To the Right Honourable, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament Assembled: THE HVMBLE PETITION AND ADDRESS OF Edward Earl of CLARENDON.
I Cannot express the insupportable trouble and grief of mind I sustain under the apprehension of being mis-represented to your Lordships. And when I hear how much of your Lordships time hath been spent upon the mention of Me, as it is attended with more publ [...]ck consequence, and of the difference in opinion, which have already, or may probably arise, betwixt your Lordships and the honourable House of Commons, whereby the great and weighty affairs of the K [...]ngdom may be obstructed, in a time of so general dissatisfaction, I am very unfortunate to find my self to suffer so much under two very disadvantagious Reflections, which are in no degree applicable to Me.
The first, From the greatness of my Estate and Fortune, collected and made in so few years; which if it be proportionable to what is reported, may gide reasonable cause for my Integrity to be suspected.
The second, That I have been the sole Manager and chief Minister of all the Transactions of State since the Kings Return into England, to August last; and therefore that all Miscarriages and Misfortunes ought to be imputed to me and to my Counsels.
Concerning my Estate, your Lordships will not believe that after Malice and Envy hath been so inquisitive, so sharp-sighted, I will offer any thing to your Lordships, but what is exactly true: And I do assure your Lordships in the first place, That (excepting the Kings Bounty) I have never received or taken one penny, but what was generally understood to be the just and lawful perquisits of my Office, by the constant practise of the best of Times; which I do (in my own Judgement) conceive to be that of my Lord Coventry, and my Lord Ethesmere, the Practice of which I constantly observed; although the Office in both their times was lawfully worth double to what it was to me, and I do believe now is.
That all the Curtesies and Favours which I have been able to obtain from the King, or other Persons, in Church, State, or Westminster-Hall, have never been worth me five pounds; so that your Lordships may be confident I am as innocent from Corruption, as from any disloyal thoughts, which after near thirty years service of the Crown, in some difficulties and distress, I did never suspect would have been objected to me in mine Age. And I do assure your Lordships, and will make it very manifest, that the several sums of Money, and some parcels of Land, which His Majesty hath bountifully bestowed upon me since His Return into England, are worth more then all I have amounts unto; so far I am from advancing my Estate by any indirect means. And though this Bounty of His Majesty hath very far exceeded my Merits, or my Expectations; yet some others have been as fortunate, at least in the same Bounty, who had as small pretences to it, and have no gre [...] reason to envy my Condition.
Concerning the other imputation of the Credit and Power of being chief Minister, and so causing all to be done that I had a mind to do; I have no more to say than, That I had the good fortune to serve a Master of very great Iudgment and Understanding, and to be always joyned with [...] Ability and Experience; without whose [...] never any thing hath been done.
Before his Majesties coming into England, he was constantly attended by the Marquess of Ormond, the late Lord Culpepper, and Mr. Secretary Nicholas, who were equally trusted with my self, and without whose joynt Advice and Concurrence, when they were all present, (as some of them always were) I never gave any Counsel.
Assoone as it pleased God to bring his[?], Majesty into England, he[?] established his Privy-Councel, and shortly out of them a number of Honourable Persons of great Reputation (who for the most part are alive still) as a Committee for forreign Affairs, and consideration of such things▪ as the nature of them require much secrecy: And with these persons he vouchsafed to joyn me, and I am confident the Committee never transacted any thing of moment (his Majesty being always present) without presenting the same to the Councel-Board: And I must appeal to them concerning my carriage, and whether we were not all of one mind in all matters of Importance: For more than two years I never knew any difference in the Councels, or that there were any complaints in the Kingdom: which I wholly impute to his Majesties great Wisdom; and the intire concurrance of his Councel; without the vanity of assuming any thing to my self: And therefore, I hope I shall not be singly charged with any thing that hath since fallen out Amiss.
But from the time that Mr. Secretary Nicholas was removed from his place, there were great alterations; and whosoever knew any thing of the Court or Councel, knew well how much my credit since that time hath been diminished, (though his Majesty graciously vouchsafed still to have my Advice in most of his Affairs) Nor hath there been from that time to this, above one or two persons brought into the Councel, or preferred to any considerable Office in the Court; who have been of my intimate acquaintance, or suspected to have any kindness for me; but most of them known to have been very long my enemies, and of different Judgment and Principles from me, both in Church and State: and who have taken all opportunities to have lessened my credit to the King; and with all other Persons by mis-representing, and mis-reporting all that I said or did: and perswading[?] men that I had done them some prejudice with his Majesty, or cross them in some of their pretences, though his Majesties Goodness and Justice was such, that it made little Impression upon him.
In my humble opinion, the great misfortunes of the Kingdom have proceeded from the War, to which it was notoriously known, that I was always most averse; and may without vanity say, I did no [...] only foresee, but I did declare the mischiefs we should run into, by entring into War before any Alliance with the Neighbour Princes: And that it may not be imputed to his Majesties want of care; or the negligence of his Councellors, that no such Alliances were entered into▪ I must take the boldness to s [...]y, that his Majesty left nothing unattempted in order thereunto: And knowing very well that France resolved to begin War upon Spain assoon as his Catholick Majesty should depart this World; which being much sooner expected by them, they had two Winters before been a great charge [...] providing plentiful Magazines of all provision, upon the Frontier, that they might be [...] for the War: his Majesty used all possible means, to prepare and dispose the Spaniards with that apprehension, offering his friendship to that degree, as might be for the secu [...]ity and benefit of both Crowns: But Spain flattering it self that France would not break with them; at least that they would not give them any cause, by administring matter of Jealousie to them: never made any real approach towards Friendship with his Majesty, but both by their Ambassadors here, and to his Majesties Ambassadors at Madrid, always insisted as Preluminaries, upon the giving up of Dunkirk▪ Tangier, & Iamaica.
