To the most Reverend Father in God, William Lord Archbishop of Can­terbury.

Charles R.
MOst Reverend Father in God, We greet you well.

Where­as the bold abuses, and ex­travagancies of Preachers in the Pulpit, have not only by the experience of former Ages been found to tend to the dishonour of God, the scandal of Religion, and disturbance of the Peace both of Church and State, but have also (through the licentiousness of the late times) much increased, to the inflaming, fomenting, and heightning of the sad distem­pers [Page 2] and confusions that were among us. And whereas even at this present (notwithstand­ing the merciful Providence of God, so signal­ly manifested in restoring Vs to Our Crown, and Our pious care and endeavours to Go­vern Our Realms in Peace and Tranquilli­ty) the said abuses do yet continue in a very high measure in sundry parts of this Realm, through the busie diligence of some unquiet and factious spirits, who in stead of Preaching the pure Word of God, and building up the peo­ple in Faith and Holiness, have made it a great part of their business to beget in the minds of their hearers, an evil opinion of their Governours, by insinuating fears and jealousies, to dispose them to discontent, and to season them with such unsound and dange­rous principles as may lead them into Dis­obedience, Schism, and Rebellion. And whereas also sundry young Divines, and Ministers, either out of a spirit of contention and contradiction, or in a vain ostentation of their Learning, take upon them in their po­pular Sermons to handle the deep Points of Gods Eternal Councels and Decrees, or to meddle with the Affairs of State and Go­vernment, or to wrangle about Forms and Gestures, and other fruitless disputes and controversies, serving rather to amuse then profit the hearers; which is done for the most part, and with the greatest confidence, by such persons as least understand them: We out of Our Princely Care and Zeal for the honour of God, the advancement of Piety, Peace, and true Religion, and for the prevent­ing for the future, as much as lieth in Vs, [Page 3] the many and great inconveniencies and mis­chiefs that will unavoidably ensue, if a timely stop be not given to these and the like grow­ing abuses, Do, according to the examples of several of Our Predecessors of blessed memo­ry, by these Our special Letters straitly Charge and Command you, to use your utmost care and diligence, that these Directions, which upon long and serious consideration We have thought good to give concerning Preachers, and which We have caused to be Printed herewith sent unto you, be from henceforth duly and strictly observed by all the Bishops within your Province. And to this end, Our Will and Pleasure is, That you forthwith send them Copies of these Our Directions, to be by them speedily communi­cated to every Parson, Vicar, Curate, Lectu­rer, and Minister in every Cathedral, Colle­giate, and Parish-Church within their sever­al Dioceses: And that you earnestly require them to imploy their utmost endeavour for the due observation of the same, whereof We shall expect a strict accompt, both of you, and every one of them: And these Our Letters shall be your sufficient Warrant and Dis­charge in that behalf.

