A PROCLAMATION For the Apprehending certain Offenders therein named, and for the better Security of His Majesty and His Government, from Dangers arising from Popish Recusants.
THe Kings most Excellent Majesty, upon the humble Petition, and at the Desire of the [...] Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, Doth by this His Royal [...] tion Straitly Charge and Command George Conniers, [...] Symonds, Charles Walsh, [...] Le Phaire, [...] Prichard, and [...] Biston, otherwise Beeston, (late Servant to the Lady Bellasise) who stand Charged as persons Guilty of the Damnable and Hellish Plot for the Destruction of the Kings Royal Person, and the Subversion of His Government, and for the Extirpation of the True Protestant Religion Established by Law within this His Kingdom, and are fled from Justice, so that they cannot at present be Apprehended to be proceeded against according to Law, That they and every of them do before the Tenth day of December next ensuing, render themselves respectively to the Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, or to some other of the Iustices of the same Court, who are hereby Commanded forthwith to Commit the person or persons so rendring him or themselves, to His Majesties Gaol of Newgate, there to remain in safe Custody, in order to their Trials for the Facts aforesaid: And His Majesty doth hereby give the said Offenders to understand, That if they shall not render themselves as aforesaid, His Majesty hath Commanded that a Bill shall be presented to His House of Peers, to be Passed into a Law for Attainting such of them of High Treason, who shall not so render themselves. And His Majesty doth also Charge and Command all and every Lord-Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, Iustices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers, and Loyal Subjects, That they and every of them do use their utmost Endeavour for the Apprehending of the said persons, and every of them, and for their Imprisonment, and safe Custody in manner aforesaid. And for the greater Encouragement of such as shall Discover and Apprehend any of the said Offenders, His Majesty doth hereby Graciously Promise to any who shall Discover and Apprehend any of the said Offenders, the Reward of One hundred pounds, which shall be immediately paid to the person or persons who shall Discover and Apprehend, or cause to be Apprehended, any of the said Offenders, upon notice and proof thereof. And further, His Majesty doth hereby strictly Charge and Command all Constables, Churchwardens, Headboroughs, Tythingmen, Borsholders, and other Parish-Officers within this His Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, That they and every of them do with all possible Expedition make diligent Search and Enquiry in all Houses within their respective Parishes, Hamlets and Villages, and there take an exact Account of the Names and Surnames of all such Persons as are Popish Recusants, or reputed so to be, as well Housholders as Lodgers and Servants, and every of them, and to make up a present List of the Names and Surnames, Age and Quality of all such Persons being of the Age of Sixteen years or upwards, and forthwith to deliver such List to one of the Iustices of the Peace, dwelling in or near adjoyning to the Place where such List shall be taken; which said Justice, and such other Justice or Iustices of the Peace of the same County, City, Liberty or Place, who shall be made acquainted with such List, are hereby required to send for the said Persons so Listed, or such of them to whom by Law the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy may be tendred, and to tender to them and every of them the said Oaths, and in case of a Refusal to take the same, to require the said Person so refusing, to enter into a Recognizance with Two or more sufficient Securities, to appear at the next Sessions of the Peace for such County, City, Liberty or Place; and in Default of their entring into such Recognizance, to Commit them respectively to the common Gaol, there to remain under safe Custody until the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the said County, City, Liberty or Place where such Persons so refusing are to be proceeded against according to Law; His Majesty hereby giving the said Iustices to understand, That the better to enable them to tender the said Oaths, His Majesty hath Commanded respective Commissions to be Issued under the Great Seal of England, directed to the several Iustices of the Peace of such Counties, Cities, Liberties or Places, to Authorize and Require them or any two of them to Administer the said Oaths accordingly.
And moreover, His Majesty doth hereby Straitly Charge and Command all and every the said Lord-Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, and Iustices of the Peace, That they and every of them do within their respective Iurisdictions, proceéd without delay to Disarm all such Persons as shall so refuse to take the said Oaths. And for the better Effecting thereof, His Majesty is Graciously pleased to Declare, That if any Person shall Discover any considerable quantity of the Arms of any Popish Recusant, or Person so reputed, he shall have as a Reward for the same, the Sum of Ten pounds, the same to be paid unto him by the Sheriff of the County or City where the same shall be done; which said Sum shall be allowed unto such Sheriff upon his Account in the Exchequer. And lastly, His Majesty doth hereby further Charge and Command all and every His Officers of or belonging to any of His Sea-Ports, That they and every of them do take special Care, and use their utmost Diligence for the Apprehending of all Popish Priests, and all other Persons being His Majesties Subjects, whom they shall find any just Cause to suspect to be Popish Recusants, coming into or going out of this Realm, and to carry every such Persons before some Iustices of the Peace, who are hereby Required to tender to every of them the said Oaths, and upon Refusal thereof, to Commit the Person so refusing to the proper Prison of that Place, and to certifie their Proceedings therein to His Majesties Privy Council from time to time, that such further Course may be taken for the Safety of His Majesty and His Government, as to His Majesties Royal Wisdom shall be thought fit.
Given at the Court at Whitehall, the Seventeenth day of November, in the Thirtieth year of His Majesties Reign. 1678.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1678.