His Majesties GRACIOUS SPEECH TO Both Houses OF PARLIAMENT; On Tuesday April 5. 1664. at the Passing of TWO BILLS; The one Entituled, An Act for the Assembling and Holding of Parliaments once in Three years, at the least; And for the Repeal of an Act Entituled, An Act for the preventing of Inconveniences happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments. The other, An Act for preventing of Abatements of Writs of Errour upon Judgements in the Exchequer.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1664.
His Majesties Gracious SPEECH To both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT; On Tuesday April 5. 1664. at the Passing of Two Bills.
YOu will easily believe that I have come very willingly to give My assent to this Bill; I do thank you very heartily for your so unanimous concurrence in it, and for desiring Me speedily to finish it: and if I understand any thing that concerns: the Peace and Security of the Kingdom, and the welfare of My Subjects (all which I study more then My Prerogative; indeed I consider My Prerogative onely in order to preserving the other) every good Englishman will thank you for it; For [Page 4] the Act you have Repealed, could onely serve to discredit Parliaments, to make the Crown jealous of Parliaments, and Parliaments of the Crown, and perswade neighbour Princes that England was not Governed under a Monarch; It could never have been the occasion of frequent Parliaments. I do promise you I will not be one hour the less without a Parliament for this Act of Repeal, nor, I am sure, will you be the less kind to Me in Parliament. I do again thank you for your excellent temper and respect to Me, and desire you so to proceed, that the Session may be within the time I proposed to you last; and I do assure you upon My Word, and I pray believe Me, That I have no other thoughts or designs in My heart, but to make you all happy in the support of the Religion and Laws established; and if My own wants and necessities are at any time grievous to Me, it is onely, as I apprehend I may not be able sufficiently to provide for those, and for the Peace and Security of the Kingdom; and therefore I am confident you and I, who agree in the End, shall never differ in the Way.