By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Commanding the immediate Return of all His Majesties Subjects who are in any Foreign Seminaries, and Forbidding Relief be sent to them.
WHereas by a Statute made in the Seven and Twentieth year of the Reign of the late Queén Elizabeth, it is (amongst other things) Enacted, That if any of the Subjects of this Kingdom (not being a Iesuit, Seminary Priest, or other such Priest, Deacon, or Religious or Ecclesiastical person, ordained, or Professed by any Authority or Iurisdiction derived, challenged or pretended from the See of Rome) shall be of, or brought up in any Colledge of Iesuits, or Seminary Erected or Ordained in paris beyond the Seas, and shall not within Six months next after Proclamation in that behalf to be made in the City of London, under the Great Seal of England, return into this Kingdom, and thereupon within Two days after such return, before the Bishop of the Diocese, or Two Iustices of the Peace of the County where he shall arrive, submit himself to the Kings Majesty and his Laws, and take the Oath of Supremacy, That then every such person (which shall otherwise return, come into or be in this Realm) for such offence of returning, or being in this Realm without Submission as aforesaid, shall be adjudged a Traitor and Suffer, Lose and Forfeit as in case of High Treason. And whereas by divers other Statutes of this Realm, great Penalties are inflicted as well upon the Persons bred up in Foreign Seminaries, as upon their Parents, Guardians, and Friends who shall send them thither, or shall send any Relief or Maintenance to them there; And whereas his Majesty hath been informed, That many of His Subjects of this Kingdom do live in, and are daily conveyed into Foreign Seminaries, where they are brought up and Educated in Romish Superstition, to the great Detriment of this Kingdom: His Majesty doth therefore by this His Royal Proclamation (with the Advice of His Privy Council) straitly Charge and Command all His Subjects of this Kingdom, who are in any Foreign Seminaries, That they do with all speéd return into this His Kingdom; and doth likewise Command and Require their respective Parents, and Guardians, to take the most effectual Care for such their Return. And his Majesty is hereby Graciously pleased to promise His Royal Pardon for their Offence in going into Foreign Seminaries, to such of His Subjects as being now there, shall in Obedience to this His Royal Proclamation, make their speédy Return; and also to their parents, Guardians, and Friends, for sending them thither, if they shall procure their speédy Return. And His Majesty doth hereby straitly Prohibit and Forbid all and every His Subjects of this His Kingdom whatsoever, for the time to come, from going to, or residing in any of the said Seminaries: And doth likewise Prohibit and Forbid all and every His Subjects to send any Relief or Maintenace to any of His Subjects or others, who now are, or shall hereafter be or reside in any Foreign Seminary. To all which His Majesty doth expect all due Obedience, Letting the Offenders to the contrary know, That they shall not onely incur His high Displeasure, but be proceéded against (for their respective Offences) according to the utmost Severities of Law.
Given at Our Court at Whithall, the Eighth day of January 1678. In the Thirtieth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1678