A PROCLAMATION For the effectual prosecution of His Majesties Commission for the Providing and Making of Salt-peter and Gun-powder.


WE having more then ordinary occasion to provide good and sufficient Salt-peter and Powder to furnish Our Stores, for the Defence and Safety of Our Realms and Dominions, have by Commission lately issued under Our Great Seal of Eng­land, committed the Management thereof unto Our Right Trusty and well-be­loved John Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton, and Our Trusty and well-beloved Sir John Duncombe Knight, Thomas Chicheley Esquire, Commissioners for the Execution of the Office of Our Ordnance, William Legg Lieutenant of Our Ordnance, John Evelyn Esquire, Edward Sherborn Esquire, Clerk of Our Ordnance, and Jonas Moor Esquire; of whose care and fidelities We are well assured: Giving them Power by their Deputies and Workmen, to work all Salt-peter and Gun-powder to be made of Salt-peter digged within Our Realms and Dominions, and between the hours of Sun-rising and Sun-set­ting, to search for and dig Salt-peter in all convenient places, as well in Our own as Subjects Lands; but not in any part of Dwelling-houses inhabited, or to break down Walls, or hazard Foun­dations, or dig in any Threshing or Maulting-Floors without consent of the Owners, nor in Dove­houses, Stables, or other Out-houses, but at convenient times of the day: with power by Warrant from the Iustice of Peace to take up such Carts and Carriages as shall be useful and necessary to carry on the said Work, paying Eight pence per mile for every Lunn they shall carry, according to the late Act of Parliament concerning Carriages, and to provide convenient Houses, Stables. Rooms, Yards, void places, Water, and other necessaries, and to Erect and set up Furnaces and Vessels fit for the making of Salt-peter, agreeing with the Owners; and if they be unreasonable in their de­mands, the next Iustice of the Peace to settle the same: And the said Deputies or Workmen, or any Beasts or Carriages employed in the said Works, are not to be Pressed for any other Service: And they are to repair and make good the places digged, or any way defaced: And if any difference arise, to be composed by the two next Iustices of the Peace to the place, if it be not in a City or Town-Cor­porate; and if there, by the Mayor, Aldermen, or thief Officer: And if they cannot determine the same, to certifie to the Lords of the Privy Council the names of the Offenders, with their Offences, that such further course may be therein taken, as shall be thought fit, as by Our said Commission (amongst other things) may appear. Now to the end so necessary a Work may not be obstructed, and to the intent Our said Commission may be duely observed, We have thought fit to publish the same by this Our Royal Proclamation. And We do hereby Will, and streightly Charge and Command all and singular Mayors, Bayliffs, Constables, and all other Our Officers, Ministers and Sub­jects whatsoever, to be Aiding and Assisting, and give due Obedience and Conformity in all things, in or concerning the Execution of the said Commission, as they tender Our high Displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their perils.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1666.

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