VERMICULARS DESTROYED, WITH AN Historical Account OF WORMS: Collected from the best Authors, As well Ancient as Modern.
AND EXPE [...]IMENTS [...]OVED By that Admirable Invention of the Microscope; WITH Directions for the taking those most Famous Medicines, Entituled, Pulvis Benedictus, &c.
ALSO Diagnostick Signs of WORMS, and Signs of Health in Children, with the various Causes of Vermiculars.
By R. C. Chymist, Living at the Golden Ball in Devonshire-Street, near the Square, without Bishopsgate. 1690.
London, Printed by J. Wilkins, for the Author.
I Doubt not but this small Treatise may be Acceptable to most, not being built on Blind and Erronious Fallaces, its whole matter generally tending to the Good of all Mankind, as it hath been the Care of so many Worthy and Profound Authors to Record. Yet I do presume it may be ill resented by some, to whose apprehensions, it may be Misterious, and it is more trouble to Convince one unbelieving Ignoramous, than a hundred Wise Men: For Ignorance is not only Obstinate, but proud of its Imperfection, and under that Ʋmbrage grovels on the Earth; like Froward Children, who, when they fall, will neither rise themselves, nor let others help them: Therefore we shall let them remain Prisoners in their own state of Folly, and desire you to Read, when time will permit some spare Moments, that you may see what strange and direful Enemies these Depopulating [Page 4] Virmiculars are, not only to Human Bodies, but all Sublunary things. This is the Rock I would have you shun; and the way to Destroy them, or their Corrupt, Gross, Viscid Matter, if not Generated, is to do it before they are able to engage us, and commence Distempers in us. For as Health is the Fruition and Treasure of Life, so Sickness is the Dreadful Herauld of Death. And Diseases are like a Fire, which the more it is kindled is the harder to be quenched, and when they are above the reach of Cure, Medicines are of no more Ʋse to us, than Wings to a Bird that is caught by the Feet. Therefore Extinguish these Fatal Principles of Diseases in time, and stand not still a dull Spectator, while Nature is worsted on unequal Terms.
I Shall begin this small Treatise, in which I am Obliged to be as Brief as I can; Nameing my Author William Ramesey, Physitian in Ordinary to His Majesty Charles the Second; and likewise his Author as he has done, I shall mention. It would be superfluous to spend any time on the Common WORMS by reason they are so well known, tho' they are as Pernicious and Dangerous as the rest: Their Names are, Lati, Ascarides, Teretes, Cucurbitini, &c.
Rondeletius, Writes of a Woman that Expelled a Worm Two Cubits in length, like to the Worm called Scolopendra, having no Eyes, or other Part distinct; the which he says (by reason of its Rarity) he dried and kept a long time.
[Page 6] Zacutus Lucitanius, Tells us of a Patient of his, who voided a Black Dead Worm, of a pretty length, and thickness, with the Body all over Hairy, a small Head, and a forked Tail.
Benivenius, Tells us of a Worm one Vomited, with a Red Head, and covered with Hair like a Caterpiller, having Four Feet, and a Tail like a Half-Moon.
Marcellus Donatus, Mentions one that Vomited a Red Worm of the length of a Man's Hand; having two Crooked Horns, and a Hundred Feet; it is called, Centum Pedes.
Forestus, Hath a Patient affected with a Black Worm in the shape of a Weezle; his Cranium being opened, and the Worm taken away, which was on the Dura Mater, he Recovered.
Reverius, Writes of one that Evacuated many Black Worms, of the bigness and length of a common or ordinary Needle, horned and friable, so that one might crumble them to Powder between ones Fingers.
Valesius de Taranta, Says, he saw some Worms that came from a Young Man in the form of Pine-seeds, only bigger. Also the same afore-quoted Forestus, tells us of one, from the Testimony of Henricus a Bray, who Vomited a Worm like unto a Palmer Worm.
Widrus, Writes of a Fellow that Voided a Worm Eight Foot long, with a kind of a Horned Mouth, not unlike the Bill of a Duck.
Jabucinus, Speaks of one that Expelled a Black Worm Five Foot long, Hairy, and of the thickness of a Reed.
Mortuas, Records one molested with the Cholick, to ject a green Four Footed Worm, like to a Lizard.
Gesner, tells us of one that Voided by Stool, a Worm like to a Beetle, Black, long Feet, and Horns.
Johannes Hebenstreit, Tells of a white Worm with a sharp and Horny Nose, found in a Person.
Forestus, Speaks of a Wench who Vomited two Beetle-like Worms as long as Mans Finger, with two Horns, each of them on their Heads, and tending to Reddish Colour.
Qainque Pedalis.
Cornu rostrum.
Rostrum Anatis Octopedalis
Cut by J. Gardiner.
[Page 8] But in this kind Examples are Infinite, and the Brevity we design, compells us to leave the Worthy Ramesey at present, on whom hereafter I shall more enlarge, and proceed to another Author, who tells us, that Worms are, and may be generated of some Bigness, and of several Shapes, not only in the Bowels, but every other part of the Body, which all Authors of Note will not deny, and that they frequently appear in Agues, Fevers, and all manner of Diseases, by reason Humours are more Vitiated, and a more Poisonous, Putredinous Disposition, or Corruption, M.N. Med. Londinensis. is introduced into Mens Bodies, than was wont to be in former time. He tells us, in the Year 1662, a new sort of a Quartan Ague reigned about London, and other parts, which had in it all the Tokens of Malignity; and from most, that he himself had in Cure, he brought away abundance of Worms, and then they presently mended.
