A PROCLAMATION, For the better Collecting and Answering His Majesties Revenue arising by Fire-hearths and Stoves.


WHereas His Majesty hath received frequent Complaints from His Com­missioners and Farmers of the Duty arising by Fire-hearths and Stoves, That not onely divers of His Majesties Subjects do refuse to pay the said Duty in such cases wherein by the Laws in that behalf made, the same ought to be paid, and wherein ever since the making of the said Laws, till of late, without Contradiction it hath been paid, but also that the Officers appointed to Collect the said Duty, have been Affronted and Molested, as well by Violence offered to their persons, as by vexatious Arrests and Imprisonments: His Majesty therefore for the better pre­servation of so considerable a Branch of His Revenue, and for the Encouragement and Protection of the said Commissioners, Farmers, and their Officers, in the due Exe­cution of their several Places, is pleased by this His Royal Proclamation (with the Advice of His Privy Council) to Declare, That as he expects the said Farmers and Commissioners, and their Officers, should according to their Oaths faithfully Collect the said Duty, and not suffer the same to be lessened by forbearing to Levy the same in any case where by Law the same ought to be paid so He doth hereby strictly enjoyn and require all His Subjects whatsoever, to observe and be obedient to the Laws made for the Establishing and Collecting the said Duty, and duely to pay the same Duty in all cases where by the said Laws the same ought to be paid: And that they forbear to affront or molest the said Officers by any violent or unlawful ways or means, upon pain of being punished according to the utmost seventy of Law and Iustice. And all Magistrates and Officers whatsoever in any wise concerned, are hereby also strict­ly injoyned to be aiding, favouring and assisting to the said Farmers and Commissi­oners, their Agents and Officers, in all things touching the Levying and Collecting of the said Revenue, and punishing of Offenders, as by Law they are required.


LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1675.

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