A PROCLAMATION For the Apprehending of certain Persons therein named, Accused of High Treason.
WHereas it hath appeared at the Tryals and Arraignments of the Conspirators in the horrid and Traiterous Conspiracy now under Prosecution, That among the several ways and means contrived for the Murther of His Sacred Majesty, Four Ruffians were appointed to go to Windsor, and there to Assassinate His Royal Person; And whereas lately such Information hath beén given upon Oath, That there is just cause to suspect, that Captain Lavallyan, Karney, and Thomas Brahall Gent. being all Irishmen, and James Willson Gent. an Englishman, are the persons that are guilty thereof, and were hired to commit that execrable Crime; And whereas the said Capt. Lavallyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, and James Willson, are since fled from Iustice, not daring to abide their Legal Tryal; The Kings most Excellent Majesty doth by this His Royal Proclamation straitly Charge and Command the said Captain Lavallyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, and James Willson, That they and every of them respectively do before the Twentieth day of October, render themselves to the Lord Chief Iustice, or some other the Iustices of the Kings Bench, who are hereby Commanded forthwith to Commit them to safe Custody, there to remain in order to their Tryals for this their Offence. And His Majesty both also Charge and Command all and every Iustices of Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and all other His Officers and loving Subjects, That they and every of them do use their utmost endeavours for the Apprehending the said Captain Lavallyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, and James Willson, and every of them. And His Majesty doth hereby straitly Forbid and Prohibit any of His Subjects to Conceal, Harbour, Relieve or Receive any of the said Offenders, under the Peril of being themselves proceéded against (as by Law they may) for the Crime of High Treason. And for a greater Encouragement of all such as shall do their Duty herein, His Majesty doth hereby Graciously promise to such person or persons as shall Discover and Apprehend any of the said Offenders, the Reward of One hundred pounds, which shall be respectively paid upon the Discovery and Apprehending of the said Captain Lavallyan, Karney, Thomas Brahall, and James Willson, or any of them. And as an Encouragement to any of the Offenders themselves to come in and render themselves, His Majesty doth hereby further most Graciously promise, That if the said Offenders, or any of them, shall before the Twentieth day of October aforesaid, render themselves, and make a full Discovery of all their Accomplices, That then such person so rendring himself, shall be Pardoned for his own Offence; but if they shall refuse to render themselves as aforesaid, then they shall be proceeded against according to the utmost Severity and Rigour of the Law.
Given at Our Court at Windsor the Eighth day of September 1679. In the One and thirtieth year of Our Reign.
London, Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1679.