The like course he took with that continual Fever, which raged in the Country 1661, and procured plentiful excresions of Worms out of the Bodies of Children to Persons of Seventy Years of Age; and that Year he found Worms that made their own way into the World, Worms that eat through the Bowels and Sides of People. through the Bowels and Sides of the persons that bred them, and this without Damage, nothing but a little fresh Butter, being used to the Orifice to make all whole again.
Further, he tells us, let the Disease be what it will, he applied such Medicines as would carry off the Wormatick Matter, if there should be no Worms to kill: This he found, tho' the Matter do not sometimes breed the Animal, yet as long as the Wormatick Humour, or Matter remains in being, within the Body, so long the Body Languisheth, and sometimes will have all the Symptoms that attend Worms actually existent; and no Cure of the main Disease, with which 'tis complicated, will go forward, till that Verminious Humour, or Matter be Extinguished, or Removed.
Hollerius, Writes of a Man he Dissected, and found a multitude of Worms in his Liver, which were the cause of his unknown Disease. But we have Examples of Worms, not only in the Principal parts of Mans Body, as the Heart, Liver, Brain, Lungs, Reins, Spleen, Bladder, Stomach, &c. But in these Channels of the Blood, the Veins [Page 9] and Arteries; but few do imagin, that we carry about with us an Off-spring of Animals, begotten out of our own Blood and Bowels.
The aforesaid Author, saith he hath with his An Instrument so made, and fitted with Glasses at each end, as the smallest thing will be presented by it in so considerable a bigness that the Frame and Composure of its parts may be discerned. MICROSCOPE, examined the Blood of Men Sick of Fevers, which has satisfied him over and over of the Business; for viewing the Blood an hour or two after opening of Veins, I have (saith he) found it full of Worms, that it made me almost Astonished; so that we may with Job, I said to Corruption thou art my Father, and to the Worm, thou art my Mother, and my Sister.
Kircherus, a Famous Man, Living at Rome, Writ a most Learned Piece in the Year 1658. The Subject of which was, That there are a sort of invisible Worms, or Vermiculars, which were discovered in the last Plague at Naples, and at Rome, by the help of a Microscope. And he saith, these Worms are so fine, that they insinuate themselves, not only into Cloths, Ropes, and Linnen, but into other Bodies less Porous, as Cork, Wood, Bones; yea, into those which are least Porous and most Compact, as Mettals, Money, &c. This he in another place tells us, They had daily experience in the Great Plague Time, where no Money was Receiv'd in payment, but was first well soaked and washed in Vinegar, if it came from an Infected place.
Cardan saith, The great Plague that fell out in his time at Millain, which Unpeopled that City, not only the Air being filled with them, but the very Dust of the Earth Animated into such kind of Virmiculars.
Georgius Agricola Writes, That in his time, a great Plague came by Eating of Fruit, so that the Eaters Died in few Days after, which Fruit swarmed with multitudes of Indiscernable Worms; which were no more than the Animated Corpuscles, or Particles, flowing from Contagious Carcases, and fastning upon Trees and Plants, being carried through the Air: But these Indiscernable V [...]niculars had been still hid from our Eyes, had it not been for that Rare Invention of the Microscope.
[Page 10]We see that the Earth, out of I know not what Putredinous Matter in its own Bowels, doth produce not only Insects of all sorts, but also various Monsters of Venemous Creatures, as Serpents, Toads, Dragons in Dens and Caves of Mountains, which have their Original from Moisture, and a various mixture of Virulent Drags and Slime; and the like are produced out of Ponds, Lakes, and Marshes, by the Heat of the Ambient Air, working upon a Conflux of the Terrestial Parts, Yea, Water it Self kept in a close Vessel, and exposed to the Sun, is quickly animated into Worms, as is seen by daily Experience, both in Voyages at Sea, and within the Walls of our own private Houses.
At Beverly in Yorkshire on the 28th. of August 1660. there was seen in the Maketplace, and other places, innumerable company of young Frogs and Toads the people not knowing from whence they came, but are supposed to come out of the Air in the night by reason the tops of their Houses were covered with them. Prodigies, pag. 41.Moreover, Water Elevated by Vapour, Air, Hail, Snow, are full of Worms. Pliny, saith so of Snow, in his Book de Divinis Nat. Charact. And Cornelius Gemma of Hail, In Lib. de Arte Metallica. As much is said of Air by Georgious Agricola; and the sudden Generation of Worms, Frogs, and Insects, (which have come down with Rain upon the Earth) doth confirm it. There is also scarce a Stick, or Fruit, or any other mixt Body, which doth not produce some Animal which disposeth that to Destruction which Begat it, according to that of Lecretius.
And that the Reader may more fully behold the admirable Power of Nature, what hath hitherto been said, may be manifested by Irrefragable Experiments, as followeth,
[Page 11] Experiment I. TAke a piece of Flesh, and expose it by Night to the moisture of the Moon, till early the next morning, then view it diligently with a Microscope, and you shall find, that all the Putrefaction, contracted by the Moon, is degenerated into innumerable Vermiculars, differing in bigness; but when you remove the Microsc [...]pe, you cannot discern any by the Eye alone, unless perhaps some few be among them that are grown to a sensible magnitude. You may try the same in Cheese, Milk, Vinegar, and the like Bodies abounding with Putrefaction; yet think not 'tis to be done by any slight Microscope, but one made by a Skilful Hand.
Experience II. IF you take a Serpent cut into small pieces, and putting it into Rain-water, expose it for some Days to the Sun, then Bury it in the Earth for the space of a Day and a Night, and afterward taking out the Parts grown flaccid with Putrefaction, and examine them with a Microscope, you will see all that's putrified swarming with little springing Serpents, which Experiment may be performed in all kind of Serpents; and sometimes in dead Putrified Serpents you will find some of them discernable by the Eye alone. The Putrifaction of Serpents will not produce Worms as other dead flesh doth, unless they be kill'd by Lightning, that purges 'em of their poyson, and their corrupt flesh will be animated into Worms of strange and various shapes.
