ARTICLES OF ENQUIRY TO BE Exhibited to, and Answered by the MINISTERS and CHURCH-WARDENS of every Parish within the JURISDICTION of the Right Reverend Father in God WILLIAM by Divine Providence, Lord BISHOP of BRISTOL: in his Second Episcopal Visitation, and the Fourth Year of his Consecration.

LONDON, Printed for William Crook. 168 [...]

The Church-Wardens Oath.

YOur Oath is, that you the Church-wardens for your parts, and you the Sides-men for your parts shall well and faithfully execute your several Offices for your Parish (as long as you shall continue in your Offices) according to the Use and Custom there, and the Law in that behalf; and also duly and truly present such Crimes and Offences punish­able by the Laws Ecclesiastical of this Land, which shall come to your know­ledge or notice; all Favor and Affection, Hatred and Malice, or sinister Respect set apart; So help you God, in Jesus Christ.

Articles TO BE Exhibited, Enquired of, and Answered IN THE Diocess of Bristoll:

TIT. I. Of the Church of England.

  • 1. ARe there any in Your Parish, that affirm, that the King is not supream Governor over all Persons, and in all Causes both Ecclesiastical & Temporal within his Majesties Dominions?
  • 2. Have you any that oppose or deny any part of his Majesties Supremacy in Causes Ecclesiastical?
  • 2. Have you any that affirm, that the Civil Magistrate ought not to prescribe any thing to Ecclesiastical Persons, in or about the Publick Worship of God: But that his Duty is only to protect their persons?
  • [Page] 4. Have you any that affirm, That the Church of England is not a True Church and Apostolical? or that the Form of Gods Wor­ship therein, as now established by Law, containeth any thing in it that is contrary to the Word of God? Or that the Rites and Cere­monies thereof as now established by Law, are wicked, or supersti­tious, or Antichristian: And therefore Godly People ought not to approve of or subscribe, or use the same?
  • 5. Have you any that affirm that the Government of the Church of England under his Majesty, by Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Deans, Arch-Deacons; and the rest that bear Office, is Antichristian or re­pugnant to Gods Word?
  • 6. Have you any that affirm, that the form or manner of making or consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, contains any thing contrary to Gods Word? or that they who are so made and conse­crated are not lawful Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, till they have some other call to these Divine Offices?
  • 7. Have you any that separate themselves from the Church of Eng­land and the publick Worship thereof, and combine themselves in a new Brother-hood, making rules and orders amongst themselves, to be ruled and governed by, in Church matters without the Kings au­thority? or who hold private Conventicles with, or are present at them?
  • 8. Are there any that have, publish, sell, dispose, or convey to o­thers, any seditious, heretical or schismatical Books, Libels, or Writings?

TIT. II. Of Divine Service.

  • 1. ARe the Lords Days, commonly called Sundays, and other Holydays, celebrated and kept according to the orders of the Church of England and Gods Holy Will and Pleasure? Are the Fifth of November, the Thirtieth of January, and the Nine and Twentieth of May, observed by frequenting the publick Worship, according to Orders prescribed in that behalf? Doth your Minister did all Holy-Days, and Fasting-Days, the Sunday before, as it is appointed in the Book of Common-Prayer?
  • 2. Are Morning & Evening prayer, the Letany, & the rest of the [Page]Prayers, the Administration of the Sacrament, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, duly performed and ob­served, and in such Time, Place and Manner, as is by Authority prescribed, without adding, diminishing, or altering? Hath any other Form been used in your Church or Chappel? Hath any one in­terrupted Your Minister in reading Divine Service, administring the Sacraments, or Preaching?
  • 3. Do all your Parishioners, having no lawful impediment re­sort to y e Parish Church or Chappel upon Sundays, and holy-days, & then and there abide orderly and decently in the time of Common-Prayer, Preaching and other Service of God there used? Do any cover their Heads in time of Divine Service, or not use such reve­rent gestures & behaviour, as become Christians in the House and Service of God, & as are by the Laws and Canons required?
  • 3. Did your former Church-Wardens diligently observe, what Irregular Persons and Non-Conformists absent themselves from their own Parish Church? And did they repair to the Iustices of Peace for their warrants to levie twelve pence upon the goods of such Person according as by law is required of them?
  • 4. Are any Idle Persons suffered to loyter in the Church-Yard or Church-Porch, in time of Divine Service or Sermon? Is there any unlawful gaming, drinking, or other disorder practi­sed upon Sundays, Especially in time of Divine service?

