A PROCLAMATION Declaring the Cessation of Hostility, and preserving an entire Amity between His Majesty, and the King of SPAIN.
FORASMUCH as Our Dear Brother the King of Spain, upon notice of Our happy establishment upon Our Throne, hath sent Orders into several his Dominions, commanding an entire Cessation, from all Hostility, betwéen Ours and his Subjects. And hath further proposed, that a certain day might be agréed upon, for the publication thereof. We, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Councel, having (also) thought it meét and expedient to renew Our Antient Amity and good Intelligence, betwixt Our Realms, Countrys, Dominions and Subjects: Do, by this Our Proclamation, signifie and make known, to all Our Loving Subjects, That there is as full and entire a Peace and Amity, betwéen Us and Our said Dear Brother the King of Spain, as there was, by the last Treaty, made betweén Our Dear Father of Blessed Memory, and Our said Brother, and that all Acts of Hostility and War, both by Sea and Land, are ceased and shall cease: And that the said Cessation hath taken beginning and Commencement from the time of Our Arrival in this Our Kingdom of England, which was upon the Twenty fifth day of May last past. And further We do hereby Signifie and Declare, That all Prisoners, Ships, Goods, Merchandize, or whatsoever else taken upon one another, either by any of Our Subjects, or the Subjects of Our said Dear Brother, since the said time of Our Arrival in England, be, and shall be, upon due Proofe thereof, redelivered and restored. And lastly we do hereby streightly Charge and Command all Our Loving Subjects, of what degreé soever they be, to take notice of Our Will and Pleasure, signified by this Our Proclamation, and to observe, perform, and accomplish all that hereunto belongeth, as it is to be published on the side of Our said Dear Brother, the King of Spain, the date of these Presents.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the 10/20 day of September, in the Twelfth year of Our Reign, 1660.
LONDON▪ Printed by Iohn Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1660.