Experience III. MAtthiolus Euchsius, and many other Herbalists, declare, That Sage unwasht is very hurtful to such as Eat it: But I have discovered the Cause, examining more [Page 12] curiously the Constitution of this Plant, by the help of a Microscope; at length I observed in those Leaves which were more rough than the rest, that their whole Superficies was covered with somewhat like a Spider's Web, within which appeared Animals exceeding small, and which were perpetually at work therein, and certain round things as it were Eggs, were spread upon the Superficies, which as it is doubtless a certain Breed, or Spawn, of that sort of petit Animals, so by their Virulent Humour they may do a Man a deal of mischief; but wipe a Leaf with your Finger, or wash it, and they will Disappear. From whence I collect the true Cause of the Pernicious Quality of Sage that is not washed.
Experiment IV. IF with the Microscope you examine the Powder of any Rotten Wood, you will find a prodigious number of Vermiculars, some armed with Horns, some set out as it were with Wings, and others not unlike those Worms that have many Feet; their Eyes also you may discern like black Points, and that they have a long Snout; so that it appears, Almighty God hath manifested his own wonderful Power, not only in the greatest Bodies in the World, but in the smallest, even in those Animals which are not to be discerned by the sharpest sight, having furnished every one of them with such Members, as without which they could neither move themselves, nor exercise any Vital Actions. What a little Liver, little Stomach, little Heart, little Nerves, and Gristles, must there go to the making of such invisible Corpuscles? The least Creature we can see without the help of Art, is a Mite, it resembling a little white Punctum, or Point, but view it with a Microscope, and it appears to us a rough hairy Creature like a Bear.
[Page 13] Experiment V. TAke a Glass-Vial half fill'd with Water, into which sprinkle some Dust of the Earth, which will presently sink to the bottom; and so exposing the Vial to the Sun in Summer-time for some Days, let it rest without shaking until the Water begin to Putrifie; then observe the bottom of the Vial, and there will arise out of the settling of the Water, or injected Dust, certain little round Bubbles, every one of which, in the following Days, will be animated into little Worms, which will strangely frisk and sport in the Water; and being come to maturity, at length they betake themselves to the top of the Water, and there being in great Numbers transformed into winged Gnats, they commit themselves to the Air, and become as troublesome to Men and Beasts in the Summer, especially by Night, as others use to be.
Experiment VI. DR. Hauptman, a German Physitian, and Kircherus, gives us an Account of that terrible Disease the Purples, which frequently befalls Women within the Month, after Child-Delivery, and examining the matter with a Microscope, they found those petty Virmiculars spread upon the Superficies in the rough part of the Skin which is in that Disease, by which means you have here an infallible Experiment touching the original of that most malignant Disease the Purples: Which is further confirmed by this, that after the using all the Bez [...]adicks, Diaphoreticks, and Cordials commonly so called, without any success, they betook themselves to the use of such Remedies as have the power to kill and mortifie the putrid Seminaries of Worms, by mingling them with such Remedies as were proper in the case.
[Page 14] Experiment VII. EVery Living Creature out of its own Putrefaction produceth some kind of Animals agreeable to its own Nature, and differing from all other, which I have found in several sorts of Herbs, and may be seen by Corn Animated into winged Animals: The Carcase of an Ox becomes animated into Bees; Horses generate Wasps and Sca [...]abees; Man's Rotten Carcase becomes a Seminary of Worms. Nature is so Solicitous about promoting the Generation of things, that wheresoever she finds a Disposition, that is, Heat with a due proportion of Moisture, there she immediately thrusts forth an Animal. I [...]ould here produce innumerable Instances from all sort [...]f Living Things; but because these are enough for the proof of what I intend, I shall no longer insist on them.
I conceive it may not be amiss if now I mention s [...]me Worms lately destroyed by Pulvis Benedictus, &c. In which I shall be very short, omitting many strange and remarkable Cures.
A Woman at the Weavers-Arms in White-Cross Street, languishing a long time under a Consumptive State, and being brought to keep her Bed a little before she died, had a desire to take some of my Powder, the great Composition. The first Dose brought away the Worm This Worm had multitudes of young ones in every Joint. Latus with abundance of Slime and Vermiculous Matter: It was of an Orange Colour, and Twelve Foot in length. After this she mended a little, but her Vitals being spent and wasted, she was not able to withstand the Conquering Arm of Death.
A Person of Quality, who had been lately Cured of the French Luec, had a most intollerable Pain in his Stomach, and a Tumefaction in the Region of his Liver, for which he could have no Redress, till taking some of Pulvis Benedictus, the great Composition, he voided multitudes of Worms, small, flat, and [Page 15] shaped like a Flounder, of a dark Redish Colour: You may, if you will observe, often see Worms just like them in the Liver of a Sheep. The Person hath been ever since free from all Pains, and in good Health.
A Gentlemans Daughter about Four Years of Age, that had a Fever and an Ague for two or three Months which had brought her to a very low Ebb: Her Father to obtain her Health, ran all the round of Physicians and Remedies; till being advised to my Powder, she took the Lesser Composition, the first, second, third and fourth Dose brought away abundance of Slime, and Wormatick Matter; at the fifth she voided a little Bag like a Bladder, which was full of Worms of a dark brown C lour, thick in the middle, and sharp at both ends. The Child immediately Recovered, and is now very Healthful and Lively.
