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By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the Prohibiting the Importation of Glass-Plates.


WHereas it hath ever beén the great care and wisdom of Our Royal Progenitors, Kings and Queens of this Realm, to give all due encouragement to the Manufactory thereof, by which so great a part of the Nation have been susteined, and upon all occasions rendred serviceable to the Crown, both in times of War and Peace: And therefore hath been the wisdom of this Nation to provide upon all occasions against the Importation of Foreign Manufactures, tending to the decay and prejudice of those used and exercised within this Realm. We therefore taking into Our Princely Consideration the great usefulness and commodity of Making and Working Looking-gla [...] Plates, and other Rough and Wrought Glass-Plates, within this Our Kingdom of England, a Manufacture lately found out, and brought to perfection by some of Our Natural English Sub­jects, and of the great benefit that will thereby redound both to Our Self in the increase of Our Revenue, and to all Our loving Subjects in general, especially the Artificers that deal in, Make and Work the said Plates; which in short time will become the support of many Families of Our good Subjects, if the said Manufacture receive due en­couragement from Our Princely Care thereof; And especially if the Importation of such Glass-Plates from other parts beyond the Seas into this Our Realm be restrained. And We being given to understand that very extraordinary quantities of the said Glass-Plates have been brought into this Our Kingdom since the said Invention of Making them here by Our Natural Subjects hath been exercised and known, on purpose (as is very probable) to fill the Markets therewith, to the end the Inventors and Makers thereof may be discouraged, and the said Manufacture wholly laid aside: Which nevertheless, for encouragement of Our Subjects Industry in this and the like Inven­tions, We hold necessary to be supported. And whereas the Inventors, and other persons concerned in the Ma­nagement of the said Manufacture in this Our Kingdom, have undertaken and engaged to furnish Our Subjects [Page] therewith, at as low, or cheaper Rates then formerly; The due performance whereof We do and shall expect from them accordingly, And do hereby Require and Enjoyn [...]e same. We do therefore by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, by these presents, straitly Charge, Prohibi [...] [...]nd Ordain, That from and after the Tenth day of September now next coming, no person or persons, Native, Denize, Alien or others, shall Import, Bring, Send, or Convey, or cause to be Imported, Brought, Sent or Conveyed into [...]ur said Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or any part thereof, from or out [...] any the Realms or parts beyond the Seas, or out of any other of Our Kingdoms or Dominions, any manner o [...] Glass-Plates, either Rough, or Wrought into Looking-glass-Plates, Spectacles, Burning-Glasses, Tubes, o [...] any other form or fashion of Glass-Plates whatsoever. And further, That no person or persons whatsoever aforesaid [...]hat now use, or hereafter shall use the Trade or Occupation of Retailing, Selling, or Vttering Looking-glass-Pla [...]s, Rough Glass-Plates, Spectacles, Burning-Glasses, Tubes, or other Wrought Glass-Plates whatsoever, [...]ithin any of Our Kingdoms or Dominions, shall at any time hereafter directly or indirectly Buy, Bargain or C [...]ntract for or concerning the Importation of any Rough Glass-Plates, or Plates wrought into Looking-glasses Spectacles, Burning-glasses, Tubes, or other Wrought Glass-Plates whatsoever made beyond the Seas, or in a [...]y other place out of Our said Realm of England, and Domi­nion of Wales; Nor shall Bargain for, Buy or Sell such Glass-Plates so Imported, knowing the same to be Manu­facted beyond the Seas, upon pain of forfeiting all that b [...] Law is forfeitable, and such other punishment as by Our Law or Prerogative-Royal may be likewise inflicted up [...]n the Contemners of Our Royal Authority; Any Char­ter, Licence, Power, Authority or Priviledge to the cont [...]ry notwithstanding. And We do hereby further straitly Charge and Command all Sheriffs, Iustices of the Pea [...], the Farmers of Our Customs, Comptrollers, Search­ers, Waiters, and other Officers in Our Port or Port [...] within Our said Realm, and all Constables and other Of­ficers and Ministers of Iustice, and all other Our loving Subjects, to be diligent in and about the preventing of the Importation of the said Manufacture, and discovery of [...]e same, if any such shall be Imported, and to cause such the Offenders to be duely punished as to Law and Iusti [...]e shall appertain.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAJESTY, 1664.

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