By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Requiring all Seamen and Mariners to Render themselves to His MAJESTIES Service.
WHereas divers Seamen and Mariners have lately left their Vsual and Ordinary places of Abode, and have removed themselves into some private and obscure Places in the Inland Countries, endeavouring thereby to avoyd the Search that is now made for men of that Calling and Condition, and to escape the Press that is gone out for His Majesties present Service. His Majesty therefore by the Advice of His Council hath thought fit to Publish this His Royal Proclamation, and doth hereby straitly Charge and Command all Seamen and Mariners aforesaid, now remaining in any County of England or Wales, and not already listed in His Majesties Service, that they forthwith Render themselves unto the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy in London, in order to their being received into Pay, and sent on board such of His Majesties Ships as shall be found most expedient for His Majesties Service; And if any of them shall hereafter be found out or discovered who have neglected to Obey this His Majesties Royal Command, they shall be proceéded against with all Severity. And His Majesty doth hereby require all Mayors, Bayliffs, Sheriffs, Iustices of Peace, Constables, and other Officers to whom it doth or may appertain, that they cause diligent Search to be made within all and every of their Precincts for the said Seamen and Mariners, and to seize and secure the Persons of such of them as shall there be found; and to cause them to be sent to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesties Navy in London, in order to their farther employment: And hereof they are not to fail, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril.
Given at the Court at Whitehall this 29 th. day of March 1672. in the 24 th. year of His Majesties Reign.
God save the King.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty 1672.