A PROCLAMATION For the Discovery and Apprehension of George Duke [...] [...]ckingham.


FOrasmuch as it appears to Vs that George Duke [...] [...]ingham, who was of Our Privy Council, and otherways imployed [...] great Trusts relating to Our Person and the Publick, and not [...] [...]ound by common Duty and Allegiance, but further obliged by espec [...] [...] extraordinary tyes of Gratitude and Fidelity to Our Crown, hath notwithstanding held and maintained Secret Correspondences by Letters, [...] other Transactions tending to raise Mutinies in some of Our Forc [...] [...] stir up Seditions amongst Our People, and other Traiterous Designs and Practises; And whereas for prevention of the mischievous consequences that might thereon ensue, especially as the present state of Affairs now are; and intending the matter might be [...]ined, and the said Duke be brought to answer what should be objected against him, We did give order to one of Our Serjeants at Arms to use all diligence to Apprehend him; in the execution of which Com­mand, Our Minister was ill treated, and Contemptuously resisted, not without the knowledge and direction of the said Duke himself, as We have just cause to believe, and he (as conscious of his demerits) secretly escaped, and hath withdrawn himself, and doth hide and obscure in places unknown: We therefore (by the Advice of Our Privy Council) do by this Our Pro­clamation (whereof he ought and shall be presumed to take notice) Enjoyn and Command the said Duke with all speéd, after the Publication hereof, to render himself [...]o one of Our Secre­taries of State, or to Our Lieutenant of the Tower. And We do hereby straitly Charge and Command all Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and other Offi­cers and Subjects whatsoever, to be diligent, and use their best endeavours to Search for, and Apprehend the said Duke, in all places whatsoever, and that they safely Convey him to one of Our Secretaries of State, or to Our Lieutenant of Our Tower, that he may be brought to answer such things as shall be objected against him, and for such further course to be taken with him, as shall be agreéable to Law and Iustice. And We do further Declare, That if any per­son or persons after the publication hereof, shall directly or indirectly conceal or harbour the said Duke, or shall not use their best endeavour for his Discovery and Apprehension, We will (as there is just cause) proceéd against them with all severity.

God save the King.

In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, His Majesties Printers, 1666/7.

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