TIT. III. Of the Sacraments.

  • 1. IS the Sacrament of Baptism duly administred in Your Church or Chappel, according to the Form thereof prescri­bed by the Church of England? Are there such Godfathers and Godmothers used therein as are of age? or have received the Sacra­ment of the Lords Supper?
  • 2. Have you any in your Parish that refuse to bring their Children to be baptized by the Minister, according to the Book of Common-Prayer? who are they? how long have they done so?
  • 3. Do any of your Parishioners refuse to have their Children bap­tized by the Minister of your own Parish, and either carry them out of the Parish or bring in a stranger to Baptize them?
  • [Page] 4. Are there any in your Parish yet unbaptized? and of what age are they? Have any died unbaptized, And at what age? By whose default? Hath Your Minister refused to Baptize any Child brought to the Church? or in case of necessity, Oath being made thereof, to Baptize any privately?
  • 5. Is the Sacrament of the Lords Supper duly Administred in your Church, at the least thrice a year, Master being one? and doth every parishioner being of the age of sixteen years communicate according­ly, and receive it kneeling?
  • 6. Is there convenient warning of every Communion given in the Church, the Sunday before at Morning Prayer? And did your for­mer Churchwardens provide a sufficient quantity of Bread and Wine for the Communicants? And is your Wine brought to the Table in a clean and sweet Pot of Pewter, or some other purer Metal?
  • 7. Is the Wine and Bread (as well that which is first set on the Table, as that which is brought afterwards) duly consecrated ac­cording to the Book of Common-Prayer before it be used?
  • 8. Doth your Minister admit any to the Communion that are ex­communicate persons? or live in open contention with their neigh­bours? or are known to live in any grievous sin? Or have any Churchwardens or Side-men heretofore neglected to present such publick Offences as they know to be committed in their Parishes, and so incur y e borrible crime of Perjury?
  • 9. Hath any of your Parish been debarred of the Holy Communi­on without just cause, or without an account thereof given to the Or­dinary within fourteen days after? Are any Schismaticks or de­pravers of the Religion or Government of this Realm received to the Communion without unfeigned Repentance?

TIT. IV. Of Catechism, Marriage, Burial, with other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church.

  • 1. DOth your Minister upon Sundays and Holydays after the second Lesson in Evening prayer, openly in the Church examine the Youth and other ignorant Persons in your Parish in the Catechism set forth in the Book of Common-Prayer? [Page 7]And do all Fathers and Mothers, Masters and Mistres­ses cause their Children, Servants and Apprentices, which haue not learn'd the said Catechisms, to come to the Church at the time appointed, obediently to hear, and to be ordered by the Minister, until they have learn'd the same?
  • 2. Doth your Minister against such times as are assigned for a Confirmation by the Bishop, do his best endeavour to prepare, and procure all such to be brought to the Bishop to be confirm'd? And doth he admit any to the Communion who refuse or neglect to be confirmed?
  • 3. Is the Form of the Solemnization of Matrimony duly ob­served as is prescribed in the Common-Prayer, and with the Ce­remony of the Ring? Or have any in your Parish been married after any other Form, or without the Ring?
  • 4. Have any been married without the Banes of Matrimony three times published in the Parish-Church, where the Parties dwell, or without License granted by Lawful Authority, for di­spensing with the same? Or within the times prohibited for Mar­riage, without such License? Or have any been married in any other place than in the Parish-Church or Chappel where one of them dwelleth, without Banes or License?
  • 5. Is there any in your Parish that have married two Sisters one after another? Or is there any that have been married within the Degrees prohibited by the Law of God, expressed in a Table set forth by Authority, Anno 1563? And is that Table set up in your Church?
  • 6. Hath your Minister married any in your Parish-Church un­der the Age of 21 years, without the consent of their Parents? Or hath he married any in private Houses?
  • 7. Do any cohabit together as Man and Wife, being not law­fully married, or it being not known, by whom, where, or when they were married? Or do any persons, lawfully married, live asunder, and in whom is the fault?
  • 8. Doth your Minister resort to any Parishioner, dangerouly sick, having knowledge thereof (the Disease not being suspected to be infectious) to comfort them and exhort them to Repentance? To make special Confession of their Sins, if their Consciences be troubled, that they may receive Absolution, and the Holy Sacra­ment, if they desire it?
  • [Page] 9. Have you any buried in your Church or Church-Yard, that have been known Recusants, or excommunicated persons, or Felones de se? And doth your Minister Burie y e Dead according to the Book of Common prayer? and the form therein contained?
  • 10. Doth your Minisier refuse to bury any Corps brought to the Church, or Church-yard at convenient times, convenient Warning being given him thereof, and there being no lawful cause to the contrary? Doth he bury any that die unchristened?
  • 11. Doth every Woman at the usual time after Childbirth, come decently apparrelled to the Church and kneel down in the accustom­ed place, or as the Ordinary doth direct, to give thanks to God for her safe deliverance? and doth the Minister perform his office therein?
  • 12. Is the Commination, Exhortation, & prayers annexed in the Common Prayer, used on the first day of Lent, and at other times as the Ordinary shall appoint?

