A PROCLAMATION For Recalling Proclamations and Orders not agreeable to the Acts of Navigation, and for Encouragement of Trade


WHereas We by an Order in Council of the Five and twentieth of October 1665. upon the reasons therein expressed, did give Liberty to Merchants, and other Our Sub­jects Trading to, and having Goods and Merchandise at Malaga, Alicant, and other Foreign parts, to return, and bring home their Effects in Ships belonging to any in Amity with Vs, notwithstanding the said Acts; And We did thereby declare, That when We should think fit to determine that Dispensation, We would by Our Royal Proclamation give Six Moneths notice thereof, to the end no Merchant, or other person therein concerned, should be surprized; Which Order was not, nor could be intended to give Liberty to any of Our Subjects to bring in their Goods in Ships belonging to any then in Amity with Vs, after they became Our Enemies: We taking the same into consideration, have thought fit (with the Advice of Our Privy Council) to publish this Our Royal Proclamation; And do hereby declare, That the said Order of the Twenty fifth of October 1665. and the Liberty thereby given, shall from henceforth determine, and be revoked; Yet so nevertheless, that all such Merchants as upon encouragement of the forementioned Order, have made use of Foreign Ships as aforesaid, shall not suffer any prejudice for their so doing, within the space of Sir Moneths from the Date hereof. And further, His Majesty doth declare, That all other Proclamations, Orders, and Warrants that have been at any time issued, or granted upon any occasion whatso­ever, during the late War, which do not agree with, or are in any wise contrary to the said Arts, or either of them; And all and every the Dispensations, Licences, Liberties, Clauses, Matters and Things in the said Proclamations, Orders and Warrants, or any of them contained, shall from and after the Date hereof, be void, and of no force, to all intents and purposes whatsoever; Any thing in them, or any of them contained to the contrary notwithstanding: Whereof all persons concerned are to take notice, and conform themselves accordingly.


In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1667.

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