A PROCLAMATION Of General Pardon to all Seamen, Mariners and others Imployed at Sea.
WHereas diverse Seamen, Mariners and others employed in His Majesties service at the Sea, and Listed on Board several Ships under His Majesties Pay, Have deserted that Service, and withdrawn themselves into Places obscure, whereof some that were lately apprehended, have suffered Death according to their demerits. His Majesty being Graciously pleased to extend His Mercy to the rest of the Offenders, doth by this His Royal Proclamation freely pardon, release, and remit all and every the said Seamen, Mariners and others, all offences and crimes of this nature, and all pains of Death, and pains Corporal, and doth hereby discharge them and every of them of and from all further Prosecutions and Enquiries in order thereunto. And His Majesty doth expresly command all and every His Magistrates, Officers, and Ministers Civil and Military, that they presume not in any sort to call into question any Seaman, Mariner, or others, for any matter or thing hereby pardoned or discharged. And His Majesty expects that all Seamen, Mariners and others, who have now seen the Examples both of His Iustice and Mercy, should so demean themselves for the future in His Majesties Service, as not to fall into any the like offences again; Which if any shall presume to commit, they shall hereafter be proceéded against with all Rigour and Severity.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 23 d day of December, in the 24 th year of Our Reign. 1672.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1672.