Wee taking notice by the Information of the Lords and Commons, now Assembled in Parliament, That after the vast expence of Blood and Treasure for the suppressing of the late horrid Rebellion in Ireland, begun in October, 1641. There are yet many of the Natives of that Our Kingdom, deeply guiltly of that Rebellion, who have of late br [...]ke out into new Acts of Force and Uiolence, some Murthering, Robbing, and Despoiling several of Our English Protestant Subjects there planted, and others of them by force Entring upon, and Disquieting the Possessions of several Adventurers and Souldiers there, to the great and manifest disturbance and hinderance of Our English Plantation. And being very sensible of the innocent bloud of so many thousands of Our English Protestant Subjects, formerly slain by the hands of those barbarous Rebels, and of new mischiefs of the same kind, likely to fall out, as the sad issue and consequents of so unhappy beginnings. Do therefore, by the advice of the said Lords and Commons, now assembled, Aswell to testifie Our utter abhorring of the said late Rebellion, as to prevent the like for the future, And for the present establishment of the Peace of that Our Kingdom, hold it Our duty to God and the whole Protestant Interest, to Command, Publish, and Declare, And doe by this Our Proclamation, accord [...]ngly, Command, Publish and Declare, That all Irish Rebels (other then such as by Articles have liberty to reside in these Our Dominions, and have not since forfeited the benefit thereof) now remaining in, or which hereafter shall resort to England or Ireland, be forthwith apprehended, and proceeded against as Rebels and Traitors according to Law. And that the Adventurers and Souldiers, and other Our Subjects in Ireland, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, who on the first day of January last past were in the Possession of any of the Mannors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments of any the said Irish Rebels, shall not be disturbed in such their Possessions, untill We, by the advice of the Lords and Commons, now assembled as aforesaid, or such Parliament as We shall call in England or Ireland, shall take further Order, or that they be Legally evicted, by due course of Law: And all Our Iustices of Peace, Majors, Sheriffs, and other Officers, both Civil and Military, both in England and Ireland, are hereby required to be aiding and assisting in the execution of this Our Proclamation, as often as occasion shall require.
Given at our Court at Whitehall the first day of June 1660. In the Twelfth Year of Our Reign.
LONDON, Printed by Christopher Barker and Iohn Bill, Printers to the KINGS most excellent Majesty. 1660.