A Lady whose Son was about two years of Age; the Child was molested with Asthma, and also a violent Inflamation in his Reins; for which he had taken so many Medicines, that when my Powder was given him, they could by no means make him take it. I then applied my Anti-Verminous Oyl, and Plaister, and the third day the Child Evacuated Eight and Twenty Worms; they were flat, white as Snow, and an Inch in length, havin [...] a vent on one side, these Worms when they pleased, would extend themselves a Foot in length, and transform themselves into the shape of a Plaice, or Flounder, exposed to the Air they consume in a trice, but in Water they will keep long; I have some by me now.
Mrs. Dean, Living by the Artichoke in Southwark, near the Bridge, by taking of my Medicines, voided multitudes of Worms, and of above Twenty several Shapes, two of the Worms called Latus, each being six or seven Yards in length: The Worm Teretes, which was as Red as Scarlet; Worms of a darkish Colour, having Fins, like small Fish; a Worm about three Inches long, having six feet on a side; Worms with Horns like Snails; and others Hairy; a Worm much like a Mussel when it is boil'd, with small feet on each side; a Worm about four Inches long, with a double forked Tail; She also voided pieces of several strange Worms, and perfest Claws like the feet of Moles, [Page 16] with stony Wormatick Matter, which, when broke, were full of small Worms, no thicker than a Hair.
And I hope all Judicious People will weigh the dangerous consequence of these Destructive Vermin when we see how many Creatures, even by Instinct of Nature, make to such Remedies as are proper in this case. Deer feed on Serpents to kill their VVorms, by which, 'tis said they renew their Age.
You may see in Bleeks, a Fish that frisks and plays on the Water, insomuch as sometimes they leap into Boats, a Worm four times their own length. Fish, When molested with Vermiculars, make to Carolina, &c. And all sorts of Wild-Fowl to the Sea.
Fauconers, use the Dung of Sparrows to kill VVorms in their Hawks, and Pulvis Buso to kill 'em in their Feathers.
So VVorms on Plants are destroyed by the Fumes of Sulphur, Garlick, Galbanum, Goats Claws, &c.
Whoever will give themselves the trouble of opening a mad Dog will find him full of VVorms, which is the occasion of his madness, and are bred by eating corrupted meat, especially in the Dog-Days. These VVorms take away their Appetites, Worms the cause of Madness in Doggs. and makes them fear the water. They wander about, hang down the Tail, bark hoarsly, foam at the mouth, and look angerly. They are cured by giving them Horse-Aloes, and Common-Salt mixed with Water, give it in a Drenching-Horn, and in half an hour you will see the Vermin come up, and the Dog be well.
Thus man finds out Remedies to destroy them in Birds, and on Plants, and shall he forget himself! This is a narrow and a fruitless Principle, Umbraided by Neglect and Folly!
Our Liv [...]s divided into Seven Ages. Rhodeginus divides our Lives into seven Ages, alluding to the seven Planets; we may fitly compare our Infancy with the Moon; in which we seem only to live and grow as Plants; and abounds with Humours.
The second Age to Mercury; wherein we are under Tuition, Taught and Instructed.
The third to Venus; the time of Pleasure, Amorous, Love-sick-Toys, Vanity, &c.
The fourth to the Sun; the Summer-time of our Lives, Strong, Beautiful, and flourishing.
[Page 17]The Fifth to Mars; in which we seek Honour, Victory, and have Ambitious Ends, designing to accomplish somewhat Praise-worthy, or act what may redown'd to our Glory.
The Sixth to Jupiter; where we judge of our selves and others, of former Actions, and take an account of Times, arrive to the perfection of our Judgments, Understanding, Reason, &c.
The Seventh and Last to Saturn; the Winter of our Days, wherein our Spirits, Lives and Souls, are obfuscated, overcast and clouded, all fraught with a multitude of Cares, Sorrows, Fears and Anxieties, a Burthen to our selves, a Trouble to others, over-spread with innumerable Aches, Pains, Infirmities and Weakness, fit for no Society nor Imployment; but only to keep our Heirs from inheriting our Possessions; which by how much the greater they are, by so much the more is our End and Dissolution hoped and wished for, even by those which drew Life and Being from us; which is Vanity in the abstract, and a great Evil, if not the greatest; and this the End of all our Labours under the Sun; and in all these Ages, we are, or may be Mascerated with Worms. As to the first six, we have Examples daily, therefore I shall only speak of the last.
Valescus de Taranta attests he often had seen Old People have Worms. And Gabucinus mentions an ancient Man, The last Age Macerated with Worms. who evacuated a Monstrous Black Worm.
Brasavorius reports of a Patient of his, a Man of above Fourscore Years of Age, which voided above Five Hundred Worms. And Doctor Ramesey had a Patient within Two Months of Fourscore, a Woman, that voided such a company of Worms by a Medicine he gave her, that they were innumerable, and adjudged to be some thousands, of divers sorts and magnitude, especia [...]ly Teretes and Ascarides.
[Page 18]And I my self have had several Patients of above Threescore, that have voided, not only the Common Worms, but Vermiculars of strange and various Shapes.
- SUpernatural causes.
- Supernatural causes are from God and his Angels The Devil and his Imps, Magicians, Conjurers, Witches, and Wizards.
- Universal Natural Causes.
- Ʋniversal Natural Causes are from Heaven, Stars and Planets, which some deny, who think the Stars were made only to adorn the Heavens, and Fools to gaze on.
- Parents a cause.
- Air a cause.
- Meat a cause.
- Drink a cause.
- Plethora a cause, which is a redundancy of fulness of Blood and other Humors in the Body.
- Too much sleep a cause.
- Preturbation a cause.
- Over-watching a cause.
- Too much rest a cause.
- Imagination a cause.
- Sorrow a cause.
