His Majesties GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, At their Prorogation, On Wednesday the 9 th of June, 1675.


LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1675.

His Majesties GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, June 9. 1675.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Think I have given suffici­ent Evidence to the World, that I have not been wanting on My part in My Endea­vours to procure the full sa­tisfaction of all my Subjects, in the mat­ters both of Religion and Property. I have not onely invited you to those Con­siderations at Our first Meeting, but I have been careful through this whole Session, that no Concern of My Own should divert you from them.

Besides, as I had onely designed the matter of it to be the procuring of good Laws, so, for the gaining of them, I have already waited much longer than I in­tended, [Page 4] and should have been contented still to have continued My Expectation, had there any hopes remained of a good Conclusion: But I must confess the ill designs of Our Enemies have been too prevalent against those good ones I had proposed to My Self, in behalf of My People: And those unhappy differences between My Two Houses are grown to such an height, that I find no possible means of putting an end to them, but by a Prorogation. It is with great unwil­lingness that I make use of this Expedi­ent, having alwayes intended an Adjourn­ment for the preserving of such Bills as were unfinished: But my hopes are, that, by this means, the present Occasion of Differences being taken away, you will be so careful hereafter of the Pub­lique, as not to seek new ones, nor to re­vive the old.

I intend to meet you here again in Winter, and have directed My Lord Keeper to Prorogue you till the Thir­teenth of October next.

LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1675.

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