A PROCLAMATION For Publishing the PEACE between His Majesty and the States General of the Ʋnited Netherlands.


WHereas a Peace hath been Treated and Concluded at Westminster betwixt His Majesty, and the States General of the United Netherlands, and the Ratifications thereof exchanged, and Publication thereof made at the Hague, the Twenty fourth day of February / sixth day of March 1671/4. In conformity thereunto His Majesty hath thought fit hereby to Command, That the same be Published throughout all His Majesties Dominions.

And His Majesty doth Declare, That no Acts of Hostility or Force are to be committed by any of His Majesties Subjects, upon any the Subjects of the said States General within the several Limits hereafter mentioned, from and after the several days and times hereby also specified; viz. after the Eighth / Eighteenth day of March next ensuing, from the Soundings to the Naz in Norway; after the Seventh / Seventeenth day of April 1674. from the Soundings aforesaid to the City of Tanger; after the Fifth / Fifteenth day of May next following in the Ocean, Mediterranean, or elsewhere, betwixt the said City of Tanger and the Aequinoctial Line; And lastly, after the Twenty fourth day of October/Third day of November next ensuing, in any part of the World: And that what­soever Actions of Hostility and Force shall be committed by any of His Majesties Subjects, against any the Subjects of the said States General after the days aforesaid, upon colour of whatsoever former Commission, Letters of Marque, or the like, shall be deemed as Illegal, and the Actors obliged to make Reparation and Satisfaction, and be punished as Violaters of the Publick Peace. And hereof His Majesty willeth and commandeth all His Subjects to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1673/4.

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