IN A Message from Heaven, to the Saints on Earth, by a
[...]at Pious and Learned Divine, immediatly before his Death. To incourage all those who are now in Armes for the defence of CHRIST and his GOSPELL.
THis is the day of Iacobs trouble, and Sions sorrow, and you doe well that see it, and take it, to heart, for he is a de [...]d member takes not notice of the ill, these sad times may produce, therefore first take heed your selves bee not a part of the misery of the times, that they bee not the worse for you. And then make this the day of Jacobs trust also, for God is never neerer to his Church, then when the greatest troubles are neere to them: when in Earth men are concluding an utter overthrow (as now) God in Heaven is concluding a glorious deliverance: Christ now stands upon Mount Sion, and there is a Councell in Heaven will dash in pieces all the Counsells on Earth, and which is more, God will worke the raising of his Church, by that very meanes by which the enemies seeke to ruine it: God gave to great a price for the Church to suffer it long to remaine in the hands of cruell men.
And for the flourish the enemies now make, it is but for a measured time, their day is comming, and their Armes and Armies shall both be broken, and shall not onely vex, but torment themselves, to see their Projects disappointed, and the mould of all their devises turned upon their owne heads.
The depths of misery, are never below the depths of mercy, God often for this very end, strips the Church of all helps below, that it may relie onely upon him for help from above; And that it may appeare the Church is governed by an higher power, then that whereby it is opposed. And then is the time when the Church may expect her greatest deliverance, when there is a great faith in the great God; then the captivitie of the Church shall returne as Rivers in the South, and she shall become a cup of trembling in the hands of her enemies, for the prayers of the Church cry, the blood of the Saints cry, and the violence of the Enemie themselves cry, for deliverance and vengeance. And then an Armie of prayers will suddenly turne the streame; a few Moseses in the Mount will doe more then many souldiers in the valley.
It is your selves keepe Antichrist and his faction alive to plague the unthankefull World, his strength is not from his owne cause, but from your want of zeale and confidence in God: You hinder your Halalujahs by private Brabbles, selfe-seekings; coldnesse, and formallitie: If God had once his ends, in the humiliation of the Church for sinnes past, with Resolution of Reformation for time to come, this present age might expect to see the salvation of GOD, which the generations at hand shall be witnesse of.
It will therefore prove the wisest resolution to fall and rise with the Church of Christ, for the enemies themselves shall see and say, God hath done great things for them; Kings shall lay their Crownes at Christs feet, and bring all their glory to his Church.