- Anger a cause.
- Fear a cause.
- Cachochymia a cause, which is an Excess in either Quality or Quantity of Natural or Preternatural Excrementitious Humours.
- A bad Nurse a cause.
- Natural and Preternatural Flegm a cause.
- Cholar a cause.
- Melancholly a cause.
Serum a cause, which is a waterish thin Humour proceeding from the other Humours.
- Sublata Causa.
- Tollitur effectus.
I have met with some Opposition as to Supernatural Causes, but whether there be, or be not, I shall not dispute it here; however Christians ought to believe it from the Testimony of St. Luke, Acts the 12. and the 23. And immediately the Angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the Glory▪ and he was eaten of Worms, and gave up the Ghost; So Job complains, That his Flesh was cloathed with Worms, Job 7.5.
[Page 19]And Cornelius Gemma gives us an Example of a Wench, who was as if she had been possessed of the Devil, and at some times would not be held by three Men, (such were her strong Convulsive Passions) who Evacuated by Vomit, Twenty Four Pounds of Stuff of all Colours, twice a day for Fourteen days together; and afterwards great Balls of Hair, pieces of Wood, Pidgeons Dung, Parchment, Coals, &c. and after all this, two pound of pure Blood, and then again, Coals and Stones, strange fits of Laughing, Weeping and Extasies, and at length voided a live Worm by Stool, like unto an Eel, of a Foot and a half long, the which he says, he not only saw, but felt: and this I suppose sprung from a Supernatural Cause, which sometimes destroys Life and all; as appears by that most remarkable Story in Verstegan, and of the Pied Piper, that carried away an Hundred and Sixty Children from the Town of Hamel in Saxony, on the 22d of July, Anno Dom. 1370. a Wonderful Permission of God, to the Rage of the Devil.
Nicholaus Monardus, speaks of a Worm that a Lady Evacuated, above a Foot long, with a double forked Tail.
Fallopius, speaks of a Worm all over hairy, black, having two Heads. It weighed Nine Ounces.
Dr. Edward May, our Country-man, hath written a Book of a very strange Worm, whitish, about a Span long, and the thickness of a man's Finger, having towards the Tail two Branches divided into divers Fibers or Strings, of a fleshy Colour; the Head bloody, and in Shape like unto a Serpent, or Snakes: It was taken from the Heart of one John Pennant in St. Giles's.
The Four Figures of which is to be seen in the following Page.
Pedalis Bifurcatus.
A Patient of mine, 1687, who lived in Shoreditch, a Woman above Sixty, who had a continual Trembling about her Heart, so that she could not rest Day nor Night: and withal, was strangely tempted to cut her Husband's Throat, without any Reason, for she protested she lov'd him intirely, having been married many years, during which Time he had always been very respective to her, and never gave her any occasion to entertain such Diabolical Thoughts, Hearing this, I advised her to make her Address to a Divine, for such in this case were more proper than a Physician. The Woman still insisted on my Powder; I gave her a Paper four or five days after she came for another, [Page 21] affirming she was much better; but not returning to me again, I sent to see what was become of her, the Person that went, found her in good Health, and those wicked Fantastick hellish Temptations, subdued and vanished. Now whether this sudden Change was caused by the powerful Vertue and Effect of the Medicine, ay, or no, you may Conjecture as you please; for I never will attest what I am altogether uncertain of. She voided no Worms visible to the Eye, but abundance of strange stuff.
Diagnostick Signs of Worms.
Paleness of the Face, itching of the Nose, hollowness of the Eyes, unusual defluxion of Spittle, grating of the Teeth when asleep; [...]ulness, pains and heaviness in the Head: a dry Cough, an itching in Ano, white and thick Ʋrine; a universal Trembling over the whole Body, a shining about the Eyes, unquiet Sleep, often starting, lost Appetite, unreasonable Appetite, driness of the Tongue and Lips, Extension and swelling of the Belly, a gnawing and biting about the Stomach, frightful Dreams, Extream Thirst, the Body decayed and lean, Fits in Children, often Vomiting, stinking Breath.
Signs of Health.
The Complexion fresh or clear: Moderate Appetite: Quiet Sleep: The Mind cheerful: Excrement yellow: Ʋrine well Coloured: The Body open? The Flesh firm, &c.
These are the Signs of Health, of which Temperance is the chief Pillar, and consists most in Meat, Drink, Sleep, and Exercise; after which all prudent Parents ought to cast an Eye: But on the contrary, I have seen People force, or perswade, their Children to eat against Appetite; which, as Rames [...]y say, is very pernicious; for if there be little or no Appetite, it is an infallible Sign, the Meat formerly eaten, or the Crudities thereof, lies yet in the Stomach, or in the Veins. And to fast too long, is as injurious, for thereby [Page 22] the Stomach is fill'd with abundance of Humours, which will not only endanger Worms, but divers other Evils; for empty Veins draw deepest, and what they first receive, good or bad, that they mix with the Blood. Therefore Children, by reason of their growing, ought to eat often, but not too much at a time, nor of many Dishes, for many Dishes breed many Diseases; and Distempers, with care, are easier prevented than cured. Yet we see many, by over-eating, wilfully murther themselves, dig their own Graves with their Teeth, and all to please that devouring Gut of theirs, which is a pernicious Sink, and the Fountain of all Diseases; it subverts and perverts the good Temperature of the Body, stifles the Senses and Wits, strangles Nature, being not able to digest the Meat throughly: whence ensue Crudities, and the Ground and Seeds of many Diseases; yet it is impossible to prescribe any exact Rule, as to a Quantity, for all Ages, Sexes, and Constitutions, when we see by Experience, That one and the same Man cannot live in Health with the same Food that sufficeth for quantity at another time; that what will suffice in Summer, is too little in Winter: That what will satisfie one, and less than that will surfeit another, should he eat as much; therefore it is not only an idle Conceit, but a Madness; Since there is such Variety in mens Bodies, Strength, Constitutions, Dispositions, and manner of Living; the quantity of Food then, ought to be proportioned by no other Rule, but the quality and condition of the Stomach; and that measure is exactly proportioned, we may conclude which the Stomach hath so much Power over, as perfectly to Concoct or Digest in the midst of any Imployment either of Body or Mind; and then the Body will be thereby more lightsome and refreshed: So that I would have all observe the old Rule, that is, To rise with an Appetite, considering we have two Guest to entertain, the Body, and the Soul, and that therefore we have a Care that we destroy not the Power of the one, nor the Faculties of the other; for tho the Belly have no Ears, yet it hath Intelligence to beg its due, and Wisdom to discern when it hath enough.
