A MESSAGE Sent from the KING of SCOTS, And the Duke of YORK's Court in Flanders; To the Lord Douglas, and Collonel BROWN; To be communicated to the rest of the Nobility and Gentry in the Scottish Nation.

WITH Proposals and Overtures, for the composing of all Differences, the submitting to Counsel, and the preventing of a Universal Desolation.

Printed at Aberdeen, by David Stranghan; And Translated out of the Original, for general satisfaction.

A Message from the King of Scots, and the Duke of Yorks Court in Flanders.

Right Honourable,

VPon a serious reflect and discovery of the various Im­postures in several parts, I cannot but suspect the inte­grity of your procedure, and deplore the sadness of your Condition, with as much regret of spirit as I do my own: But seeing we have bin prostrated to the powerful indications of the displeasure of the most High, since many are apt to recriminate, and boast of the prosperity of their Cause; which if they did but look back to the source, and search the very principles; and then see, if ever any cause had like success; and whether it be a just reproach to your Enemies, that the judgments of God have begun with them, whilst you know not yet where they may determine.

My Lord, Be pleased to look Northwards upon your Country-men the Scots, who (being instigated by the crafty Cardinal Richlieu, to di­ [...]urb the groth of the incomparable Church of England, and so conse­quently the tranquility of a Nation, whose Expedition at the Isle of R [...] gave e [...]rour to the French) made Reformation their pretence, to gratifie their own avarice, introduce themselves, and a more then Ba­bylonish Tyranny, imposing upon the Church and State, beyond all impudence or example. I say (my Lord) look upon what they have gotten, by deceiving their Brethren, selling their King, betraying their Lord and Master his Son; and by all their perfidie, become onely a conquer'd Nation for their Disloyalty, and an infamy as unparalled, as their Treason and Ingratitude. But behold (Sir) the Scean being [Page 4]changed, and sundry Models and Chimaeras blown away, nothing re­maining of them but empty Coffins; but which is yet less empty then the heads of those Politians, which so lately seemed to fill it. As for the product and success in the several Intervals, we shall not blot paper with a recital of such Interludes; for it is not the various Dis­pensations and providencens in your journey to that Holy Land of purchases and profits, which can serve as an appeal for the justification of your proceedings.

In a word (my Lord) it is the height of all impertinency to con­ceive, that a few Subjects who fall into an exorbitabitant contradicti­on to their own good, can ever constitute a well-order'd Government for the Thousands of true English men that are not clad in Red; let me therefore intreat you, to embrace a just Right to challenge sub­mission to the precepts of Loyalty, and to endeavour the investing of a Lawful Authority and to recover and protect a Civil Government, according to the good old Laws of the Land: For if the essential end of Rulers be the common peace, and their Laws oblieging as they become relative: restore us then to those under which we lived with so much happiness and tranquility, as no age in the World, no Government under Heaven could pretend, or ever did enjoy the like. And now (my Lord) if after the greatest of injustice, and impiety on your parts, you have prosecuted that with the extreamest madness, which you esteemed criminal in your Enemies, viz. For any, To arrogate the supream power to a single person condemn men without Law, (witness the Marquess of Montross, and others) execute, and prescribe them with as little, violate Authority, dispense with your solemn Oaths; in summe, to mingle Earth and Heaven, as many have done by their un­arbitrary proceedings: All which actions do abundantly declare the Hypocrisie of some, and the Justification of others, pronouncing the Assertors of Regal Government the onely honest which have appea­red upon the stage, in Characters as plain, that he which runs may read, whilst there are some that would persecute them even to death. My Lord, When I compare these things together, I cannot but ac­knowledge it the very finger of God, mirabile in oculis nostris; and it is that which induceth me, to beseech you to re-enter into your self, to abandon all false principles, to withdraw your self from Seducers, to repent of what you have done, and to rise and promote the publick Interest.

[Page 5] And whereas many object, that the King is not to be trusted: judge not of others by your selves; Did ever any man observe the least in­clination of revenge in his Breast? Has he not besides the innate pro­pensity of his own nature to gentleness, the strict Injunctions of a dy­ing Father, to forgive all men, even the greatest of Offendors? Yes I dare pronounce it with confidence, and avouch it with all assurance, that there is not an Individual amongst you, throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland, whose Crimes are the most crimson, whom He will not be most ready to pardon, and graciously receive upon their repentance; nor any thing that can be desired of Him, to which He would not chearfully accommode, for the stopping of that torrent of bloud, and extream confusion, which has hitherto run, and is yet im­minent over several places. Do but reason a little with your self, & consider sadl [...], whether a young Prince, mortified by so many afflicti­ons, discip [...]in'd by much experience, and instructed by the miscarria­ges of others, be not the most excellently qualified to govern and re­duce a people, who have so successelesly tryed so many Governments, and various Changes?

