A PROCLAMATION For the better Regulating of LOTTERIES within the Kingdoms of
Great Britain and
WHereas of Our Princely care to preserve Our just and undoubted Rights, and to advance the Welfare of Our loving Subjects in the maintaining and encreasing of the Fishing Trade used within the Seas belonging to Our Dominions, We have by the Advice of Our Privy Council, by Our Letters Patents bearing date the Eighth day of April in the Sixteenth year of Our Reign, Established and Incorporated Our dearest and most entirely beloved Brother James Duke of York, and divers Lords of Our said Council, and other Our loving Subjects, by the Name or Stile of The Governours and Company of the Royal Fishing of Great Britain and Ireland; thereby impowering and enabling them to preserve and maintain the said Fishing. And for the better enabling them to raise moneys towards the carrying on of that Work, for the onely use of the Royal Fishing, did by Our said Letters Patents grant to them and their Deputies and Assigns, the sole and only Use and Benefit of all Lotteries within our said Kingdoms, as well within Liberties as without. And whereas the said Corporation by vertue of Our said Letters Patents have duely deputed and assigned under their Common Seal, Our Trusty and Faithful Servants Sir Anthony Demarces Knight and Baronet, Lovis Marquess Blancford de Duras, Joseph Williamson Esquire, Laurence Dupuy Esquire, and Richard Baddeley Gentleman, to have the sole and only using, exercising, and managing of all Lotteries within Our said Kingdoms, as well within Liberties as without, for, and under the said Company; and to take, have, and receive the benefit and advantage thereof, for the use and benefit of the said Fishing. And whereas We are given to understand, That divers persons have taken upon them to set up and to use and exercise Lotteries in several parts of Our said Kingdoms, without any Authority from Us, or from the said Corporation in that behalf: Now to the intent that all persons may take notice of Our said Letters Patents, and of the Powers given to the sa [...] Company thereby, as also of the Deputation and Assignment by the said Company made as aforesaid, to the said Sir Anthony Demarces, Lovis Marquess Blancford, Joseph Williamson, Laurence Dupuy, and Richard Baddeley, for the sole using, exercising and managing of the said Lotteries, for, and under the said Company for the Royal Fishing, and for the receiving of the Profits and Advantages thereof to the uses aforesaid; And that the same is with Our Royal Approbation and Assent: We have thought fit, and do hereby, by and with Advice of Our Privy Council, declare and publish, That the said Sir Anthony Demarces, Lovis Marquess Blancford, Joseph Williamson, Laurence Dupuy, and Richard Baddeley, a [...]d such as they shall appoint, and none other, upon any pretence or pretences whatsoever, within Our said Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, or any part or parts thereof, shall use, exercise, or manage any Lottery or Lotteries whatsoever, upon such pains, penalties, and forfeitures as can or may be inflicted upon such Offenders, according to Law and Justice; Any former or other Grant, Licence, or Authority by Us given to any other person or persons whatsoever in that behalf to the contrary notwithstanding.
And further, That We shall and will cause all such persons as shall disturb the said Sir Anthony Demarces, Lovis Marquess Blancford, Joseph Williamson, Laurence Dupuy, and Richard Baddeley, and their Deputies and Assigns, and not yield Obedience hereto, to be proceeded against as Contemners of Our Royal Authority. And we do hereby strictly charge and command all Our Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Justices of the Peace, and all other Our Officers and Ministers whatsoever within Our Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, to use their utmost endeavours in the aiding and assisting of the said Sir Anthony Demarces, Lovis Marquess Blancford, Joseph Williamson, Laurence Dupuy, and Richard Baddeley, and their Deputy or Deputies in the lawful using, exercising, or managing of any Lottery or Lotteries whatsoever, according to the Authority to them granted as aforesaid, as also in the hindring and suppressing of any person or persons in the setting up, using, exercising, or managing of any Lottery or Lotteries within Our said Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, save only the said Sir Anthony Demarces, Lovis Marquess Blancford, Joseph Williamson, Laurence Dupuy, and Richard Baddeley, their Deputies, Agents, or Assigns, for the use of the Royal Fishing as aforesaid, as, they tender Our Royal Displeasure, and will answer the contrary at their perils.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the One and twentieth day of June 1665. in the Seventeenth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1665.