A PROCLAMATION For putting off the Fair to be held the Thirteenth of
October next ensuing, in the Fields and Grounds neer
THe Kings most Excellent Majesty out of his Princely and Christian care of His Loving Subjects, that no good means of Providence may be neglected to stay the further spreading of the great Infection of the Plague, doth find it necessary to prevent all occassions of publick concourse of His People for the present, till it shall please Almighty God of his goodness to cease the violence of the Contagion, which is very farre dispersed into many Parts of this Kingdom already; And therefore remembring that there is at hand a Fair in the Fields and Grounds near Gravesend in the County of Kent, upon the Thirteenth Day of October next ensuing, unto which there is usually great resort from the adjacent places which are at the present Infected, the holding whereof would in all likelihood be the occasion of further danger and Infection to other parts of the Land which by Gods merry stand clear and free, Hath with the Advice of his Privy Councel thought good by this open Declaration of His Pleasure and necessary Commandement, not only to Admonish and Require all His Loving Subjects to forbear to resort, for this time, to the said Fair kept in the Fields and Grounds neer Gravesend in the said County of Kent upon the Thirteenth Day of October next ensuing, but also to Enjoyne the Lord of the said Faire and all others interested therein, or any of them, that they all forbear to hold the said Faire, or anything thereto appertaining at the accustomed or at any other time, till by Gods goodness and merry the Infection of the Plague shall cease, or be so much diminished that His Majesty shall give Order for holding the same, upon pain of such Punishment, as for a Contempt so much concerning the Vniversal safety of His People, they shall be adjudged to deserve, which they must expect to be inflicted with all severity: And to that purpose doth hereby further Charge and Enjoyne under like Penalty all Persons whatsoever, that they forbear to repair to the said Faire, until it shall please God to cease the Infection now remaining amongst Vs, His Majesties intention being and so hereby declaring Himself that no Lord of any Faires, or others interested in the profits thereof, shall by this necessary and temporary Restraint receive any prejudice in the right of his or their Faires or Liberties thereunto belonging; Any thing before mentioned notwithstanding.
Given at our Court at Whitehall the 26 th Day of September in the Eighteenth Year of our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty.1666.