Causes of an Humiliation Appointed by the Commission of the Generall Assembly, to be observed through this whole Kirk, on the last Sabbath of March, and first Sabbath of Aprile, 1653.
AS we conceive, that the many crying evils, for which the Lord hath been and is smiting us, which hath been held forth formerly as causes of Solemn Humiliations, should be seriously laid to heart and mourned for, and especially that maine and Fundamentall evill, the woefull source and root of all our other Provocations, the contempt of the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, the ignorance of him amongst the generality of the Land, and the great negligence even amongst the best of seeking to him for Reconciliation with God, and entertaining Communion with God through him, and obtaining grace from him for walking acceptably in our Persons and Callings; So particularly we judge the Lord in his Providence is calling us to mourn before him;
I. For the growing evidences of his displeasure against the Land, in the continuance of his sad afflictions upon all ranks of Persons, notwithstanding our former Humiliations before him, the Lord testifying his anger even against the prayers of his People: and no wonder, considering the great abuse of that holy Ordinance by our formalities and Fasting unto our selves and not unto God.
II. The grouth of sin of all sorts; particularly, Pride, Uncleannesse, Contempt of Ordinances, Oppression, Violence, Fraudulent dealing, and that under the Rod, the most part of the People are growing worse and worse, and revolting more and more, few or none accepting of the punishment of their iniquity, and labouring to get their uncircumcised hearts humbled.
III. The encrease and heightning of all our woefull differences and divisions, to the great scandall of the Reformed Christian Religion, and apparant ruine of the Work [...] Reformation established amongst us, if the Lord in mercy do not prevent.
IV. The many sad encroachments from diverse hands made and like to be made upon the precious Liberties of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, a precious trust committed to us from him, and transmitted to us from our zealous and faithfull Predecessors, who, in the obtaining and preservation of them, loved not their lives, even unto the death.
V. The generall distemper on the spirits of all sorts of People, all or the most part of all ranks in this time, while the Lord is casting down what he builded and plucking up what he planted, seeking their own things and few or none seeking the things of Jesus Christ.
For these, amongst many things, we desire the People of God throughout the Land may mourn, every man searching his way, and saying, What have I done, rather then to lay all the weight on the sins of others; And withall, humbly to pray, That the Lord would powre on the Land the spirit of mourning and repentance, that, in the depth of his own wisdome and goodnesse, he would finde out wayes of healing of our woefull differences, and in the mean while possesse our hearts with the spirit of love, stedfastnesse, and a sound mind, and with resolution and courage for enduring whatsoever the Lord in his wise Providence shall call us to suffer in the maintainance of his truth.