A PROCLAMATION For the further Adjournment of the two Houses of Parliament.
THe Kings most Excellent Majesty having with the Advice of His Privy Council, upon great and weighty Considerations, resolved upon a further Adjournment of His two Houses of Parliament, doth by this His Proclamation publish, notifie, and declare, That He intends His House of Peérs may Adjourn themselves, and also His House of Commons may Adjourn themselves on the said Tenth day of November, until the First of March next ensuing: Whereof the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and all others whom it may concern, may hereby take notice, and dispose themselves accordingly; His Majesty letting them know, That He will not at the said Tenth day of November, expect the attendance of any, but onely such of either of the said Houses of Parliament, as being in or about the Cities of London or Westminster, may be present at the making of the said Adjournment.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Nineteenth day of September, One thousand six hundred sixty and eight, in the Twentieth year of Our Reign.
In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1668.