then signs in the streets.

His Arms in his Doublet sleeves, by which he should fight, to keep the Liberties of England, he useth as limbs of REBEL­LION.

And as IDOLATRY is in his right hand, so in his left THEFT; Thus he doth evil with both hands, and errs eve­ry way, this is an Heritick indeed, to commit so many errors, on the right hand, and on the left too.

He's a meer Imposter, INVADER and INTRUD­ER, trespassing upon his neighbours goods and lands, taking away other mens Wives, yea, and their precious lives also.

He [...] full of DISSIMULATION, in his brest is no true Royalty nor Reality, Trust him not, for there are seaven a­bomination [...] in his heart.

In his scabbord is an instrument of CRUELTY, girt a­bout him with DISCORD and MURDER.

He per [...]e [...]utes the true Church, the Bride the Lambs Wi [...] upon His right thigh is FORNICATION, and on his left WHORDOMS, and his brats are of Babell, not of Sion.

He delighteth in Wars, his feet are swift to shed blood, de­struction and misery are in his ways, and the way of peace he hath not known.

He careth not for the King Christ, he Raveneth and is full of RAPINE, King Charles is in his mouth, but his Belly is his Soveraign Lord: Its that he makes his God, for he can feed him­self without fear, and glut himself therewith, when it costs him nothing.

He is double hearted, if he pretend half an heart to the English with him, it is but as his half Crowns which will not pass cur­rent in England, and the Scots two-pences are of the same kind; He will cheat you if he can, or at the best, you shall have of him thistles instead of Roses, unless he light upon some of our new Cross Coyn, which he may pay his Popish Crew withall, for it may be they will like them, as well as Jacobusses; I am sure they esteem such Crosses, above Crowns, and Angels too. And Jamee is somwhat like them, witness his Flag of Defiance, the Standard of Sir Andrew their Popish God, under whose Banner they can persecute apace, and joyn with Papists and other Ma­lignants, but when Jemy seeth them too weak for him, this trea­cherous Rogue will turn his back upon Pistol bullets, and then you shall see that which is written on his back-side, as well as on his fore-side, for he will turn a meer Coward. And as he gave up Ahab, so hee'l bring Jezabel to a small scantling, and glad he can scape so too, and destroy the posterity of Ah [...], and Baals Priests too if need be; Any thing for a quiet life, And then the rest of his Bonny-Lads will prove like English Blades, and the Lasses will be no more ridden with Papists, and other Malig­nants like Asses.

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