But France had an Ambassador here, to whom a Projecto for a Treaty was offered, and the Lord Hollis his Majesties Ambassador at Paris used all endeavours to promote and prosecute the said Treaty, yet it was quickly discerned that the principal design of France, was to draw his Majesty into such a neerer Alliance, as might advance the design, without which, they had no mind to enter into the Treaty proposed.
And this was the sta [...]e of Aff [...]irs, when the War was entered into with the Dutch; from which time, neither concerned themselves with the making of Alliance with England.
As I did from my Soul abhor the entering into this War, so I never presumed to give any Advice or Counsel for the way of mana [...]ging it, but by opposing any Propositions which seemed to the[?] late Lord Treasurer, and my self, to be unreasonable; as the payment of the Sea-men with Tickets; and many other particulars which added to the expence.
My enemies took all occasions to inveigh against me, and making Friendship with others out of the Councel of more Licentious Principles, as who knew well enough how much I disliked and complained of the Liberty they took to themselves of reviling all Counsel, and Councellors, and turning all things serious and secret into Redicule: They took all ways imaginable to re [...]der me ungrateful to all sorts of men (whom I shall be compelled to name in my own defence) perswading those that miscarried in any of their designs, that it was the Chancellors doing; whereof I never knew any thing.
However they could not withdraw the Kings Favour from me; who was sti [...]l pleased to use my service with others; nor was there ever any thing done but upon the joynt advice of at least the major part of those that were concerned. And as his Majesty commanded my service in the late Treaties, so I never gave the l [...]ast advice in private, nor wrote one Letter to any person in any of those Negotiations, but upon the advice of the Councel; and after it was read in Councel, or at least by the King himsel [...], and some other. And if I prepared any Instructions or Memorials, it was by the Kings command, and the request of the Secretaries▪ who desired my assistance: Nor was it any wish of mine own, that any Ambassador should give me accompt of the Transactions; but to the Secretaries▪ with whom I was always ready to advise: Nor am I conscious [...] given advice that hath [...] to his Majesty: and I have been so far [...] being the sole Manager of Affairs, that I have not in the whole last year, [...] above twice with his Majesty in any Roome alone; and seldome in the two or thr [...]e years preceding.
And since the Parliament at Oxford, it hath been very visible that my credit hath been very little, and that very few things have been hearkened unto; which have been proposed by me, but contradicted, eo nocem, because proposed by me.
I most humbly beseech your Lordships to remember the Office and Trust I had for seven years; in which, in discharge of my Duty, I was obliged to stop and obstruct many mens pretences, and to refuse to set the Seals to many mens Pardons, and other Grants, which would have been profitable to them which procured them; and many whereof, upon my representation to His Majesty, were for ever stopped: Which naturally have raised many Enemies to me.
And my frequent concurring with the late Lord Treasurer, with whom I had the honour to have a long and a fast friendship to his death, in presenting several Excesses and Exorbitances, (the yearly issue so far exceeding the Revenue) provoked many persons concerned, of great power and credit, to do me all the ill-Offices they could. And yet I may faithfully say, That I never medled with any part of the Revenue, or the Administrations of it, but when I was desired by the late Lord Treasurer to give him my assistance and advice (having had the honour to serve the Crown as Chancellour of the Exchequer) which was for the most part in His Majesties presence.
Nor have I ever been in the least degree concerned in point of profit, in the letting any part of his Majesties Revenue; nor have ever treated or debated it, but in his Majesties presence; in which my opinion onely concurred always with the major pa [...]t of the Counsellours who were present.
All which, upon Examination will be made manifest to your Lordships, how much soever my Integrity is blasted[?] by the malice of those, who I am confident, do not believe themselves. Nor have I in my Life, upon all the Treaties, or otherwise, received to the value of one shilling from all the Kings and Princes in the World, (except the Books of the Louvre Print, sent me by the Chancellour of France, by that Kings direction) but from my own Master; to whose intire service, and to the good and welfare of my Country, no mans heart was ever more devoted.
This being my present Condition, I do most humbly beseech your Lordships to retain a favourable Opinion of me, and to believe me to be innocent from those foul Aspersions, until the contrary shall be proved; which I am sure can never be, by any Men worthy to be believed. And since the distemper of the Time, and the difference between the Two Houses in the present Debate, with the Power and Malice of my Enemies, who give out, That they shall prevail with his Majesty to Prorogue[?] or Dissolve this Parliament in Displeasure, and threaten to expose me to the Rage and Fury of the People; may make me looked upon as the Cause which obstructs the Kings Service, and the Vnity and Peace of the Kingdom: I must humbly beseech your Lordships; that I may not forfeit your Lordships▪ Favour and Protection, by withdrawing my self from so powerful a Persecution; in hopes I may be able by such withdrawing, hereafter to appear, and make my Defe [...]ce: When his Majesties Iustice, to which I shall always submit, may not be obstructed nor controuled by the Power and Malice of those who have sworn my Destruction.