A PROCLAMATION For Regulating the Colours to be worn on Merchants Ships.
WHereas by ancient Vsage no Merchants Ship ought to bear the Iack, which is for Distinction appointed for His Majesties Ships; Nevertheless, His Majesty is informed, That divers of His Majesties Subjects have of late presumed to wear His Majesties Iack on board their Ships employed in Merchants Affairs, and thinking to evade the Punishment due for the same, bear Iacks in Shape and mixture of Colours, so little different from those of His Majesty, as not to be without difficulty distinguished therefrom; Which practice is found attended with manifold Inconveniences: For prevention whereof for the future, His Majesty hath thought fit, with the Advice of His Privy Council, by this His Royal Proclamation, strictly to Charge and Command all His Subjects whatsoever, That from henceforth they do not presume to wear His Majesties Iack, (commonly called, The Union Jack) many of their Ships or Vessels, without particular Warrant for their so doing from His Majesty, or the Lord High Admiral of England, or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being; And His Majesty doth hereby further Command all His Loving Subjects, That without such Warrant as aforesaid, they presume not to wear on board their Ships or Vessels, any Iacks made in imitation of His Majesties; or any other Flags, Iacks, or Ensigns whatsoever, then those usually heretofore worn on Merchants Ships, viz. The Flag and Iack White, with a Red Cross, (commonly called, Saint George's Cross) passing quite through the same; And the Ensign Red, with the like Cross in a Canton White, at the upper Corner thereof next to the Staff.
And His Majesty doth hereby require the principal Officers and Commissioners of His Navy, Governours of His Forts and Castles, the Officers of His Customs, and Commanders or Officers of any of His Majesties Ships, or upon their meeting with, or otherwise observing any Merchants Ships or Vessels of His Majesties Subjects wearing such a Flag, Iack, or Ensign contrary hereunto, whether at Sea, or in Port, not onely to cause such Flag, Iack, or Ensign to be forthwith Seised, but to Return the Names of the said Ships and Vessels, together with the Names of their respective Masters, unto the Lord High Admiral, Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, or the Iudge of the High Court of Admiralty for the time being, to the end the persons Offending may be duely Punished for the same.
And His Majesty doth hereby Command and Enjoyn the Iudge and Iudges of the High Court of Admiralty for the time being, that at the several Sessions to be hereafter held by His Majesties ComĀmission of Oyer and Terminer for the Admiralty, they give in Charge, that strict enquiry be made of all Offences in the Premisses, and that they cause all offenders therein to be duely punished: And all Vice-Admirals, and Iudges of Vice-Admiralties, are also to do the same, and to attend the due obserĀvation hereof within the several Ports and places of their respective Precincts.
God save the King.
LONDON. Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1674.