TIT. V. Of Ministers.

  • 1. DOth your Minister when he readeth publick prayers, or administers the Sacrament wear a comely Surplice with Sleeves? and if he be a Graduate, such Hood as by the Or­ders of the Vniversity is agreeable to his degree?
  • 2. Is nothing proclaimed or published in the Church during di­vine Service, but by the Minister only? Nor by him any thing but what is prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer, or enjoyned by the Ring or by the Ordinary of the place?
  • 3. Doth any one who is not a Priest (Episcopally ordained) pre­sume to consecrate or administer the Holy Sacrament either pub­lickly or privately? or preach in private Houses, where there are no Chappels consecrated and allowed by the Ecclesiastical Laws of this Realm? Or doth any that is not a Deacon at least Episco­pally ordained presume to read the Common Prayer in your Church or Chappel, or baptize publickly or privately, or assist in administring the Holy Communion?
  • 4. Is your Church a Parsonage, Vicarage, or a Stipendiary Cure? If a Parsonage or Vicarage, is it full or vacant? if vacant how [Page]long hath it been so? Who serveth the Cure? Who receiveth the Profits? And by what Authority? If full, who is the Incum­bent? By whom presented, nominated, admitted, instituted and inducted, and how long hath he been so?
  • 5. Is your Minister a Priest Episcopally ordained? Hath he publickly read the thirty nine Articles in the Church in time of Common-Prayer, and hath he declared his unfeigned assent thereun­to! Hath he since the last Act of Vniformity of publick Prayers, openly and solemnly (according to the Book by the said Act establish­ed) read the Morning and Euening Prayer in your Church, and after such reading publickly before the Congregation there assem­bled, declared his unfeigned Assent and Consent to the Vse of all things in that Book contained? And hath he subscribed the Decla­ration in the said Act, and read the Ordinaries Certificate of his said Subscription, together with the Declaration, upon some Lord's Day in the presence of the Congregation?
  • 6. Hath he any other Parsonage, Vicarage or Cure besides yours, or any Chappels of Ease belonging to his Church? What Curate or Curates assist him? Are they Licensed Preachers? What Stipend or Stipends have they? And by whom payed?
  • 7. Is he Resident upon yours, or any other of his Cures? Doth he (where he is Resident) at least in every Month in the Church or Chappel himself in person, read the Common-prayers, and if occasion be, administer each of the Sacraments, and other Rites of the Church, in such manner and form as in the Book of Common-Prayer prescribed?
  • 8. Is be a Licensed Preacher? If so, doth he preach once every Sunday in the Year, or procure Sermons to be preached once every Month at least, if he be unable himself? And upon every Sunday, when there is no Sermon, doth he or his Curate read one of the Homilies set forth by Authority?
  • 9. Doth be labor to reclaim all Popish Recusants, or other Sectaries, if any be within his Parish?
  • 10. If your Church be a Stipendiary Cure, have you a settled and constant Curate? By whom nominated? By whom Licen­sed? How long hath be been so? Is he a Priest Episcopally or­dained? Hath be subscribed the Declaration in the late Act for Vniformity? Hath he read the Ordinaries Certificate of his Subscription, together with the said Declaration in time of Divine [Page]Service? doth be perform all the Offices of a Minister? what stipend hath be? and by whom paid?
  • 12. Have you a Lecturer? is be in Episcopal Orders? by whom is be licensed? Hath he openly read the thirty nine Articles? Did he before his first Sermon read the Common-Prayer, openly de­clare his assent and consent to all and every thing contained in that Book? doth he do the same the first Sunday in every Month?
  • 13. Doth your Minister, Preach or expound the Scripture, without license in your Church or Chappel? doth any Preacher confute any Doctrine, delivered by any other Preacher, in the Pulpit, without acquainting the Bishop of the Diocess therewith, or his Order? Doth he in the Rogation days, go in Perambula­tion of the Parish?
  • 14. Hath your Parson, Vicar, Lecturer or Curate, or o­ther Minister living in your Parish, either directly or indirectly, revealed any crime or offence, any man hath privately confessed to him, to unburthen his own Conscience, or to receive spiritual Comfort?
  • 15. Doth your Minister frequent Taverns, Alehouses, or other suspected places? doth he use gaming at Dice or Cards, or Ta­bles? Doth he observe decency in his Apparel, as is enjoyned in the seventy fourth Canon?
  • 16. Is your Minister of an Honest, sober and holy Life or Con­versation, such as becomes the Gospel of Christ? Doth any Priest or Deacon Voluntarily relinquish his profession and live in your Parish as a Lay-man?

