A PROCLAMATION Declaring the Parliament shall sit the One and twentieth day of
WHereas this present Parliament has been continuĀed by divers Prorogations, and is now Prorogued to the Twenty first day of October next ensuing; His Majesty having now Resolved for weighty Considerations both at home and abroad, that the Parliament shall then meet and sit: To the end therefore that the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses may take notice thereof, and give their attendance, His Majesty doth by this His Royal Proclamation Publish and Declare, That the Parliament shall then meet and sit, and doth hereby require the Presence of all and every of them, and that they give their attendance accordingly.
Given at Our Castle at Windsor the 26th day of August 1680. In the Two and thirtieth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1680.