A PROCLAMATION Concerning the Act for the Revenue on Fire-hearths and Stoves.

By the King.

WHereas by a late Act of Parliament begun the Eighth of May, One thousand six hundred sxty and one, Entituled, An Act for establishing an Additional Revenue upon His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the better support of His and their Crown and dignity, there is given to us, Our Heirs and Successors Two shillings upon ebery Fire-hearth or Stove; And whereas in the said Act there is a Provision that an account be made of all the said Fire-hearths and Stoves, by every owner and occupier of such Hearth and Stove within six days after notice given to them by the respective Constables, Headborows and other Officers, who were to receive the said Account from the Occupiers of every House, Edifire, Lodging and Chamber before the last of May, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, and to deliver the said Account at the next Quarter Sessions after the said last day of May, which cannot now be observed by reasson the time appointed was elapsed before the publication of the said Act, or that notice could come to the said Constables. Now to the end that there may be no failer in the prosecution, and that this important business which is for the supply of those publick charges wherein the safety and peace of this Kingdom is concerned, may not be deferred or delayed; We have thought fit by this our Proclamation to require and Command all Iustices of the Peace, within their several Limits, that they forthwith require all Constables, headborows, Tythingmen &c. whom it may concern, and whom this Act directs thereunto, that they put the said Act in execution so timely, as that Certificate may be made to the next Quarter SessiĀ­ons after Midsomer next. And we likewise require all Sheriffs, Iustices of Peace or any other person or persons, who by vertue of this Act is required to do or perform any other thing or thing required in this Act, to pursue and fallow the directions of this Act, in order to the execution of the same; And all Our Officers and Ministers in what place or Authority soeber are to be aiding and assisting to all such persons, as are imployed therein, And therof we expect they give us a due Account.

God save the King.

London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1662.

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