A PROCLAMATION For the Re-printing, Publishing, and Using of a Book, Intituled,
God and the King.
WHereas by the special Command of Our late Royal Grand-father, King James (of blessed memory) there was Compiled and Printed a Book or Treatise, Intituled, God and the King; or a Dialogue, Shewing that the King of England being Immediate under God, within his Dominions, doth rightfully claim whatsoever is required by the Oath of Allegiance: which said Book or Treatise, being universally dispersed through these Realms and Dominions, did in those times (by the blessing of Almighty God) prove an effectual means, both for the instruction of the People in their Duty and Allegiance, and for avoiding the Penalties of the Laws and Statutes made and provided concerning the same. In respect whereof, and to the end Our loving Subjects may not be ignorant of, but rightly understand the said Duty, and the true meaning thereof, which by reason of the late times of Libertism and Distraction hath been by many too much neglected, and not duly considered, We have been graciously pleased to Direct, That the said Book or Treatise be forthwith re-printed and published. And Our further Will and Pleasure is, and We do by this Our Royal Proclamation (by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council) Will and Command all and every the Archbishops, Bishops, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and all other Officers and Ministers whatsoever within these Our Realms and Dominions, That they and every of them respectively, within their several Diocese, Limits, Liberties and Jurisdictions, do (by such ways and means, as they in their Wisdoms and Discretions shall think fit) advise and direct all School-masters and Teachers of the English and Latine Tongue, to teach their Scholars the said Book or Treatise, either in Latine or English, according to their respective capacities. And also, that it be recommended to all Masters of Families and Apprentices to have one of the said Books or Treatises, with advice to read and be instructed in the same, and the contents and true meaning thereof, thereby to enable themselves to understand and perform the said Oath, and avoid the Penalties of the Laws and Statutes made and provided against such as infringe or neglect the same. And for the better incouragement of Our Subjects in so good and necessary a work; We do by these presents straitly Charge and Command all Printers, Stationers and Booksellers, and all other persons whatsoever, That they or any of them do not at any time or times hereafter ask, take, or demand for the said Book or Treatise, above the price or sum of six pence of lawful money of England, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answer the contrary at their uttermost perils.
Given at the Court at Whitehall, December the fifth, 1662. in the Fourteenth year of Our Reign.
LONDON: Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1662.