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A PROCLAMATION For the Discovery and Apprehension of Jesuites, Seminary Priests, and others that have taken Orders from the Church and See of Rome.


HIs Majesty having beén informed, That notwithstanding His former Or­ders and Proclamations Requiring Iesuites, Seminary Priests, and others that have taken Orders from the Church and Seé of Rome, and have not since beén reconciled to the Church of England, to depart the King­dom: Yet nevertheless such Priests and Iesuites continue and harbour themselves in the City of London, and Suburbs thereof, and likewise in other parts of this Kingdom, to the manifest Contempt of His Majesties Royal Authority, and the Laws and Religion Established; And notwithstanding His Majesties Commands to have the Laws against them given in Charge in all Counties, yet none have of late beén Apprehended or Discovered. His Majesty thereupon, of His Pious Care for the Preservation of the Protestant Religion, and for the prevention of the endeavours of such Priests and Iesuites who Seduce His good Subjects from the same, hath resolved, That so many of the said Priests as can be found, shall be speédily sent away and Transported into the parts beyond the Seas; And to that end doth (with the Advice of His Privy Council) by this His Royal Proclamation Require, and strictly Charge and Command the Iustices of the Peace of the several Counties and Cities of this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, at the next Quarter, or other General Sessions to be held for the said Counties and Cities respectively, That they and every of them, and also all and every other person and persons whatsoever, do use their utmost endeavour to Discover and Apprehend such person or persons as they or any of them shall either know, or be credibly informed is, or are Priests or Iesuites, or have taken Orders from the Church or Seé of Rome as aforesaid, and that they cause them, and every of them, to be brought before the Lords of His Majesties Privy Coun­cil, or one of His Principal Secretaries of State, who are to Commit them into safe Cu­stody, in order to their Transportation. And that such Discoveries may be the better en­couraged, and more effectually pursued, His Majesty hath given Order to the Lord High Treasurer of England, to cause speédy Payment to be made unto every person who shall make Discovery of any Priest or Iesuite, of the sum of Five pounds for every Priest or Iesuite so discovered, who shall be thereupon Apprehended and brought to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, or one of His Principal Secretaries of State; And moreover, the Charges of sending them up, shall be, and are hereby Directed and Appointed to be born and paid by the respective Sheriffs of the Counties through which they are to pass, who shall have the same allowed unto them upon Passing their Accounts in the Exchequer.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1674.

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