Whereas His Majesty, in consideration of the great Merit and Faithful Services of Sir William Penn deceased, and for divers other good Causes Him thereunto moving, hath beén Graciously pleased by Letters Pa­tents bearing Date the Fourth day of March last past, to Give and Grant unto William Penn Esquire, Son and Heir of the said Sir William Penn, all that Tract of Land in America, called by the Name of Pennsilvania, as the same is Bounded on the East by Delaware River, from Twelve Miles distance Northwards of Newcastle Town, unto the Threé and fourtieth Degreé of Northern Latitude, if the said River doth extend so far North­wards, and if the said River shall not extend so far Northward, then by the said River so far as it doth extend: And from the Head of the said River, the Eastern Bounds to be determined by a Meridian Line to be Drawn from the Head of the said River, unto the said Threé and fourtieth Degree, the said Pro­vince to extend Westward Five Degrees in Longitude, to be Computed from the said Eastern Bounds, and to be Bounded on the North, by the Beginning of the Three and fourtieth Degree of Northern Latitude, and on the South by a Circle Drawn at Twelve Miles distance from Newcastle Northwards, and Westwards unto the Beginning of the Fourtieth Degree of Northern Lati­tude, and then by a straight Line Westwards to the limit of Longitude above mentioned, together with all Powers, Preheminencies and Iurisdictions necessary for the Government of the said Pro­vince, as by the said Letters Patents, Reference being thereunto had, doth more at large appear.

His Majesty doth therefore hereby Publish and Declare His Royal Will and Pleasure, That all Persons Settled or Inhabiting within the Limits of the said Province, do yield all Due Obedience to the said William Penn, His Heirs and Assigns, as absolute Proprietaries and Governours thereof, as also to the Deputy or Deputies, Agents or Lieutenants, Lawfully Commissionated by him or them, according to the Powers and Authorities Granted by the said Letters Patents; Where­with His Majesty Expects and Requires a ready Complyance from all Persons whom it may con­cern, as they tender His Majesties Displeasure.

To the Inhabitants and Plan­ters of the Province of Pennsilvania.
By His Majesties Command, CONWAY.

LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1681.

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