A PROCLAMATION Of Grace, for the Inlargement of Prisoners called QVAKERS.
WHereas divers of His Majesties Subjects, commonly called Quakers, are now prisoners in several Gaols within His Majesties Dominions, for Offences by them committed against the form of a Statute made in a Sessions of Parliament, begun and held by Prorogation at Westminster, the Fifth day of November, in the Third year of the Reign of King James, His Majesties late Grand-father, entituled, An Act for the discovering and repressing of Popish Recusants; or of one other Statute made in a Sessions of Parliament, begun and held by Prorogat on at Westminster, the Nineteenth day of February, in the Seventh year of the Reign of the said late King, entituled, An Act who shall take the Oath of Obedience to the King, and by whom it shall be administred, and within what time. And whereas the Kings most Excellent Majesty since the passing of the late Act of General Pardon, Oblivion, and Indempnity, and the issuing forth several Charters of Pardon, hath in reference to His Royal Coronation, by a late Proclamation, signified and declared out of His farther abundant Grace and Clemency, that His Charters of Pardons should be extended in time unto the Nine [Page] and twentieth day of December, now last past, being the day the late Parliament did dissolve and determine. And His Majesty being now graciously pleased, that His said Subjects, called Quakers, now in prison as aforesaid, should for this time, and on so happy and blessed an opportunity and season of His Majesties Royal Coronation, participate of His Majesties Mercy and Clemency, and be forthwith discharged from their Imprisonment, without being put to the trouble and charges of suing out particular Pardons. The Kings most Excellent Majesty doth therefore by this His Royal Proclamation, publish and declare His will and pleasure to be, and accordingly doth hereby will and command all Sheriffs, Majors, Bailiffs, Gaolers, and other His Officers and Ministers within His Majesties Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, and the Town of Berwick upon Twede, and every of them (whom the premisses shall or may concern) that they and every of them, on the publication of this His Royal Proclamation, do set at liberty, enlarge, and discharge, all and every person and persons, called Quakers, now in custody in any of His Gaols or Prisons in His said Realm, or any the parts or places thereof aforesaid, for any offence or offences done, committed, or suffered against the form of the Statutes aforesaid, or either of them, for not taking the Oaths therein mentioned, or any other Oaths heretofore tendered them, or for any Meetings contrary to the late Proclamation, or for any matter referring to their Opinions, or scruples of Conscience, or for not finding Securities for appearances of, and from their and every of their Imprisonments respectively, without demanding or taking any other Fées or Duties of them, or any of them, then for Lodging, Diet, and other necessaries: And also to set at liberty, such other persons as are now in custody onely for not taking the Oaths enjoyned by the Statutes above-mentioned, or either of them, or upon any prosecution for not taking the said Oaths, expecting for the future their Conformity and Obedience to the Laws of the Kingdom; and for so doing, this shall be to them, and every of them, sufficient warrant in this behalf. And His Majesty doth further declare, that He shall expect returns of Loyalty, and all due Obedience, from all such persons whose liberty is obtained hereby, His Majesty not intending them impunity, if they shall offend in the future: Provided always, and His Majesty doth hereby declare, That this Proclamation, or any thing herein contained, shall not extend to discharge, or set at liberty, any person or persons, called Quakers, now in custody for Debt, or other civil cause commenced or depending against them, at the suit of any of His Majesties loving Subjects; nor for any criminal matter or offence whatsoever, wherewith he or they are or shall be duly charged, other then is above-mentioned, Any thing in this Proclamation contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.
Given at Our Court at Whitehal, the Eleventh day of May, in the Thirteenth year of Our Reign, 1661.
LONDON, Printed by IOHN BILL and CHRISTOPHER BARKER, Printers to the KING's most Excellent Majesty. 1661.
At the KING'S Printing-House in Black-Friers.