[Page 23]The same may be said by too much Wine, that brave Heroick Elevator of the Spirits, which drags the Soul out of its solitary and inmost Room, adorning it with vigorous, cheerful and aspiring Thoughts: Yet soon is this great work unravel'd by the dull sluggish power of drowsie Sleep: And all are Metamorphosed, our Souls are the same they were, only they had been drest in various Figures. And to conclude, Wine's but a delusive Bliss, a shortning to our days, the introducer of all Quarrels and Mischiefs; the Exhauster of our Estates, the Trouble and Sorrow of our Friends; all which Temperance prevents, which is its own Reward, were there no greater.
I Shall now speak of such as cannot hold their Water, or have a Diabetes. In this Disease, with my Powder I have often brought away Worms by Ʋrine, though the Medicine never did effect a Cure, which is apparent Worms are not the cause of that Distemper: Yet by reason it is a Disease that often proves fatal, and brings Children into Consumptions, and so to the Grave, I have collected and set down such Remedies as the best of Physicians made use on.
Hoggs Bladder in Powder.
The Claws of a Sow in Powder.
The dry'd Combs of Hens in Powder.
The Throats of Hens in Powder,
Galenus.Galen chiefly used this for the Cure of a Diabetes.
The Spectacle-Stone, call'd in Latin Specularis,
being burnt,
Al [...]rovandus.the Powder is given with great success against flux of Ʋrine, Fistula's and Hemorrhoids.
The Blood of a He-goat in Powder.
The Bones of a Water-Rat in Powder.
Ae [...]culapis.
- A Flea'd-Mouse dried and beat [...]n into Powder, and given at a time for three days together.
[Page 24]Any of these aforesaid being prepared in fine Powder may be given in a little Clarit or Plantane-water, the Quantity according to the Age of the Patient: give it in the Morning; some take it Night and Morning. If you purge first, it will be the better: For this Disease is occasioned by the fulness, weakness and heat of the Kidneys and Reins, which causes such a swift Passage (of that which is drunk) throw the body, that the Drink is hardly altered.
Worms in the Face.Worms in the Face are animated of corrupt Humours, lodg'd between the Skin and the Flesh, and cannot be destroy'd quickly without injuring the Face. But those who have patience, may destroy them with Oyl of Myrrh, mix'd with Vinegar of Squills, and when you use it, let it dry into the Skin.
Freckles taken out.The said Oyl mixt with the Blood of a Vine, will take out Freckles, if not too deep in the Skin, or mix it with Birch-water, it will effect the same.
Pearl dissolved.Birch-water Dissolves Pearl, and makes a rare Cosmetick, which is a Secret very little known: if you find it too sharp for your Skin, mix it with water, or May-Dew, clarified by the Sun. Some use the waters of Bean-Blossoms, White-Thorn and Lyllys: But I am convinced, that all waters, drawn by Fire, are iniurious to the Skin, unless extracted with some Balsamick Body, as Hungaria water is, though the Composition is only Spirit of Wine and Rosemary-Flowers.
Aqua Hungaria.Four pound of Flowers to three Quarts of Spirits, and after 24 Hours infusion, draw it off in Balneo, the Head and Receiver being well lu [...]ed. This is a rich Cosmetick, and hath many other Vertues which I shall omit here, by reason they are so well known. And now you may think as many pretenders do, that is, having the Receipt, you can make the Water, which already hath blasted its Estimation. For some make it of Rosemary-tops instead of Flowers; others of Flowers they know not when gathered, or from whence they came. But if you design to make this Water, observe and you will find upon Rosemary-Flowers a rich White [Page 25] Gum or Balsamick-matter; then they are in their prime, gather them on a dry day; for if they hang long, that Balsamick-matter is exhaled by the influence of the Sun, and the Flowers good for little but to set Fools to work.
Such as design to make use of Birch-water must tap the Tree in April.
Oyl of Myrrh.
BOyl Hen-Eggs hard, and cut them long-ways through the middle, take out the Yolks and fill the Cavities with Powder of Myrrh, joyn them, and bind 'em gently with a Thred, put them on a Grate in a cool moist Celler, a Dish under, and the Oyl will drop from them.
This Oyl, dropt in Water, is a good Cosmetick, prevents Worms breeding in the Face, creates a fair, fresh and youthful Complexion; and if used in time, I believe might prevent the Marks of the Small-Pox, by reason it will heal a Wound without leaving a Scar. Or thus,
So soon as the Small-Pox appears, To prevent marking in the Small-Pox. that you are satisfied it is the Disease, with a Feather anoint the Fa [...] with Oyl of Sweet-Almonds, six or seven times over. Let the Oil be new drawn; when you have done so cover the Face all over with Leaf-gold, the Eyes excepted, be sure you leave no part uncovered, but rather lay two leafs on, for where there is a defect of Gold, there will be a scar: Let it remain on till the Scabs shale off. This is the only thing yet known for this purpose, and if well applied seldom if ever fails: The sick must lye on their Back while it is done.
