By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Prohibiting the Importation of Painted Earthen Wares.
WHereas the Art of making all sorts of Painted Earthen Wares is a Mystery but lately found out in England, and with great Costs attained to, whereby great benefit and advantage will accrue to this Our Kingdom in general, and to very many private Families who already make their chief Livelihood and Subsistence thereupon: Notwithstanding which, divers Merchants and others have lately Imported into England great quantities of the like Painted Earthen Wares, from Parts beyond the Seas, and do sell the same at an undervalue, to the great discouragement of so useful a Manufacture lately found out, and utter ruine of the Inventers thereof, besides the impoverishment of several Families which subsist by it; We therefore, by advice of Our Privy-Council, have thought fit to publish this Our Royal Procalmation, and do hereby straightly Charge and Command, That from henceforth no Person or Persons, Native or Foreigner, do, or shall import, bring, send, or convey, or cause to be imported, brought, sent, or conveyed into Our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or any part thereof, from, or out of any Place or Parts beyond the Seas, or out of any other of our Dominions, any kind or sort of Painted Earthen Wares whatsoever (except those of China, and Stone Bottles, and Iugs) by way of Merchandise, to be sold, bartered, or exchanged within this Our Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforesaid, or any of them. And further, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, that now use, or hereafter shall use the Trade or Occupation of Retailing, Selling, or Uttering of any Painted Earthen Wares, of what sort or kind soever (except those of China, and Stone Bottles and Iugs) within any of Our Kingdoms or Dominions, shall at any time hereafter, directly or indirectly, buy, bargain, or contract for or concerning the Importation of any Painted Earthen Wares, of what sort or kind soever, (except before excepted) made beyond the Seas, or in any other Place out of Our said Realm of England and Dominion of Wales; nor shall bargain for, buy or sell such Painted Earthen Wares so Imported, knowing the same to be Manufacted beyond the Seas, upon pain of being grievously Fined, and suffering the utmost Punishments which may be lawfully inflicted upon the Contemners of Our Royal Authority; Any Charter, Licence, Power, Authority, or Priviledge to the contrary notwithstanding. And We do hereby further straightly Charge and Command all Sheriffs, Iustices of the Peace, the Commissioners of Our Customs, Comptrollers, Searchers, Waiters, and other Officers of all or any of Our Ports within Our said Realm, and all Constables, and other Officers and Ministers of Iustice, and all other Our loving Subjects, to be diligent in and about the preventing of the Importation of the said Painted Earthen Wares, and discovery of the same, if any such shall be Imported, and to cause the Offenders to be duely punished, as to Law and Iustice shall appertain.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the 22 th day of July in the 24 th year of Our Reign. 1672.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1675.