As to the Objection that He has lived among Papists, is vi [...]iously inclin'd, and has a wicked Counsel about Him: What can be said more austerely? Have not many the Foreheads to declare, He has lived amongst Papists to his prejudice, who have proscrib'd him from Pro­testants, persecuted Him from place to place, as a Partridge on the Mountains? Whilst the Catholick King was an Allie to England, many there were that had nothing to do with Parists; it was then no crime: God is not mocked, away with this respect of persons: where is it you would have him to be? The Hollander dares not afford him harbour lest the English refuse him theirs: The French may not give him bread, for fear of offending others; and unless he should go to the Indies, or the Turk, where can he be safe from revenge? But suppose him in a Papist Countrey, constrained thereto by incharity to his Soul as well as Body; Would he have condescended to a tolera­tion of Papists. He needed not to have wanted the assistance of the most puissant Princes of Christendom to restore Him, of whom He has refused such Conditions, as in prudence He might have condes­cended to, and the people would have gladly received; So that we may easily divine, who they are that transact & truck with the Jesuit, although at a far distant, and how firm [...]nd near He is to the Church [Page 6]of England, from the least wavering in his Faith. But since there is a toleration of Religions, without exception; do not think it a sinne in Him, to gratifie those that shall most oblige Him.

And further (my Lord) give me leave to introduce this assertion, That for his Vertues and Morality, I provoke the most refined Fami­ly amongst you, to produce a Relation of more piety and moderati­on; shew me a Fratetnity more spotless in their honour, and freer from the exorbitances of Youth, than the King and his two Brothers, so conspicuous to all the World for their Temperance, Magnanimity, Constancy, and Understanding; a Friendship and Humility unparal­lel'd, and rarely to be found amongst the severest persons, scarcely in a private Family.

It is the malice of a very black Soul, and a virulent Renegado (of whom to be recommended were the utmost Infamy) that has inter­prered some complyances, to which persons in distress are sometimes engaged, with those whom they converse withall, to the disadvantage of a Prince.

My Lord, I have but a word to add; and desire, that it may incline you to accept of your best Interest, and prevent that dreadful ruine which the Obstinacy of many doth threaten. Is it not as perspicuous as the Sun, that it lies in the power of the people to summon a Free-Parliament, and such Patriots and Representatives, to reform and no­minate his Counsel, introduce themselves, receive what composition they can desire, have all the security that mortal men can imagine, and the greatest Princes of Europe to engage in the performance? This were becoming worthy-men, & honourable indeed; this is ingenuous self-denial: And it is no disgrace to reform a mistake; but to persist in it lyes the shame.

Doth not bleeding England, Scotland, and Ireland require this? Doth not the Laws of God command it? If so: you cannot, you must not defer it. For what can you pretend that will not then drop into your Bosomes? The humble man will have repose, the aspi­ring and ambitious honours: The Merchants will be secure, Trades immediatly recover, Aliances will be confirm'd, the Laws reflourish, render Consciences consider'd, present Purchasers satisfied; the Soul­dier paid, maintained, and provided for; the Sea-man honourably em­ployed: and what's above all this, Christianity and Charity will re­vive [Page 7]again amongst Hs, Mercy and Truth will meet together; Righte­ousness and Peace shall kiss each other.

On the contrary, consider (I beseech you) the confusion which must of necessity befall Us if ye persist in your Obstinacy. For whilst there is no Order in the Church, no Government established, and that eve­ry man is abandon'd to his own deceitful heart: whilst Learning is de­cried, and the Ministry reproach'd, what can ye expect, but the most direful expressions of the wrath of God, a universal desolation, and desperate Enthusiasme, with other miseries that attend and follow the coming in of Sathans crafty Emisaries, and impure Gnosticks: besides, a universal animosity in the very Bowels of your Nations; the Patent against the Children, and the Children against the Parents, berraying one another to the death: So that the words which our Blessed Sa­viour has himself pronounced, doth exemplifie the condition your once flourishing Kingdomes are reduc'd unto: A Kingdom divided cannot stand. The truth of which, doth not a little reflect upon him, who had rather be a sufferer with the afflicted, than enjoy the pleasures of sin which some possess for a season. Subscribing,

My Lord,
Your Lordships very humble servant, C. CULPEPPER.
For the Right Honorable, the Lord Douglas, to be transmitted to col. Brown, and the rest of the Nobility and Gentry in the ScottishNation.

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