That Worms are the occasion of the shedding of Hair, Worms in the Head kill'd. is the Opinion of many wise and learned Authors: Being bread in the Roots, which frequently appears after a Fit of Sickness on the Head, as well as the Hands and Feet; and to destroy them, rub the Head morning and night, with the Inside of an Out-Peel of an Orange, for a month or six weeks, and it will not only kill the Worms, but make the Hair grow thick. I have known it bring Hair on a Bald-Head.
[Page 26] [...] the [...] killed.There is another sort of Worms, by some called Teredo: These Vermin are bred in the Feet and hands, and cause a great itching in those parts. They generally appear through weakness, after a Fit of Sickness. They are killed by anointing with Black-Soap and Quick-silver.
Worms very often are the cause of a Red-Face; and the way to destroy them, and take away the Redness, if there should be no Worms, is as followeth.
The Cure of a Red-face.Take half a pound of distilled Vinegar, two New-laid-Eggs with their Shells; two spoonfuls of Flower of Sulphur. Let these infuse in the Vinegar three days; then take out the Eggs, and with a Needle prick them full of holes, but not too deep; lest any Yolk come out, and let the Whites run into the Vinegar; and strain all through a fine Cloth, and tye the Sulpur in the Cloth like a little Ball, and when you use it, dip the Ball in the Liquor, and pat the Place three or four times a day, and in a short time you will find the Effect. Keep the Ball in a Box from the Air.
Directions for the taking of Pulvis Benedictus.
I. AN Infant of six Months old, so upwards to a year, may take half a Paper in the Morning, How taken by Infants. you may give it in a spoonful of Breast-milk, and let it take it two or three Mornings together, which with the same Quantity of my Night-powder taken at night, may effect a Cure not only as to Worms and Vermiculous matter, but in any other grievance or Disease incident to their Age. Though if you find they do require more, proceed and give it, only intermit a day; for the Medicine is so safe, you need not fear any prejudice by it; and an Infant of two or three Months old may take the same.
From a year to two years. II. From a year to two years of age, you may begin with half a Paper if that give not two or three Stools, give the next Morning a whole Paper.
From two years to four or five. III. From two years of age to four or five, you may begin with a whole Paper.
From five to ten. IV. From five or six years, and so to ten, you may begin with a Paper and a half.
[Page 27] V. From ten to fifteen with two Papers. From ten to fifteen. From fifteen to twenty, &c.
VI. From fifteen to twenty, with two Papers and a half, or three, if your Constitution be very strong and hard to work on, you may take four, but this is very rare. The difference in Constitutions, and Dose to keep to.
VII. So great is the difference in Constitutions that it is impossible to propose any one Dose for all, though of an age; when a Child of five or six years of age will, and do often take three Papers, and shall have with it no more Stool than a man that takes the same Quantity, therefore I would advise you to begin with a low Dose, till you know the strength of your Constitution, and keep to that Dose as gives only two or three Stools.
VIII. You may take it three Mornings successively, How often taken. and then intermit a day, and so continue till the Cure be effected, which will be in a few days. But for Men and Women, they may take it six or seven days without intermission, if the Wormatick matter be so obstinate and rebellious as to repaire it, and they have strength to go through it.
IX. You may take either the great or lesser Composition in a spoonful or two of Beer, Ale or Claret, or in the Pulp of an Aple, In what it may be taken. &c. The more curious may give it in the Distill'd water of any of these Herbs, Centaury the Less, Wormwood, Betony, Carduus, Tansie, these are all enemies to Worms, and are hot in the second Degree; yet so it be taken it matters not much in what, for it will do the work for which it is designed.
X. If the Child be Fev [...]rish you may [...]ive it in the Distilled Water, or Syrup of either Purslain, Plantane, Succory, In what taken if Fevorish. or Endive, for these are no friends to Worms, and are cold only in the second Degree.
XI. Some Physicians approve of sweet Vehicles to [...]ive their Anti-verminous Medicines in, as Milk, Honey, Syrup, Of taking it in sweet vehicles. &c. which are very proper when Worms affect the vital parts, and lie remote from the Stomach, by reason they tempt them from those parts to the Medicine, and such who suspect Worms in those parts ought to take their Medicines in sweet Vehicles.
XII. It must be taken early in the Morning, What taken in the working. and fast two or three hours after it, then give warm Broth or Water-Gruel, this liberty I give to Children by reason of their often craving for Victuals, [Page 28] but elder persons must fast till Noon, and if they drink any thing in the working, let it be warm Purl.
Confinement in taking it. XIII. Children the morning they take it must keep the house, but if the weather be fair and warm, after Dinner they may play abroad, or go to School. Elder persons may go about their occasions provided they go warm, and keep their feet dry.
To hasten the Operation. XIV. If the Dose taken work not to answer your expectation, boil a little Senna in some Ale, and drink the Ale warm, and it will hasten the operation.
Of viewing the Stools. XV. Besure you view the Childs Stools in the taking of it, and three or four days after it has done taking, for sometimes Worms come away dead at that distance of time.
The Vertues of Pulvis Benedictus. XVI. Pulvis Benedictus, the Great and Lesser Composition, are much alike in operation, only the greater is more searching and active in his business, and sooner obtains a victory, and is more powerful in destroying Worms in the Bladder, of which it never fails.