TIT. VI. Of the Church and Church-yard.

  • 1. HAve you a Church or Chappel consecrated to the worship and Service of God? is it separated from all prophane uses, and kept for the former use only? Is it sufficiently repaired, Windows glazed, and all things therein such as becometh the house of God?
  • 2. Have you in your Church or Chappel a Bible of the largest Volum, and of the late Translation? The book of Homelies, set forth by Authority? A Common-Prayer book approved and com­manded by the late Act of Parliament?
  • [Page] 3. Is there in your Church or Chappel a convenient Seat or Desk for your Minister to read divine Service in? And a comely and decent Pulpit, with a Cloth or Cushion, for the Preaching of Gods word?
  • 4. Is your Church-yard well and sufficiently senced by those who by Law ought to fence the same?
  • 5. Have you in your Church or Chappel a Chest for Alms with a hole in the upper part, with three Reps, one for the Minister, one for the senior Church-warden, and one for the Overseer of the Poor?
  • 6. Are the Seats in your Church kept in good repair? Are the ten Commandements set up in some convenient place in your Church, with the Creed, the Lords Prayer, and some choice Sen­tences of Scripture?
  • 7. Have you a Font of stone set in the Ancient and usual place of the Church or Chappel, for the Administration of publick Bap­tism? Is your Communion Table railed in, covered with a Car­pet in time of Divine Service, and with a fair linnen Cloth at the time of Administration of the Sacrament? is it secured from Prophanation?
  • 8. Have you a fair Surplice? The two Books of Homelies fairly bound? The Book of Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical? A decent Bason to receive the Alms of well disposed People in? Have you a Register-Book of Parchment for Christenings, Wed­dings and Butials? And a Coffer to keep these things in?

TIT. VII. Of Glebes, Tithes, Houses, and other Possessions and Revenues of the Church.