By His Majesties Command. ED. NICHOLAS.
Directions concerning Preachers.
  • 1. THat no Preachers in their Sermons presume to med­dle with matters of State, to model new Govern­ments, or take upon them to declare, limit, or bound out the Power and Au­thority of Sovereign Princes, or to state and determine the diffe­rences between Princes and the people; But that upon all good occasions they faithfully instruct the people in their bounden Duty of Subjection and Obedience to their Gover­nours, Superior and Subordinate of all sorts, and to the Established Laws according to the Word of God, and the Doctrine of the Church of England, as it is contained in the Homilies of Obedience, and the Articles of Religion set forth by Publick Authority.
  • 2. That they be admonished not to spend their time and study in the search of abstruse and speculative Notions, especially in and a­bout the deep Points of Election and Repro­bation, together with the incomprehensible manner of the concurrence of Gods Free Grace, and mans Free Will, and such other controversies as depend thereupon: But howsoever, that they presume not positively and doctrinally to determine any thing con­cerning the same.
  • 3. That they forbear in their Sermons or­dinarily and causelesly to enter upon the hand­ling of any other controversies of less moment [Page 5] and difficulty: But whensoever they are occa­sioned by invitation from the Text they Preach upon, or that in regard of the Auditory they Preach unto, it may seem requisite or expedient so to do; That in such cases they do it with all modesty, gravity and candor, asserting the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of Eng­land, from the cavils and objections of such as are Adversaries to either, without bitterness, railing, jeering, or other unnecessary or un­seemly provocation.
  • 4. That for the more edifying of the people in faith and godliness (the aforesaid abuses laid aside) all Ministers and Preachers in their se­veral respective Cures, shall not only diligent­ly apply themselves to Catechize the younger sort, according as in the Book of Common-Prayer is appointed; But also shall in their ordinary Sermons insist chiefly upon Cate­cherical Doctrines (wherein are contained all the necessary and undoubted Verities of Chri­stian Religion) declaring withall unto their Congregations what influences such Do­ctrines ought to have into their lives and con­versations, and stirring them up effectually, as well by their Examples as their Doctrines, to the practice of such Religious and Moral Duties as are the proper results of the said Doctrines, as Self-denial, Contempt of the world, Humility; Patience, Meekness. Tempe­rance, Iustice, Mercy, Obedience, and the like; and to a detestation and shunning of sin, especi­ally such sins as are so rife among us, and common to the Age we live in; such are those usually stiled the Seven deadly ones; in short, all kind of Debauchery, Sensuality, Rebelli­on, [Page 6] Profaneness, Atheism, and the like. And because these licentious times have corrupted Religion even in the very roots and founda­tions, That where there is an afternoons exer­cise, it be especially spent either in explaining some part of the Church-Catechism, or in Preaching upon some such Text of Scripture as will properly and naturally lead to the handling of something contained in it, or may conduce to the Exposition of the Liturgy, and Prayers of the Church (as occasion shall be offered) the only cause they grew into con­tempt amongst the people being this, that they were not understood. That also the Minister, as often as conveniently he can, read the Pray­ers himself; and when he cannot so do, he pro­cure or provide some fit person in Holy Orders, who may do it with that gravity, distinctness, devotion, and reverence, as becomes so holy an action: And whensoever by reason of his infirmity, or the concurrence of other Offices, the time may seem too short, or he unable to perform the Office of both Prayers and Ser­mon at length, he rather shorten his Discourse or Sermon, then omit any thing of the Pray­ers, lest he incur the Penaltie of the Act for Vniformity, requiring them to be read accord­ing as the Book directs.
  • 5. And further Our Will and Pleasure is, That all Ministers within their several Cures, be enjoyned publickly to read over un­to the people, such Canons as are or shall be in force, at least once, and the Thirty nine Articles twice every year, to the end they may the better understand, and be more throughly acquainted with the Doctrine and Discipline [Page 7] of the Church of England, and not so easily drawn away from it as formerly they have been.
  • 6. Since Preaching was not anciently the work of every Priest, but was restrained to the choicest persons for gravity, prudence and learning; the Archbishops and Bishops of this Kingdom are to take great care whom they License to Preach, and that all Grants and Licences of this kind heretofore made by any Chancellour, Official, Commissary, or other Secular person (who are presumed not to be so competent Iudges in matters of this nature) be accounted void and null, unless the same shall likewise be allowed by the Arch­bishop, or the Bishop of the Diocess, and that all Licences of Preachers hereafter to be made or granted by any Archbishop or Bishop, shall be only during pleasure, otherwise to be void to all intents and purposes, as if the same [...] had never been made nor granted.
  • 7. Lastly, That for the better observing of the Lords-day, too much neglected of late, they shall, as by often and serious admonitions, and sharp reproofs, endeavour to draw off people from such idle, debauched, and profane courses as dishonour God, bring a scandal on Religi­on, and contempt on the Laws and Authority Ecclesiastical and Civil, so shall they very ear­nestly perswade them to frequent Divine Ser­vice on the Lords-day, and other Festivals ap­pointed by the Church to be kept solemn; And in case any person shall resort unto any Tavern, Ale-houses, or use any unlawful sports and ex­ercises on such days, the Minister shall exhort those which are in Authority in their several [Page 8] Parishes and Congregations, carefully to look after all such offenders in any kind what­soever, together with all those that abet, re­ceive or entertain them, that they may be pro­ceeded against according to the Laws, and qua­lity of their offences, that all such disorders may for the time to come be prevented.
By His Majesties Command. ED. NICHOLAS.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KINGS most Excellent Majesty, 1662.

The Lord Archbiſhop …

The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Letter to the Lords the Bishops within his Grace's Province.

AFter my hearty Commen­dations. I have lately re­ceived Letters from His Majesty, wherein He takes notice of the conti­nuance and increase of some bold Abuses and Extravagancies in the Church, especially in Preachers, notwithstanding His great Indul­gence used towards them: And forese [...]ing the mischief and inconveniencies likely to en­sue thereupon, if not timely prevented and repressed, Hath out of His Princely and ten­der Care of the Peace of the Church, sent withal certain Directions to be strictly ob­served by the Bishops in their several Dio­ceses (as by the Copies thereof which I have sent here inclosed, your Lordship will more fully understand) And for the more speedy dispatch and ease in the Communica­tion, hath been Graciously pleased to Com­mand so many Copies thereof to be Printed as shall be needful, a proportionable number whereof will be forthwith sent unto your [Page 10] Lordship for your Diocese. Now as we can­not but with all thankfulness acknowledge His Majesties Affectionate Care and Zeal in this His providing for the good and welfare of the Church, by all means which He finds may be conducible thereunto; So my ear­nest desire and hope is, We shall not be so much wanting to our own good, as not to second those His Majesties Commands with the utmost of our endeavours; But that your Lordship, when you shall have given order for the careful dispersing and communicating those Copies, as is required, will by your di­ligent Inspection, and serious Admonitions to you Clergy, as occasion shall be offered, be able in due time to return an Accompt of the success in the Observation, answerable to His Majesties Expectation and Pious Desires in this His Injunction. And so with my Pray­ers to God for a Blessing upon your Endea­vours herein, I commit you to His holy protection, and rest

Your Lordships Very loving Friend and Brother, W. CANT.

LONDON: Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KING'S most Excellent Majesty. 1662.

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