They are both [...] Gentle in their operation, that they seldom make the youngest Child sick, unless the Stomach abounds with Crudities. They Purge and sweeten the Blood, carry off all gross, corrupt, putrid Humours; Creates a fresh and healthful Complexion in such as are defective by any Wormatick matter. And so pernicious are these Vermin, that there is hardly any Age, Sex, or Constitution, but are subject to them; nor part of us but they do affect.
For there is no Blood or Humours but may putrifie one time or other, which putrid matter retaining a vital principle, having a humid kind of heat apt for Generation, produceth Worms, which if not, Putrifaction hath certain Seminals, or Seeds within it self, that are as pernicious [...]s Worms can be, and causes the same Diseases as Worms actually existent. But this precious Medicine destroys not only Worms, but all manner of Vermiculous matter; for where no Worms appear it effects a Cure, if taken any time. And, in a word, is the only Specifick yet known.
It is a great Diuretick cleansing the Reins of Slime, Sand or Gravel.
It expells Wind, and is a Soveraign Medicine in the Cholick and Griping of the Guts.
[Page 29] It opens all Obstructions of the Stomach, Lungs and Liver.
Causes a good Appetite, and helps Indigestion.
In Rheumatisms, Ptisick, Asthma, or shortness of Breath, it has been found very successful.
It mightily prevails in the Rickets, and hath straitened the Bones, tho the venom in that Disease is lodged in the Spinal marrow, from whence it is called Rhachitis.
It is an Antidote against the Plague, Spotted Fever, and all Pestilential Diseases, [...]
The chief Ingredients in these admirable Powders being parts simple, and parts Chymical of the Juniper, Orange, and Wallnut-Trees. I do confess it is something bitter. But a Diadem will not cure the Apoplexy, or a Velvet-slipper the Gout.
And I hope all ingenious Persons are satisfied, that those Medicines which work upon such Humours, will almost reach any Distemper, if not too far gone. Since corruption and putrifaction are the fore-runners and introducers of all Diseases. Therefore no better Physick can be taken, for all Ages, Sexes, and Constitutions, from the Womb to the Tomb.
The Ʋse and Virtues of my Night-Powder.
I. THis Powder is taken at Night going to Bed in a Spoonful or two of Beer, Wine or any Liquid thing. Take the same Quantity as you do of the Purging Powder, as well Children as elder Persons.
II. It has no ill Tast, nor will it Purge, yet it is a powerful enemy to Worms, and by taking this at Night you give the Vermin no rest. And if it were taken those Mornings you omit Purging it were the better.
III. It is an admirable Medicine in the Green-sickness, it sweetens the whole mass of Blood, and may safely be given in any Malignant Fever, being a great Diminisher of the Preternatural heat, and taken with the Purging-Powder, [Page 30] will reach most Diseases incident to Youth or Old Age.
IV. And whoever begins the taking of these Powders, I only desire they would be so wise and kind to themselves as to go th [...]ough with it, and not leave off at the taking a Dose or two; do but this, and you will find the effect to answer your expectation.
The Ʋse and Virtue of the Aromatical Plaister.
I. THis Plaister must be laid to the Stomach hot, the point downwards, and bound on, let it remain ten or twelve days, unless it be in case of Life and Death, then you must have a fresh Plaister every two or three days.
II. It is a great enemy to Worms, and Wormatick matter, discharging the Stomach of cold waterish Humours, and gross corrupt Flegm, which is apt for the Generation of Worms.
III. In Consumptions, its effects has been proved to the satisfaction of many, applying a fresh Plaister once a week, for it revives the Spirits, and strengthens the Stomach, and all the vital parts, giving them a true natural heat not at all superfluous.
IV. Some that have layn speechless, by this Plaister have Recovered to the great wonder of all their Acquaintance; it being a friend to all the Spirits natural, Vital and Animal, and is without doubt one of the greatest Cordials yet known, of an outward application.
It retains its vertue forty years, and when left off is a rich perfume to burn in your House.
My Ointment against Worms.
IT is to be rubbed and chaffed in with your Fingers, by the Fire, on the Stomach or Belly of the Child, or both, if there be occasion, Night and Morning, and a piece of Brown Paper bound on.
Of all External Remedies against Worms, this is the chief, and exceeds my Plaister, but is of no other use.
- [Page 31] Pulvis Benedictis the Great and Lesser Composition, Each Paper Two Shillings.
- My Night Powder, Two Shillings.
- My Aromatical Plaister, Two and Six-pence.
- My Ointment the Pot, Two and Six-pence.
Each Paper contains Nine Doses, Sealed with a Cheveron, between Three Crescents, Prepared by R. Clark, Chymist, Living at the Golden-Ball in Devonshire-Street without Bishopsgate. Where in my absence is a Gentlewoman will furnish you with any of the aforesaid Preparations.
I Am very sensible many People are averst against Medicines, that are publish'd by the way of Bills, yet several Ingenious Men, and some Colledg-Physicians have done, and still do the same by Medicines that have been successful for many years; though I must confess there are a great many sad Tools take the same Method, which may well put People in a Consternation. For since I have published these Powders, which has not been many year [...], every one has a rare Medicine for the Worms.
I am informed there is a Tooth-drawer living in Holborn, that calls himself a Physician, who has publish'd a Powder for the Worms, and put out Tables with the Cu [...] of the very same Worms as are in mine; and what he writes relating to Worms is all taken out of this Book. Now every Man's ignorance ought to be his greatest Secret; then what can you think of him, that exposes his own weakness in Print. But Ignorance and Impudence are as inseparable as heat from fire.
With care and pains I have collected from the best Authors what I thought might be useful as to Worms, in which I design to proceed till I have made this Book six Sheets, which I hope will be acceptable to all that love themselves and their Children, as well as a help to the Tooth-drawer.