  • 1. HAve you a Parsonage or Vicarage-House? Is it kept in good Repair, with all the Edifices and Appurtenances thereto belonging?
  • 2. Have you a perfect Terrier of all the Glebe-lands, Houses, [...]thes, Rents, Pensions, and other Possessions belonging to your Church? In whose hands is it? Is there a true Copy of it trans­mitted to be kept in the Bishop's Registry?
  • 3. Are any of the Glebe-lands, Tithes, or other Possessions of your Church enjoyed or occupied by the Patron or his Assigner or Assignees, either with or without the consent of the Parson or Vicar? What is the yearly Value or Rent? Vpon what Covenants are they held? How long have they been so?
  • 4. Have you any Church-house, Alms-house, School-house, or other House for pious Vses? Are they applyed to those Vses only? Are they kept in good Repair? If not, in whom is the fault?
  • 5. Have you any Church Stock? In whose hands is it? To what Vses was it given? Is it employed to the same Vses, if not, in whom is the fault?
  • 6. Have any of the Lands, Tenements, Tithes or other Pos­sessions of the Church, movable, or immovable, been known, reported or suspected to have been alienated from the Church? By whom, and when?
  • 7. Are any Prescriptions or Compositions for Tithes pretended or claimed by any of the Parishioners, which are not truly and really such, nor warrantable by Law?
  • 8. Are there any Gift-Sermons belonging to your Church? How many? Who are the Donors thereof? Are there any other customary Emoluments or Profits detained, concealed and embezel­led by any person or persons whatsoever? Of what value are they? And who is in sault?

TIT. VIII. Of Church-Wardens.

ARe your Church-wardens and Side-men chosen according to the Canons 89, and 90? Do they make due Lewes for ne­cessary Vses of the Church? Do they give up a just account of all Moneys received and disbursed at the years end? Do they together with the Side-men resort to their Parish Church, and receive the Sa­crament, and see that other Parishioners do the like? Do they admo­nish Offenders, and if they amend not, present them to the Ordi­nary? Do they make full Presentments without favor or partiali­ty? According to the true intent and meaning of the Oath of a Church-Warden?

TIT. IX. Of Schoolmasters.

  • 1. HAve you a Free School, or other School in your Parish? Is the Schoolmaster Licensed by the Ordinary under Hand and Seal? Is he meet for that Office, as well for Learning as sober Conversation, and also for his soundness in Religion?
  • 2. Hath he subscribed to the First and Third Articles [...], and to the two first Clauses of the Second Article, according to the 36 and 37 Canons? And also the Declaration specified in the late Act of Vniformity?
  • 4. Doth he teach and instruct his Scholars in the Catechism set forth in the Book of Common-Prayer? Doth he himself repair to the Church upon Sundays and Holydays, and also see that his Scholars do the like, behaving themselves quietly and soberly all the time of Divine Service and Sermon?
  • 4. Doth any Schoolmaster instruct or teach Youth in any pri­vate House, being not Licensed, nor having subscribed, or not re­pairing to the Church aforesaid?

TIT. X. Of Parish Clarks.

HAve you a Parish Clark chosen by the Minister sufficient for his Reading, Writing, and competent Skill in Singing?

Doth be receive his accustomed Wages? Are they duly payed without Fraud, Delay or Diminution?

TIT. XI. Of Physicians, Chyrurgeons and Midwives.

DOth any man in your Parish take upon him to practise Phy­sick or Chyrurgery? Or doth any Woman take upon her to exercise the Office of a Midwife without Approbation and License from the Ordinary?

TIT. XII. Of the Parishioners.

  • 1. HAve you any Popish Recusants, or Sectaries in your Pa­rish? Are any persons commonly known to be guilty of Adultery, Fornication, Incest, Drunkenness, Prophaneness, Bla­sphemy, Swearing, Cursing, Extortion, or any other Wickedness?
  • 2. Are any Excommunicate in your Parish, and yet dare presume to come to the Church? How long have they been so? and who resort to their Company?
  • 3. Are any deceased in your Parish whose last Wills and Testa­ments are not proved? Or if they died intestate, who hath admini­stred, and by what Authority?
  • 4. Is there any person in your Parish above the age of sixteen years, yet doth neglect, or refuse to come to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper?

You are to present all such; knowing that the Discharge of your Duty according to your Oaths, is a means to reform Parishes, [Page]and prevent God's Iudgments: And if you neglect your Duty, the Minister of every Parish may, and ought to present, as well the Offences committed, as the Church-Wardens for not present­ing the same.

Your full Presentments are to be given in at the present sitting of this Court, and no further time to be expected, to prevent future Neglects and Charges.

W. Bristoll.

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