A PROCLAMATION that the Moneys lately called in, may nevertheless be currant in all Pay­ments, to, or for the use of His Majesty, until the First day of May next.


WHereas by Our late Proclamation of the Seventh of September last, for calling in all Moneys, Gold and Silver, Coyned or Stamped with the Cross and Harp, and the Cir­cumscription, The Commonwealth of England, and for making the same to be currant onely to the First of this instant December, and no longer; We did publish and declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure, That from and after the last day of November then next ensu­ing, no Moneys whatsoever, either of Gold or Silver, having the Stamps aforesaid, should at any time be received, allowed, or taken as currant Money, nor should the same be used in any Receipt or Payment whatsoever, but should from thenceforth cease to be lawful Money of England, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. We taking the Pre­misses into Our serious consideration, and choosing rather to take the loss and prejudice upon Our Self, which shall happen by reason of the said Moneys so Coyned and stamped as aforesaid, then that any of Our Loving Subjects should be prejudiced or losers thereby; and to the end the same may remain within Our Kingdom, and not be transported to Foreign parts, have thought fit to publish and de­clare, and hereby (by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council) do publish and declare, That no part of the said Moneys so Coyned and Stampt as aforesaid, shall continue currant, or be paid, or payable to, or betweén all or any of Our Subjects. But nevertheless, that it shall and may be lawful, to, and for any person or persons what­soever, which at any time or times before the First day of May now next coming, shall pay or deliver any Sum or Sums of Money, to, or for the use of Vs, Our Heirs and Successors, for, or in respect of the free and voluntary Present, or any Rent, Custom, Excise, Tax, or any other Duties whatsoever, to pay, send, or deliver, or cause to be paid, sent, or delivered the same, or so much thereof, as they shall think fit, in the said Moneys so Coyned and Stamped as aforesaid, into any of Our Publick Receipts, where the same shall be received as any other Moneys that are currant within this Our Realm, may or ought to be received or taken; and that from and after the said First day of May now next coming, the same shall not be currant, nor be any ways paid or payable to Vs, Our Heirs or Successors, or to any other person or persons whatsoever. And Our further Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby direct and appoint, all and every Our Commissioners, Collectors, or Receivers of the several Du­ties aforesaid; and also all and every Our Officers and Ministers of Our Exchequer, and of the Receipt there, for the time being; and all others whom the same shall concern, Not to refuse, but to receive such of the said Moneys, as shall from time to time be tendered or paid to them, or any of them, within the time, or for any the Duties or Payments aforesaid, in such manner as any other Moneys that are currant within this Our Realm, may or ought to be received. And that upon the Receipt of any considerable sum thereof, they do from time to time acquaint Our High Treasurer, and Chancellor of Our Exchequer therewith; to the end, that such speedy di­rection may be given for new Coyning thereof, as shall be thought fit, We being willing for the ease of Our Sub­jects, to take the charge of the Coynage thereof upon Our Self. And We do hereby further publish and declare, That if any person or persons, during the time aforesaid, shall presume to Wash, Clip, File Counterfeit, or other­wise abuse any the said Moneys so Coyned and Stamped as aforesaid, That then all and every such Offenders shall be proceeded against according to the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm.


LONDON: Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KING'S most Excellent Majesty. 1661.

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