WHereas in pursuance of Our Gracious Assurances to both Houses of Parliament at the late Prorogation, to let all Our Subjects see that no care can be greater then Our own, in the effectual Suppressing of Popery, We were pleased the Fourteenth of this instant November, in Council, to Direct and Command the Lord Steward and Lord Chamberlain of Our Household to hinder all Papists, and Popish Recusants, or reputed Papists and Popish Recusants from having access to Our Presence, or to Our Palace, or the place where Our Court shall be, from and after the Eighteenth day of this instant November, and did then likewise Command the Iudges of Our Courts at Westminster, to consider of the most effectual means of putting the Laws in Execution for preventing the Growth of Popery, and speedily to Report the same to Vs: Now for the more effectual Suppression of Popery in all parts of Our Kingdom, and Preservation of the true Religion Established, We do hereby Declare and Publish Our further Will and Pleasure, and also strictly Charge and Command all the Iudges of Our Courts at Westminster, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and other Our Officers and Ministers of Iustice whatsoever, That they do forthwith take effectual care for the Prosecution of all Papists and Popish Recusants, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm; And for that purpose, That they give the said Laws in Charge at their respective Assizes, Gaol-deliveries and Quarter-Sessions, and then and there take order that such Papists and Popish Recusants, or persons suspected to be so, may be speedily Presented, Indicted and Convicted according to Law, and that due Process be from time to time issued thereupon.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the Twentieth day of November 1673. In the Twenty fifth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1673.