By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Concerning the Sale of Fee-Farm Rents.
WHereas in and by a late Act of Parliament, Entituled, An Act for advancing the sale of Fee-Farm Rents, and the Instructions therein mentioned, It is amongst other things Enacted, That the immediate Tenant, liable to the payment of any Rent, shall be preferred in the Purchase of it, before any other; so as such immediate Tenant tender himself to the Lord Treasurer, or Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, to Contract within Six Moneths after the passing of any Patent to Trustees for Sale thereof, and notice thereof published by His Majesties Proclamation, and perfect His Contract, and pay on secure His Money within Six Moneths after, at such Rate as shall be agreed, not exceéding Twenty Years purchase: His Majesty therefore having by His Letters Patents under His Great Seal of England, bearing date the Eleventh day of this instant November, granted unto Francis Lord Hawley, Sir Charles Harbord Knight, Sir William Haward Knight, Sir John Talbot Knight, Sir Robert Steward Knight, and William Harbord Esquire, their Heirs and Alligns, divers Feé-Farm Rents, and other Rents, and Annual Payments therein mentioned, as Trustees for Sale thereof, according to the said Act (All which Rents in the said Letters Patents mentioned, are of the yearly value of Forty shillings and upwards) Doth by this His Proclamation give notice to all His Loving Subjects, whom it doth on may concern, That the Rents in the said Patent mentioned, shall forthwith be sold: And doth hereby require all and every person and persons, Bodies Politick and corporate, who by the said Act are entituled as immediate Tenants, to any preference in the Purchase of any such Rents, that they take care to proceed in their Purchases, and perfect their Contracts within the time limitted by the said Act; or in default thereof, the same shall be sold to such others as shall desire to deal and contract for them: And doth further by this His Royal Proclamation declare, That a former Proclamation bearing date the Fourteénth day of June last, whereby His Majesty gave notice of several Rents passed to the said Trustees by His Letters Patents dated the Thirteénth day of the same June, will (as to the time of Six Moneths limitted by the said Act) expire on th Fifteénth day of December next; and that immediately after the said Expiration, the Rents contained in the said Patent of the said Thirteénth of June (not by that time contracted for by the immediate Tenants) shall be exposed to Sale to such others, as will desire to deal and contract for them.
Given at the Court at Whitehal the Twentieth day of November, 1670. In the Two and twentieth year of Our Reign.
In the SAVOY: Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1670.