By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Prohibiting the Importation of ALLOME.


WHereas by the care and Expence of Our Royal Grandfather King James of ever bles­sed memory, the great and commendable work of making Allome of the Native Mines of this Our Kingdom hath been brought to such perfection, as that sufficient quantities of good and well roached Allome have for many years past beén made, as well for the supply of Our own Dominions, which before cost Our Subjects much Treasure, as for forein vent and sale of great quantities thereof into other Kingdoms. By the making of which said Commodity at home, although the benefit accruing in general to Our whole Realm is great, and the Encouragement that thereby is given to Shipping and Navigation very considerable, besides the increase that by means thereof is brought to Our Revenue; yet nevertheless having experienced, that unless a restraint be laid upon the Impor­tation of Allome from abroad, and the use thereof when it shall be brought in inhibited, so profitable and commodious a Manufacture cannot be upheld and maintained: We have therefore thought fit (with the Advice of Our Privy Council) to use all honourable means for the maintaining of that Manufacture in this Our Kingdom: And do by this Our Proclamation (according to the Example of Our late Royal Father and Grandfather) straitly charge and command, That no person or persons whatsoever, do hereafter import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought any Allome, or the Mine­rals or Materials for the making thereof, into this Our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Twede, upon pain of Our high Displeasure, and of the loss and forfeiture of all such Allome, Minerals and Materials which shall be so imported, and to incur such other penal­ties and punishments as by the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm, or otherwise may justly be inflicted on them for contempt or neglect of our Royal Command herein. And We do also hereby straitly charge and command all Our loving Subjects whatsoever, That they and every of them do hereafter wholly forbear to buy, bargain for, sell, utter, or spend any of the said Allome, Minerals or Materials, upon pain of the seizure, loss, and forfeiture of the same, and to be proceeded against as contenmers of Our Will and Pleasure herein declared. And we do hereby authorize and require all Mayors, Sheriffs, Iustices of the Peace, Bayliffs, Constables, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and loving Subjects, That they and every of them, when, and so often as they or any of them shall be requested in that behalf, be aiding and assisting from time to time in the due execution of the premisses. And further, That all Our Customers, Collectors, Farmers, Searchers, Waiters, and all other Our Officers and Ministers in Our Port of London, and all other Our Ports, Havens, and Creeks within this Our Realm and Dominion of Wales, do from time to time take care to search for, and seize as forfeit to Our use all such Allome, Minerals, or Materials as shall hereafter be im­ported, conveyed, or brought into any Our said Ports, Harbours, or Creeks, contrary to the intent of these Presents: And this shall be their Warrant and discharge in that behalf.

God save the King.

In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, His Majesties Printers, 1667.

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