By the King. A PROCLAMATION For the Discovery and Apprehension of the Earl of Bristol.
WHereas We intended to have proceeded according to Law and Iustice against George Earl of Bristol, for Crimes of a high nature by him committed against Our Person and Government; and to the end he might be brought to answer, and to a Legal Tryal, We did give Order, and Our Officers and Ministers have used all diligence to apprehend him; but he doth conceal and lurk in secret and unknown places, and will not submit himself to Iustice, contrary to his Duty and Allegiance: We have therefore thought f [...]t, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to publish the same to all Our loving Subjects, and cannot doubt of their care and forwardness in his Discovery and Apprehension. And We do by this Our Proclamation (whereof he ought, and shall be presumed to take notice) enjoyn and command the said Earl, with all speed, after the publication hereof, to render himself, and appear at Our Council-Board, there to receive and undergoe such Order as shall be given concerning him. And We do hereby further straitly Charge and Command all and singular Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and Subjects whatsoever, to be diligent, and use their best endeavours to search for and apprehend the said Earl, in all places whatsoever. And Our Will and Pleasure [Page] is, That if he be apprehended, they cause him to be safely carried to the Sheriff of that County where he shall be so apprehended; and the said Sheriff safely to convey to the Lords of Our Privy Council, there to answer such things as shall be objected against him, and for such further course to be taken with him, as We by the Advice of Our Council shall direct: Whereof they and every of them whom it may concern, are to take special care, as they will answer the neglect thereof at their perils. And We do hereby further Publish and Declare, That if any person or persons after the publication of this Our Proclamation, shall directly or indirectly conceal or harbour the sai [...] Earl, or shall not use his or their best endeavour for his Discovery and Apprehension, as well by giving due advertisement thereof to Our Officers, as by all other good means, We will (as there is just cause) proceed against them that shall so neglect this Our Command, with all severity.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, this 25 th day of August, 1663. in the Fifteenth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON: Printed by Iohn Bill and Christo [...]her Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1663.