A PROCLAMATION Touching the Charitable Collections for Relief of the Poor Distressed by the late Dismal FIRE in the City of LONDON.


WHereas by Our Proclamation of the Thirteenth day of September, in the Eighteenth year of Our Reign, for a General Fast and Humiliation in reference to that Conflagration, We did earnestly recommend the di­stressed estate of those who had been undone by that Fire, to the Charity of all good and well disposed Chri­stians, Requiring Collections to that purpose to be made in all Churches and Chappels, and the Mo­neys Collected to be faithfully and entirely returned up to London to the Lord Mayor of that City, or as he should appoint, to be distributed amongst poor Sufferers by that Fire: And whereas We are inform­ed by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the said City, That the Collections intended by that Proclama­tion, have not been so made or answered as they ought to have been, but in many places omitted and not made at all, and from many parts no Returns at all made: And although many Cities, Towns and places have expressed their forward sense and compassion of the deplorable estate of the same Our poor Subjects, by Liberal Contributions, yet the Receipt in the whole falls short of what hath been Collect­ed at other times upon like Losses in small Towns and Villages; which doth manifest the remiss execution of Our said Proclamation. Therefore, to the end Collections may be made in places where they were omitted, although the time prefixed for making such Collections by the said former Proclamation be elapsed, and that just and regular Accompts may be taken, made, and published for general satisfaction, of all the Moneys Collected, and to be Collected, and of the issuing and distribution thereof to and for the said Charitable uses and intents; We are graciously pleased, and by Advice of Our Privy Council, Do hereby strictly Charge and Command, upon pain of Our high Displeasure, and such other Penalties as may by Law be inflicted upon them, That where the said Collections according to the Tenor of Our former Proclamation, have been omitted, All Ministers, Parsons, Vicars or Curates, shall cause the same to be made in their respective Churches or Chap­pels on some Lords day forthwith after receipt hereof: And that all the present Ministers, Parsons, Vicars or Curates, and Churchwardens, and all Officials, Registers, Officers of all Parishes and places within Our Realm, where any of the said Col­lections have been, or shall be made; And all Officials, Registers, and other Officers concerned, who have received any Moneys for the uses aforesaid, shall before the First day of February now next ensuing, deliver, or send in to the High-Constables of the re­spective Hundreds to which such Parishes and Places do belong, a true and perfect Certificate in writing under their hands, and under the hands of the late Churchwardens who were in Office at the time of the said Collections made, of the Total sum of Mo­ney Collected, Given, or Contributed in every the said Parishes or Places, and to whom the same was delivered or paid over to be returned or sent up to the Lord Mayor of London, and how much thereof (if any) is resting unpaid, and by whom, and in whose hands or charge the same is still remaining. And that all Churchwardens, and others who have Collected or Received, and not paid, or shall Collect or Receive, or otherwise have in their hands or charge any of the said Moneys, shall before the said First day of February, pay the same to the said respective High-Constables of the Hundreds or Divisions wherein they live; and the said High-Constables shall and are hereby Required and Commanded to receive the said Moneys, and send out their Warrants to the said Ministers, Churchwardens, and others, to bring in the said Certificate, and to pay the said Money accordingly. And that the said High-Constables shall forthwith after the said day, send or deliver the said Certificates, together with what Parishes or Places have not certified, unto the Sollicitors appointed in the several Counties by the Lords Commissioners of Our Trea­sury for the Eleven moneths Assessment, from the Six and twentieth day of January, One thousand six hundred sixty and seven: And that the said Sollicitors shall and are hereby Required and Commanded without delay to transmit the same Certificates to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, for and to the end a perfect Accompt may be thereupon stated and made up of the said Receipts; and in the said Certificates to return the names of the Parishes and Places that have neglected their duty: And also that the said High-Constables shall with all expedition after receipt of the said Moneys from the several Persons, Parishes and Places within their Constableries, pay over the same to the General-Receivers of the said Eleven moneths Assessment in their several Counties respectively; and the said General-Receivers shall also forthwith after the receipt of the Moneys from the said High-Constables, remit and pay the same to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being: And in case they cannot find ways safety to remit the same as aforesaid, That they give notice thereof to the Chamberlain aforesaid, that care may be taken for the speedy bringing it into the hands of the said Chamberlain, to be disposed and imployed for Relief and Succour of the said Di­stressed Poor, as is intended and directed by Our Former Proclamation. And that all persons concerned may take notice of this Our Royal Pleasure and Command, It is Our further Will and Pleasure, That the Sheriffs of Our respective Counties and Cities do cause this our Proclamation to be so distributed, as that it may be Read in all Churches and Chappels on the Lords­day, which will be the Third Lords-day in the moneth of November next ensuing.


In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1668.

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